Conflict Styles in Negotiations

Activity 2: Identifying Conflict-Handling Modes

See if you can identify the conflict-handling modes used in each of these situations below.

  1. Two people are arguing. One person stands up and quietly says: "I'm going to the restroom". Upon returning from the restroom, this person changes the topic of the conversation. The person who went to the restroom is in which conflict-handling mode?
    1. Collaborating
    2. Compromising
    3. Accommodating
    4. Avoiding
    5. Competng

  2. Two friends are trying to decide where to go for dinner. Tasha wants to go out for pizza. Mary wants Chinese food. After some discussion, they agree to get burgers and fries. They used which conflict-handling mode?
    1. Collaborating
    2. Compromising
    3. Accommodating
    4. Avoiding
    5. Competing

  3. Suppose you need to use your parent's car but the last time you borrowed it you returned it with hardly any gas. You ask your father anyway, and predictably, he blows up, says you are irresponsible, and don't deserve to use the car. You ask what you can do to earn back his trust. He looks at you, and says, "Clean the garage, wash the car, take out the garbage, mow the lawn, and when you've finished all that, then maybe we'll talk". Your father is in what conflict-handling mode?
    1. Collaborating
    2. Compromising
    3. Accommodating
    4. Avoiding
    5. Competing