Cultural Competence

Cultural competence is the ability to communicate and understand people from different cultures effectively. You will need to know what to do and not do during cross-cultural interactions. You should be sure to study cultural differences before traveling to other countries or attempting to do business abroad. Read this chapter and reflect on how you can use the advice it presents to improve your skills.


  • Cultural intelligence - Refers to the individuals' capabilities to function and manage effectively in culturally diverse settings.
  • Low-rigor cross-cultural training - Training where individuals are exposed to critical information to help them understand the realities of a different culture but are not actively engaged in their learning.
  • High-rigor cross-cultural training - Methods of training where participants are much more actively engaged in the training process and can learn some tacit aspects of cross-cultural differences.
  • Predeparture cross-cultural training - Learning opportunities provided prior to departure.
  • Postarrival cross-cultural training - Training provided after the expatriate has arrived to the intended destination.