Putting Adaptive Selling to Work

Site: Saylor Academy
Course: PRDV217: Introduction to Sales
Book: Putting Adaptive Selling to Work
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Date: Saturday, October 5, 2024, 11:27 PM


Read this chapter, which explains the importance of relationship development in sales. It introduces skills that are part of the sales environment. We will return to this discussion throughout the course and build on strategies you can use to develop these skills.

Putting Adaptive Selling to Work

Adaptive selling occurs when a salesperson adapts, changes, and customizes their selling style based on the situation and the customer's behavior. Adaptive selling allows you to truly listen, understand the customer's needs, and adapt your conversation and presentation accordingly.

On the other hand, if you were giving a canned presentation, you would not be able to learn what the customer thinks is important. For example, if you were selling landscaping to a customer, you would not know if the customer wanted the landscaping to provide privacy or create a view. The only way you would find out is by listening, asking questions, and adapting your recommendations and presentation accordingly. Adaptive selling is much easier when you establish a relationship with the customer.

Adaptive selling takes place in many situations in business and life. It is the selling skill that allows you to adapt your communications to a person or situation. Chances are you already use adaptive selling in your everyday life, but you may not realize it. Do you approach your parents differently than your friends? Do you speak to a professor differently than you do to your roommate? These are examples of adaptive selling.

It is also likely that you interact with each of your friends differently. Do you have a friend that needs tons of information to make a decision, while another friend makes a decision in an instant? Do you know people who want to talk about their decisions before and after they make them and those who just decide and don't say a word? Understanding diversity, or the different ways people behave, is the cornerstone of adaptive selling.

The Social Style Matrix

What makes people so different in their style, perceptions, and approaches to things is defined in the social style matrix. It is an established method that helps you understand how people behave so you can adapt your selling style accordingly. The social style matrix is based on patterns of communication behavior identified by David Merril and Roger Reid. It plots social behavior based on two dimensions: assertiveness and responsiveness.

In the matrix below, the x-axis is assertiveness, which indicates the degree to which a person wants to dominate or control the thoughts of others. The y-axis represents responsiveness, the degree to which a person outwardly displays emotions or feelings in a relationship. In Figure 3.4 "Social Style Matrix," you can see the four quadrants; each quadrant represents one of four social styles: analytical, driver, amiable, and expressive. Each of these styles describes a different type of behavior.

Figure 3.4 Social Style MatrixTodd Duncan, "Your Sales Style," Incentive, December 1, 1999, 64–66.

Figure 3.4 Social Style MatrixTodd Duncan, "Your Sales Style," Incentive, December 1, 1999, 64–66.

Each of the social styles has specific characteristics that are important to keep in mind as you prepare and present your sales presentation. Adapting to someone's social style demonstrates the law of psychological reciprocity, which says that when you adapt, that person will move toward your style. In short, you inspire trust by acting according to the old adage of the golden rule. So, whether you are asking to borrow your mother's car or asking someone on a date, understanding the social style matrix is important to get the result you want.

Analyticals: They Want to Know How

Do you know someone who only wants the facts to make a decision? Perhaps it is your father or mother or a professor. Analyticals are all about facts. They are defined by low responsiveness and low assertiveness. In other words, they like to hear about the pros and cons and all the details before they decide. They are likely to have a financial or technical background, and they pride themselves on being an expert in their field.

They want to hear about the tangible results, timelines, and details before deciding. They are the ones who will read the directions before they put together a new grill or set up a wireless home network. They are so focused on facts that they prefer disregarding personal opinions. They like to understand all the facts before they decide so they know exactly how the product, service, or contract arrangement will work.

You might have some visual cues that will help you identify an analytical. They probably dress conservatively and have their achievement awards proudly displayed on their office wall. They are organized and focused on work activities.

If you sell to an analytical customer, they will ask you precise questions about all the details, and they will respond positively if you make them feel they are right. In other words, do not challenge their facts and point of view. Instead, provide history, data, financial details, and other facts in an organized, structured format. They will ask many questions so they clearly understand the product or service. Since it is important to make the right decision, they will take the time to gather all the facts. Because they put so much effort into making the right decision, they tend to be loyal to the people from whom they buy, believing they doe not need to reevaluate the same facts.

Adapt your style to an analytical one by focusing on the "how." Slow down your presentation and let them take it all in; do not make them feel rushed. Use facts, historical data, and details to be sure they have all the information they need to decide. Use guarantees or warranties to reduce any perceived risk. Give them the time they need to analyze, evaluate, and decide.

Drivers: They Want to Know What

You hve probably watched Super Bowl champion Peyton Manning, quarterback for the Indianapolis Colts, play football on television or the Internet. One of the traits that makes him a champion is that he is focused exclusively on winning each game. When he is on the field, everything else is in second place in his mind. Peyton Manning is a driver.

Drivers have some characteristics that are the same as analytics in that they like to have all the facts to make their decision. However, drivers are different from analytics because they make decisions quickly. On the social style matrix, they are in the low responsiveness, high assertiveness quadrant. These people are "control freaks"; they are decisive and controlling. They work with people because they have to; they see other people only as a means to their end of achievement.

They are intelligent, focused, independent, and competitive. They have little regard for the opinions of others; a driver is rarely described as a "people person." They are high achievers who are in a hurry to meet their goals. They do not want facts just for the sake of having them; they want relevant information that will help them decide quickly.

Like the analyticals, drivers dress conservatively and display their achievement awards on the wall of their office. A calendar is usually prominent to keep the focus on how long it will take to achieve something. Because they are not focused on the feelings or attitudes of other people, drivers usually do business across the desk rather than on the same side of the desk.

The best way to adapt to a driver is to be professional and to the point. Do not spend too much time on small talk; get to the point quickly. Provide options so they can feel as if they are in control. Include a timeline so they can see how quickly they can get results.

Amiables: They Want to Know Why

Actress Reese Witherspoon was recently named the Honorary Chairperson of the Avon Foundation for Women because of her ability to unite women around the cause of breast cancer. She rallies people and brings them together by focusing on the greater good, but she does not assert herself. She is an amiable.

An amiable is most likely to be described as a people person. Amiables are team players who focus on innovation and long-term problem solving. They value relationships and like to engage with people whom they feel they can trust. They are less controlling than drivers and more people oriented than analyticals because they are in the low assertiveness, high responsiveness quadrant of the matrix.

Amiables provide some visual clues because their offices are typically open and friendly. They often display pictures of family, and they prefer to work in an open environment rather than sitting across the desk from you. They tend to have a personal style in their dress, casual or less conservative than analytics or drivers.

When you are presenting to an amiable, establish a personal relationship. They will be more likely to discuss issues with you. When you demonstrate your personal commitment, they will be open to doing business with you.

Expressives: They Want to Know Who

An expressive is intuitive, charismatic, persuasive, nurturing, and engaging. Oprah Winfrey is expressive; she has an excellent rapport with people, even people she has never met. Relationships are essential to her, but only to help her achieve her goal of inspiring her viewers and a better way to live their lives.

Expressives are creative and can see the big picture clearly; they have a vision and use their style to communicate and inspire people. They do not get caught up in the day-to-day details. Expressives build relationships to gain power, so people like employees, viewers, or voters are critical of them. Status and recognition are also important to them.

Since expressives are not big on details, you might find their offices to be a bit disorganized, even cluttered and messy. Their offices are set up in an open format, as they would prefer to sit next to you rather than across the desk from you. They avoid conservative dress and are more casual with their personal style. They want to engage with you and talk about the next big idea.

When selling to an expressive, take extra time to discuss everything. Give them recognition and approval. Appeal to their emotions by asking them how they feel about the product or service; focus on the big picture of what is possible from buying your product or service. You will not get very far if you try to dazzle them with facts and figures.

Social Style You are Selling to How to Adapt
  • Focus on how
  • Include facts
  • Communicate the pros and cons
  • Provide history, data, and financial details
  • Do not challenge their facts
  • Demonstrate results
  • Mention guarantees and warranties
  • Give them time to decide
  • Focus on what
  • Get to the point quickly
  • Provide options
  • Use facts
  • Focus on results
  • Provide timelines
  • Make them feel as if they are in control
  • Focus on why
  • Establish a personal relationship
  • Demonstrate personal commitment
  • Work as a team
  • Focus on who
  • Take extra time to discuss everything
  • Give them recognition and approval
  • Ask them how they feel about the product or service
  • Focus on the big picture
  • Use facts and figures to demonstrate what is possible

Table 3.1 Selling Style Summary

What Is Your Selling Style?

Before you think about the social styles of other people, you might find it helpful to think about your own social style. Are you very emotional when you express your opinions, or are you more reserved and formal? Are you the type of person who agrees with everyone, or are you extremely interested in the details? You might want to take a few minutes to take the Keirsey Temperament Sorter to understand your social style. But do not stop here; visit your campus career center as it most likely offers several assessment tools that can help you identify your social style.

It would be easy to get stuck in your own style preference. But getting out of your comfort zone and adapting quickly to your customer's style preference can make the difference between a sale and a "no thanks." It is important to note that most people are a combination of styles, but when you understand the basic behaviors of each style and how to adapt, you can increase your chances for success.

Key Takeaways

  • Adaptive selling occurs when you customize your style based on the customer's behavior.

  • The social style matrix is based on patterns of communication that characterize communication behavior based on two dimensions: assertiveness and responsiveness.

  • Analyticals focus on facts, details, and analysis to decide but are reserved in their interactions with people. They want to know the how.

  • Drivers are similar to analyticals in that they like facts, but only the ones that will quickly help them achieve their goals. They are in a hurry and do not care about personal relationships except as a means to their goal. They want to know the what.

  • Amiables focus on personal relationships in their communication style. They like to agree with everyone and focus on team building. They want to know the why.

  • Expressives enjoy building relationships, but do not like focusing on day-to-day details; they like to paint a vision and inspire everyone to follow it. They like to focus on the who.

  • Most people use a combination of styles, depending on the situation.

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Selling Yourself: Networking – The Hidden Job Market

Did you know that 80 percent of jobs are filled through networking? Networking is sometimes referred to as the "hidden job market" because many jobs are filled before they are ever posted. This is true now more than ever because of the challenging economy. Traffic at job boards like Monster.com, CareerBuilder.com, and Yahoo! HotJobs is up 37 percent over last year, meaning companies are deluged with résumés.

Despite the influx in résumés, companies are using more networking – traditional and online – to fill their open jobs. About 50 percent of Facebook's new hires come from referrals from existing employees. According to Molly Graham, manager of Facebook Human Resources and Recruitment, "One of our main philosophies is to get smart and talented people. They tend to be connected."

Zappos, a billion-dollar online retailer of shoes and apparel that was recently purchased by Amazon, has taken employee referrals to the next level and has implemented software that lets employees use their LinkedIn and Twitter contacts. The software uses an algorithm to identify people who might have a skill set and experience match for open positions and then allows employees to invite the prospective candidate to apply.

So now you can see why networking can be a very effective method to potentially learn about or land the job you want. But you might be wondering where you start and exactly how your network effectively. Like everything else in selling, you need to develop a plan.

Create a Networking Plan

Before you start, it is a good idea to review exactly what networking is and what it is not. Just as in selling, networking is about building mutually beneficial relationships; it is about the exchange of value between people, usually over the course of time. Someone might help you now, and you might help that person or someone else later. It requires a relationship and ongoing commitment.

Networking is not a quick, easy way to get a job. Although it can be instrumental in helping you get a job, it is not easy, and it might not be quick. You should approach networking for the long term and realize that you will help some people, and some people will help you. You have the power to help others and ask for help; that is how networking works. To help guide you, here are six power networking tips.

Power Networking Tip #1: Network with Confidence

Do not think of networking as begging for a job. Start building relationships with people – family, friends, professors, and executives – now. That will allow you to build relationships and potentially help someone before you begin your job search. When you begin networking to find a job, be yourself and get to know as many people as possible using the methods described earlier in the chapter (e.g., professional organizations and events).

Keep in mind that you may have the opportunity one day to help the person with whom you are networking, so network with confidence. You will be surprised at how many people are willing to help you because you ask. The fact is people want to help you; they want to see you succeed.

Power Networking Tip #2: Join Professional Organizations

There is no better place to meet people you want to work with than to go where they go. Professional organizations such as your local chapter of Sales & Marketing Executives International, American Marketing Association, Entrepreneurs Organization, Public Relations Society of America, and others provide the perfect environment to meet people in the industry in which you want to work. Start by exploring the professional organizations on campus.

Many are local chapters of national organizations designed to encourage students to get involved. If you do not know which organization is best for you, ask a professor; she will gladly provide some insight. Or go to a meeting and check it out; most organizations allow nonmembers to attend at least one meeting or event at no charge. A good number of professional organizations offer student membership rates that are designed for student budgets. Besides providing an excellent method to network, being a member of a professional organization also enhances your résumé.

But do not just join – get involved. You can impress people with your skills, drive, and work ethic by joining a committee, planning an event, working on the organization's Web site, or another project. It is a great way to build your experience and résumé and impress prospective employers. At the same time, you can be developing professional references to speak on your behalf.

Power Networking Tip #3: Create Your Networking List

Networking, like selling, is personal. So list all the people you know with whom you can network. Do not disqualify anyone because you think they cannot help. You never know who knows someone who might be the link to your next job.

Follow the same strategy for your personal networking as you would use for networking for selling: write down the four Fs - friends, family, friends' family, and family's friends using a format like an example shown in Table 3.2, "Sample Networking List." But do not stop there; include your manicurist, insurance agent, hairstylist, and anyone with whom you have a relationship. Do not forget to visit your school's alumni office. It is always easier to start networking with people with whom you already have a relationship.

Name Relationship Email Phone Date of Contact Follow-Up Date
Manny Romeo Dad's friend at Crane, Inc. mromeo@craneinc.com 616-787-9121 March 4 Need to touch base again at end of the month
Marie Jennings Mom's friend mjennings@comcast.net 616-231-0098 March 6 Early April (April 6)
Jamal Isper Dad's friend at Polk & Polk jasper@polk.com 791-887-9091 March 10 March 17
Shalee Johnson Hairstylist Not available; will talk to her on my next appointment 616-765-0120 April 7 To be determined based on first contact
Rajesh Sumar Director of Alumni Relations at school rajesh.sumar@university.edu 891-222-5555 ext. 2187 March 12 To be determined based on first contact
Annette Roberts General Sales Manager, Castle Controls aroberts@castle.com 888-989-0000 x908 March 12 To be determined based on first contact

Table 3.2 Sample Networking List

Power Networking Tip #4: Know What to Say

Everyone tells you to do networking, but what do you say after you create your list? You will be delivering your brand message to everyone with whom you are networking, so be specific about what you are looking for. Always take the opportunity to expand your network by asking for the names of other people whom you might contact. For example, assume you are networking with Vera, a friend of the family:

You: I really enjoy marketing and advertising. In fact, I am looking for an internship at an advertising agency in account management. Do you know of anyone who might be looking for an intern for the summer?
Vera: I do not really know anyone at an advertising agency.
You: Thanks. I was wondering if you might know anyone who might know someone who works at an advertising agency.

You will be surprised at how many people may be able to give you the name of someone you can contact. Not everyone will give you a name, but if you do not ask, most people will not think about whom they might know.

You might also network with someone who gives you the name of someone to contact. For example,

You: I will graduate from State College in May with a degree in business administration. I enjoy the idea of helping people increase their company's sales, so I am looking for a job in selling. Do you know of anyone who might have an opportunity in sales?
Jon: Have you talked to anyone at Universal Parts? They have an excellent training program, and the sales reps get a company car. You might want to touch base with Chris Reddy, who is one of the sales managers. I can give you his contact information.
You: Jon, I really appreciate your help. Can I mention your name when I contact him?
Jon: Sure. Chris is a great leader and is always looking for good people.

When you contact Chris Reddy, it is best to make contact by phone, if possible. That way you have an opportunity to create a relationship (remember how important relationships are in selling, especially when you are selling yourself). A phone call might start like this:

You: Hello, Chris. My name is Rakeem Bateman. Jon Keller suggested I give you a call.
Chris: Hello Rakeem. Jon and I have known each other for several years. How do you know Jon?
You: I met him at a Sales & Marketing Executives International event last week. He was one of the speakers. I enjoyed hearing what he had to say so much that I stayed to talk to him after the event. I will graduate from State College in May with a degree in business administration. I enjoy the idea of helping people increase their company's sales, so I am looking for a job in selling. Jon suggested that I touch base with you to find out if Universal Parts might be looking to expand their sales organization.

If someone has referred you, always include that in your introduction. If your networking occurs via email, you should do the same thing. When you send your résumé to someone with whom you are networking via email, it is best to include the three bullet points from your cover letter as the body of the email. That allows the person you send the letter to to see at a glance that they want to open your résumé. Usually, the person you send your résumé to forwards it to someone else. Writing a short, easy-to-skim note helps tell every recipient what you have to offer. For example, see Figure 3.5 "Sample Email for Networking" for a sample email to Chris Reddy.

Figure 3.5 Sample E-mail for Networking

Figure 3.5 Sample Email for Networking

You can see that when you are networking you want to focus on being specific about what you are looking for, asking for names of people with whom you might network, and creating a relationship with those people.

Power Networking Tip #5: Online Professional Social Networking

Social networking sites can be a more powerful job search tool than most people realize, and their power can go both ways: The sites can work in your favor, but they can also work against you. When you're preparing to apply for jobs, keep in mind that many employers search social networking sites like Facebook and MySpace to weed out applicants who might not fit with their company culture. Twenty-two percent of employers claim to use social networking sites when considering potential hires. Of those employers, 34 percent said they chose not to hire a candidate based on the information they had dug up about that person online.

One human resources manager based in Seattle says she has turned down an otherwise promising job candidate's application on many occasions after visiting the applicant's networking profile. "Sometimes there are compromising photos or videos posted out there where anyone can find them," she says. "When that happens, those applications go right in the trash."

Elizabeth Lee, personal communication, June 26, 2009. You can find out all kinds of things about a person from his MySpace profile that you couldn't necessarily learn from his cover letter or résumé! As social networking expert Patrice-Anne Rutledge says, before you go on the job market, make sure you "get rid of your digital dirt." In particular, look through any videos or photographs you may have uploaded to your profile, any Web sites you may have linked to, and any personal information you reveal that may be controversial or reflect on you in a negative light.

You have Got the Power: Tips for Your Job Search – Clean Up Your Pages.

Get rid of your digital dirt before you start applying for jobs. Your Facebook or Instagram profile could negatively impact your chances of getting a job at your chosen company. Gauge the appropriateness of the videos, photographs, and comments on your pages and decide whether it would be a problem if a potential employer saw them. Many employers will search your social networking profiles to learn what your résumé and cover letter do not reveal.

On the other hand, professional social networking sites are tools you can leverage to great advantage in your job search if you use them proactively. LinkedIn is the biggest and most frequently used networking site. Still, there are several others, including Jobster, Ryze, ZoomInfo, and Plaxo, that allow you to create a professional profile and find contacts in your target industry or at target companies. Although it is easy to create an account on these sites, you will not get the full benefit unless you do two things: make an effort to keep your profile up-to-date and try to grow your network. Here are a few social networking tips to keep in mind:

  • Make yourself stand out. Think about the skills and qualities that make you unique. What sets you apart as your own distinctive brand? Your online networking profile should reflect this. Do not just reproduce your résumé; make your profile into your "elevator speech," highlighting your interests and using powerful words to describe your experience and talents. Your network profile is searchable on Google, so consider the keywords you use to describe yourself.

  • Publicize your profile. LinkedIn allows you to search your email address book for contacts that also have accounts, so you can easily grow your network. You should also be willing to ask people you know in your industry, including professors and mentors, to join your network. These people are well-connected and want to see you succeed. In addition, you can start using your LinkedIn profile badge on outgoing emails and, if you have one, on your Web site. When you publicize yourself this way, people will start linking to you. Many companies and recruiters are accelerating their use of LinkedIn. "We could not believe the candidates we got" from LinkedIn, says Scott Morrison, director of global recruiting programs at software giant Salesforce.com.

  • Ask for recommendations. As you begin to build a professional network online, you can use it the same way you would use a regular social network. Ask people for recommendations of your work and referrals to new contacts. Maybe a former professor knows the marketing manager at a company where you want to work; ask them to introduce you. Requesting this can be terrifying at first, but have confidence. Remember that your professors, mentors, and fellow professionals want to help you, and when they can help you, they will. But you will not get the help if you do not ask for it.

  • Join groups. Start by joining The Power of Selling group on LinkedIn. Sites like LinkedIn have thousands of groups that are specific to interest, location, hobbies, and industry. Join your local professional group – the Chicago Sales and Marketing Executives group, for instance – and join your school's alumni association. Your alumni group is an extremely important connection to make because people are almost always eager to help their fellow alumni succeed. But do not stop there; search for other groups that are in the industry you want to pursue. You can just listen to the conversation and then jump in when you feel comfortable.

  • Create content. Think about when you are considering making a major purchase. What do you do? You probably research online to determine the pros and cons of each alternative. Employers do the same thing, so be sure your profile is compelling and up-to-date. In addition, use your social networking pages to create content to demonstrate your skills.

    For example, write a blog and link it to your Facebook page or post tweets on Twitter about a project on which you are working, a topic about which you are passionate, or even your job search. Get people to follow you and engage in the dialogue. Direct them to your personal Web site, samples of your work, or the content you have created. Social networking gives you the opportunity to show and sell with content that you create.

  • Search the social networking job boards. More and more employers are using professional social networking sites to post jobs and seek out prospective employees. It is worth your time to review the job postings using the appropriate keywords.

Power Networking Tip #6: Follow-Up

It might seem like networking does not always work. It is good to remember that networking is all about the exchange of value. Sometimes, you may not find people who want the value you have to offer at the time you are offering it. Do not be discouraged. Follow-up is important in every part of your job search, so follow up with everyone you network with. Sometimes, people are simply distracted or overwhelmed when you first contact them. Or sometimes, their situation has changed, even in just a few days; you will not know this unless you follow up.

It is best to follow up by phone within one week of contact. It may seem easier to follow up by email, but you increase your likelihood of success and building a relationship when you follow up by phone. Do not simply leave a voice mail message, as it is unlikely that someone will return your call. Continue to call until your contact answers the phone, or leave a voice mail and tell them when you will call back, along with your email address. Then, call back when you say you will. You will be pleasantly surprised at the results.

Remember that networking is an ongoing process, whether you are looking for a job or not. When you establish a relationship with someone, keep in touch with them. You should touch base with people in your network at least once every four to six weeks. It is good to call to catch up, but an email can be just as powerful. Send a link to an article or video that you think she will like. It is a perfect reason for keeping in touch and helps establish you as someone who delivers value, even when you are not looking for something.

Key Takeaways

  • Creating a networking plan will help make your networking efforts more effective.

  • Networking is about exchanging value, not collecting business cards. It is best to begin networking before you look for a job to get to know people and provide value to them; it will help you when you begin your job search.

  • Always network with confidence. You are not asking for a favor – you are simply tapping into reciprocal business practice.

  • It is a good idea to create a networking list including friends, family, family's friends, friends' family, and everyone else you know. Write down their names and contact information, so you do not miss anyone.

  • Practice what you want to say when you network with people. It is best to be specific about what you are looking for and always ask for another person with whom you can network.

  • Online professional social networks such as LinkedIn, Plaxo, and other networking sites, including Facebook and Twitter, can help you expand your network and build relationships with many people who might be able to help put you in touch with the right people. Ensure all words, pictures, and videos are appropriate for prospective employers to view.

  • Follow-up is the key to making networking work; do not assume that because you have not heard back from someone, they do not want to talk to you. Take the time to follow up within one week of every contact.