Social Media Plan Guide

This comprehensive guide covers creating a general social media plan, but skim through it and think about how a guide like this applies in crises. How do you effectively communicate critical messages through different social media channels?

Social Media Plan Template


[Date Prepared]


In one paragraph, highlight the importance of a social media presence (e.g., brand awareness, citizen engagement, internal and external communications) and the need for a comprehensive plan to support SMEM operations.

In one paragraph, outline the purpose and scope of the Social Media Plan.

Social Media Team Information

The following table outlines designated staff members who will support the implementation of [Organization]'s Social Media Plan and the management of [Organization]'s social media platforms.

Team Member Name Team Member Role Personal and or Professional Social Media Handles Email Address Phone Number
Personnel Name Role on the team (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc.) (111)111-1111


The following table highlights [Organization or Team]'s SMEM objectives, which align with the [Organization]'s larger strategy. These objectives will serve as benchmarks to measure progress.

Objective One Outline both long-term and short-term SMEM objectives.
Objective Two

Objective Three

Platforms and Audience

The following table highlights [Organization or Team] platforms in use and audiences per each platform. Identifying specific platforms and audiences helps inform a targeted content strategy.

Platform Audience
Facebook Insert the key demographic attributes of the target audience to reach through this platform to achieve your objective

Content Strategy

Outlined below are [X Organization]'s content strategy guidelines to help staff members maintain a consistent brand and tone for the organization across all platforms.

Platform Platform Best Practices Posting Frequency
Insert platform such as Twitter or Facebook Outline best practices to keep in mind when creating and sharing content for each platform Insert post frequency



Content Repository

In the space provided, include example language or screenshots of typical content to be shared on each platform

Social Media Metrics

Outlined below are the metrics that [X Organization] will use to evaluate the success of social media posts and engagement.

Platform Metric Definition of Metric Measurement Guidance
Insert platform name Insert name of metric Insert definition of metric Include any guidance on how the metric will be measured (i.e., any calculations, frequency)



Social Media Account Management Guidelines

Outlined below are the tools the [X Organization] will use to manage posting across all social media platforms.

Tool Description
Insert tool such as Sprout Social or HubSpot Include description and benefits of the tool Include the price of the tool per month or per year

Platform Account Username
Account Password
Insert Platform
Insert Account Username Insert Account Password

Procedure A: Account Audit Guidelines

[X Organization] will conduct a social media audit on an [annual, bi-annual] basis. The team will use the following process:

  1. [Outline key consideration questions or directions for team members on how and when to conduct an audit of social media platforms].

Procedure B: New Account Guidelines

The following section lists [X Organization]'s guidelines for creating a new social media account.

  1. [Outline key consideration questions or directions for team members on how and when to create a new social media account for the organization].

Procedure C: Account Deactivation Guidelines

The following section lists the Social Media Comment Policy or Community Guidelines for [X Organization]'s employees and the public engaging with their social media accounts.

  1. [Outline key consideration questions or directions for team members on how and when to deactivate a social media account].

Procedure D: Records Retention Guidelines

The following section lists [X Organization]'s guidelines for retaining records of social media posts and engagements with other users.

  1. [Outline key consideration questions or directions for team members on following the organization's policy retaining records of social media content and engagements].

Procedure E: Comment Guidelines

The following section lists [X Organization]'s Social Media Comment Policy or Community Guidelines applicable to all staff members and community members who choose to engage with the organization on social media.

  1. [Outline key consideration questions or directions for team members on how to engage with citizen comments on social media platforms].

Procedure F: Security Guidelines

The following section lists [X Organization]'s security policy for social media accounts.

  1. [Outline key consideration questions or directions for team members on how to ensure social media account information is always secure].

Procedure G: Employee Personal Social Media Account Guidelines

The following section lists [X Organization]'s guidelines and expectations for staff members on use of personal social media accounts.

  1. [Outline key consideration questions or directions for team members on the policy for employee use of personal social media accounts].

Procedure H: Accessibility Guidelines

The following section lists accessibility guidelines for [X Organization]'s staff members to keep in mind when creating social media content for different platforms.

  1. [Outline key consideration questions or directions for team members on how to create accessible content for all social media platforms].