Using What Others Have Learned

This video includes additional strategies that can be used in conflict management. Reviewing what has been completed by others in similar situations or by people who have handled this situation before may help give you a better understanding of the conflict. Sometimes it may also be helpful to find out how the company has handled conflicts in the past. For conflicts with your staff, you can rely on information from other managers and ask how they have handled similar employee conflicts in the past. Your human resources office may be another resource and can give you helpful information on settling disagreements. This section included information about strategies that may be used in conflict management. At times, you will need to be creative when resolving conflict. Depending on the conflict, you will need to understand the available resources to assist you in managing the conflict. How would you summarize a conflict that is either taking place in your workplace now or has occurred in the past? What strategies can be (or were) used to resolve the situation?

Last modified: Tuesday, February 20, 2024, 4:31 PM