Practice with Real Numbers

Complete these exercises and check your answers.


  1. 6

  2. 8

  3. 3

  4. 10

  5. -2

  6. -1

  7. \frac{5}{1}\frac{319}{100}

  8. \frac{-12}{1}\frac{9297}{1000}

  9. 0.75, 0.22\overline 31.39174...

  10. 0.4\overline 5, 3.591.919293...

  11. ⓐ irrational ⓑ rational

  12. ⓐ irrational ⓑ rational

  13. ⓐ real number ⓑ not a real number

  14. ⓐ real number ⓑ not a real number

  15. 0,\sqrt{36}, 9
    −8, \sqrt{36}, 9
    −8, 0, \frac{12}{5}, \sqrt{36}, 9
    −8, 0, 1.95286…, \frac{12}{5}, \sqrt{36}, 9

  16. ⓐ none
    −\sqrt{100}, −7, −1
    −\sqrt{100},−7,−\frac{8}{3},−1, 0.77, 3\frac{1}{4}
    ⓓ none
    −\sqrt{100}, −7, −\frac{8}{3}, −1, 0.77, 3\frac{1}{4}