Ports and Shipping

International shipping is an essential part of trade. Countries must have port infrastructure and capacity to allow companies to ship their products to consumers worldwide. Countries with good port infrastructure will attract foreign investment and enable local companies to produce and ship to international markets more efficiently. Read this overview of a study of 91 countries with seaports that examined seaborne trade's economic effects, and how port infrastructure quality and logistics capacity affected trade efficiency.

Empirical analysis and findings

This section presents empirical analysis and findings with respect to the research questions stated in Section 1. First, normality of latent variables has been checked through the Shapiro-Wilk test and Q-Q plots of residuals of variables. As none of the variables are normally distributed, the Satorra-Bentler rescaling method has been employed for SEM estimation, as suggested by Rosseel. Validity and reliability statistics of the conceptual model (proposed in Section 2) are then performed. After validation and reliability check, the final SEM and multi-group SEM are presented.