Exercises 1 to 36 cover basic C++ concepts that you should be able to complete if you have worked through all of the materials in unit 1. Start with some early problems, then try a few from the middle, and then a few more later from the list. Do not attempt any of the problems after Exercise 36, as we haven't learned these concepts yet. Don't worry, we will come back to them.
1. Write a program in C++ to print a welcome text in a separate line.
2. Write a program in C++ to print the sum of two numbers.
Sample Output:
Print the sum of two numbers :
The sum of 29 and 30 is : 59
Find Size of fundamental data types :
The sizeof(char) is : 1 bytes
The sizeof(short) is : 2 bytes
The sizeof(int) is : 4 bytes
The sizeof(long) is : 8 bytes
The sizeof(long long) is : 8 bytes
The sizeof(float) is : 4 bytes
The sizeof(double) is : 8 bytes
The sizeof(long double) is : 16 bytes
The sizeof(bool) is : 1 bytes
Check the upper and lower limits of integer :
The maximum limit of int data type : 2147483647
The minimum limit of int data type : -2147483648
The maximum limit of unsigned int data type : 4294967295
The maximum limit of long long data type : 9223372036854775807
The minimum limit of long long data type : -9223372036854775808
The maximum limit of unsigned long long data type : 18446744073709551615
The Bits contain in char data type : 8
The maximum limit of char data type : 127
The minimum limit of char data type : -128
The maximum limit of signed char data type : 127
The minimum limit of signed char data type : -128
The maximum limit of unsigned char data type : 255
The minimum limit of short data type : -32768
The maximum limit of short data type : 32767
The maximum limit of unsigned short data type : 65535
Display arithmetic operations with mixed data type :
5 + 7 = 12
3.7 + 8.0 = 11.7
5 + 8.0 = 13.0
5 - 7 = -2
3.7 - 8.0 = -4.3
5 - 8.0 = -3.0
5 * 7 = 35
3.7 * 8.0 = 29.6
5 * 8.0 = 40.0
5 / 7 = 0
3.7 / 8.0 = 0.5
5 / 8.0 = 0.6
Check overflow/underflow during various arithmetical operation :
Range of int is [-2147483648, 2147483647]
Overflow the integer range and set in minimum range : -2147483648
Increasing from its minimum range : -2147483647
Product is :1
Underflow the range and set in maximum range : 2147483647
Decreasing from its maximum range : 2147483646
Product is : 0
Display the operation of pre and post increment and decrement :
The number is : 57
After post increment by 1 the number is : 58
After pre increment by 1 the number is : 59
After increasing by 1 the number is : 60
After post decrement by 1 the number is : 59
After pre decrement by 1 the number is : 58
After decreasing by 1 the number is : 57
Formatting the output :
The value of pi : 3.1416
The value of pi 4 decimal place of total width 8 : | 3.1416|
The value of pi 4 decimal place of total width 10 : | 3.1416|
The value of pi 4 decimal place of total width 8 : |--3.1416|
The value of pi 4 decimal place of total width 10 : |----3.1416|
The value of pi in scientific format is : 3.1416e+00
Status in number : 0
Status in alphabet : false
Print the result of some specific operation :
Result of 1st expression is : 23
Result of 2nd expression is : 5
Result of 3rd expression is : 12
Result of 4th expression is : 3
Sum of two numbers :
Input 1st number : 25
Input 2nd number : 39
The sum of the numbers is : 64
Swap two numbers :
Input 1st number : 25
Input 2nd number : 39
After swapping the 1st number is : 39
After swapping the 2nd number is : 25
Calculate the volume of a cube :
Input the side of a cube : 5
The volume of a cube is : 125
Calculate the volume of a cylinder :
Input the radius of the cylinder : 6
Input the height of the cylinder : 8
The volume of a cylinder is : 904.32
Find the Area and Perimeter of a Rectangle :
Input the length of the rectangle : 10
Input the width of the rectangle : 15
The area of the rectangle is : 150
The perimeter of the rectangle is : 50
Find the area of any triangle using Heron's Formula :
Input the length of 1st side of the triangle : 5
Input the length of 2nd side of the triangle : 5
Input the length of 3rd side of the triangle : 5
The area of the triangle is : 10.8253
Find the area and circumference of any circle :
Input the radius(1/2 of diameter) of a circle : 5
The area of the circle is : 78.5397
The circumference of the circle is : 31.4159
Convert temperature in Celsius to Fahrenheit :
Input the temperature in Celsius : 35
The temperature in Celsius : 35
The temperature in Fahrenheit : 95
Convert temperature in Fahrenheit to Celsius :
Input the temperature in Fahrenheit : 95
The temperature in Fahrenheit : 95
The temperature in Celsius : 35
Find the third angle of a triangle :
Input the 1st angle of the triangle : 30
Input the 2nd angle of the triangle : 60
The 3rd of the triangle is : 90
Convert kilometers per hour to miles per hour :
Input the distance in kilometer : 25
The 25 Km./hr. means 15.5343 Miles/hr.
Convert temperature in Kelvin to Fahrenheit :
Input the temperature in Kelvin : 300
The temperature in Kelvin : 300
The temperature in Fahrenheit: 80.33
Convert temperature in Kelvin to Celsius :
Input the temperature in Kelvin : 300
The temperature in Kelvin : 300
The temperature in Celsius : 26.85
Convert temperature in Fahrenheit to Kelvin :
Input the temperature in Fahrenheit : 80.33
The temperature in Fahrenheit : 80.33
The temperature in Kelvin : 300
Convert temperature in Celsius to Kelvin :
Input the temperature in Celsius : 26.85
The temperature in Celsius : 26.85
The temperature in Kelvin : 300
Find the area of Scalene Triangle :
Input the length of a side of the triangle : 5
Input the length of another side of the triangle : 6
Input the angle between these sides of the triangle : 6
The area of the Scalene Triangle is : 1.56793
Compute quotient and remainder :
Input the dividend : 25
Input the divisor : 3
The quotient of the division is : 8
The remainder of the division is : 1
Compute the total and average of four numbers :
Input 1st two numbers (separated by space) : 25 20
Input last two numbers (separated by space) : 15 25
The total of four numbers is : 85
The average of four numbers is : 21.25
Make a rectangular shape by a single digit number :
Input the number : 5
5 5
5 5
5 5
5 5
Sample Output:
Check whether a number is positive, negative or zero :
Input a number : 8
The entered number is positive.
Divide two numbers and print:
The quotient of 30 and 10 is : 3
Display the Current Date and Time :
seconds = 57
minutes = 33
hours = 12
day of month = 6
month of year = 7
year = 2017
weekday = 4
day of year = 186
daylight savings = 0
Current Date: 6/7/2017
Current Time: 12:33:57
Compute the specified expressions and print the output:
Result of the expression (25.5 * 3.5 - 3.5 * 3.5) / (40.5 - 4.5) is : 2.13889
Formatting the output using type casting:
Print floating-point number in fixed format with 1 decimal place:
Test explicit type casting:
Test implicit type casting:
int implicitly casts to double:
double truncates to int!:
Source: W3resource, https://www.w3resource.com/cpp-exercises/basic/index.php
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