Chicago Notes and Bibliography

Read this article to learn the correct way to format citation notes and bibliographies using Chicago style.

Chicago Manual of Style | 16th Edition

The first entry shown below is the first note for a source. The second entry shown is for subsequent notes for a source. The third entry is the bibliographic entry for the note. This will be found in the bibliography at the end of the work.

Print Book

1. Antony Penrose, The Lives of Lee Miller (London: Thames and Hudson, 1985), 191.

2. Penrose, Lives of Lee Miller, 198.

Penrose, Antony The Lives of Lee Miller. London: Thames and Hudson, 1985.

Two to Three Authors

1. Richard Sennett and Jonathan Cobb, The Hidden Injuries of Class (New York Vintage Books, 1973), 102-7.

2. Sennett and Cobb, Hidden Injuries, 10.

Sennett, Richard, and Jonathan Cobb. The Hidden Injuries of Class. New York: Vintage Books, 1973.

Four or More Authors

Note: List all of the authors in the bibliography. In the notes, list only the first author followed by et al. (meaning "and others").

1. Henry Beard et al., Rationalizations to Live By (New York: Workman Publishing, 2000), 74.

2. Beard et al., Rationalizations, 11.

Beard, Henry, Andy Borowitz, and John Boswell. Rationalizations to Live By. New York: Workman Publishing, 2000.

Unknown Author

Note: Alphabetize the bibliographic entry by the first word of the title (ignoring articles such as A, An, and The).

1. A Cypher's Guide to Staying Under the Radar (London, 2002), 10.

2. Cypher's Guide, 133.

A Cypher's Guide to Staying Under the Radar. London, 2002.

Edited Work without an Author

1. Edmund V. Gillon, ed., Cartouches and Decorative Small Frames (New York: Dover Publications, 1975), 55.

2. Gillon, Cartouches and Decorative, 3.

Gillon, Edmund V., ed. Cartouches and Decorative Frames. New York: Dover Publications, 1975.

Edited Work with an Author

1. Tallulah Marie Osborn, Tall Tales and Little Conies, ed. Mattie M. Sable (Burlington, VT: Parrish Publishing, 1999), 23.

2. Osborn, Tall Tales, 147.

Osborn, Tallulah Marie, Tall Tales and Little Conies. Edited by Mattie M. Sable. Burlington, VT: Parrish Publishing, 1999.

Translated Work

1. Dimitri Topher, Munch's Scream, trans. Peter Sussan (Madrid: Madman Publishing, 1987), 21.

2. Topher, Munch's Scream, 32.

Topher, Dimitri. Munch's Scream. Translated by Peter Sussan. Madrid: Madman Publishing, 1987.

Edition Other Than the First

1. Brenda Ueland, If You Want to Write, 2nd ed. (Saint Paul, MN: Gray Wolf Press, 1987), 16.

2. Ueland, Write, 24.

Ueland, Brenda. If You Want to Write. 2nd ed. Saint Paul, MN: Gray Wolf Press, 1987.

Volume in a Multivolume Work

1. Diane Englert, ed., History of World Theatre, vol. 3 of Theatre as Revolution (New York: Wayward Publishing, 1988), 51.

2. Englert, World Theatre, 45.

Englert, Diane, ed. History of World Theatre. Vol. 3 of Theatre as Revolution. New York: Wayward Publishing, 1988.

Work in an Anthology

1. Julian Huxley, "An Essay on Bird-Mind," in Great Essays in Science, ed. Martin Gardner (Buffalo, NY: Prometheus Books, 1994), 247.

2. Huxley, "Bird-Mind," 188.

Huxley, Julian. "An Essay on Bird-Mind." In Great Essays in Science, edited by Martin Gardner, 247. Buffalo, NY: Prometheus Books, 1994.

Letter in a Published Collection

Note: If the letter writer's name is part of the collection title, then begin the note with only their last name but use their full name in the bibliography entry.

1. Tolkien to Sir Stanley Unwin, 9 May 1947, in The Letters of J. R. R. Tolkien, ed. Humphrey Carpenter (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1981), 119-120.

2. Tolkien, The Letters of J. R. R. Tolkien, 120.

Tolkien, J. R. R. The Letters of J. R. R. Tolkien. Edited by Humphrey Carpenter. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1981.

Work in a Series

1. Mark LaPierre, Contemporary Musicians' Guide to Turn of the Century Sheet Music, Contemporary Musicians' Guide to American Music (New York: Pokenstein Press, 2002), 117.

2. LaPierre, Contemporary Musicians' Guide, 119.

LaPierre, Mark. Contemporary Musicians' Guide to Turn of the Century Sheet Music. Contemporary Musicians' Guide to American Music. New York: Pokenstein Press, 2002.

Ebooks with Page Numbers

Note: Cite the version you consulted, e.g. Kindle edition, or list the URL for books available online (only include the date accessed if it is required by your publisher).

1. Gail Peay, Me, Myself, and I: A Fascinating Glimpse into the World of Narcissism (Pasadena, CA: Vanity Press, 2002), 828-29,

2. Peay, Me, Myself, and I, 44.

Peay, Gail. Me, Myself, and I: A Fascinating Glimpse into the World of Narcissism. Pasadena, CA: Vanity Press, 2002.

Ebooks without Page Numbers

Note: Cite the version you consulted, e.g. Kindle edition, or list the URL for books available online (only include the date accessed if it is required by your publisher). If there are no page numbers, then include a chapter number (e.g. chap. 11) or section title.

1. Khaled Hosseini, The Kite Runner (New York: Penguin, 2004), chap. 5, Kindle edition.

2. Hosseini, Kite Runner, chap. 2.

Hosseini, Khaled. The Kite Runner. New York: Penguin, 2004. Kindle edition.

Print Journal Article

Note: For journal articles the note should only include the pages you are quoting or summarizing, but include the page range for the entire article in the bibliography.

1. Harvey G. Cox, "Moral Reasoning and the Humanities," Liberal Education 71, no. 3 (1985): 199.

2. Cox, "Moral Reasoning," 194.

Cox, Harvey G. "Moral Reasoning and the Humanities." Liberal Education 71, no. 3 (1985): 195-204.

Online Journal Article

Note: For journal articles the note should only include the pages you are quoting / summarizing, but include the page range for the entire article in the bibliography. If the article has no page numbers, then you can include a locator, such as a paragraph number (with the abbreviation par.) or section heading, in the note.

1. Lana Hysell, "The Bone of Contention," Anthropomorphic Digest 7, no. 2 (2004): par. 8,

2. Hysell, "The Bone of Contention," par. 9.

Hysell, Lana. "The Bone of Contention." Anthropomorphic Digest 7, no. 2 (2004).

Print Magazine Article

Note: For magazine articles the note should only include the pages you are quoting / summarizing, but include the page range for the entire article in the bibliography.

1. Judith Thurman, "The Candidate's Wife," The New Yorker, September 2004, 132.

2. Thurman, "The Candidate's Wife," 126-128.

Thurman, Judith. "The Candidate's Wife." The New Yorker, September 2004, 124-135.

Online Magazine Article

Note: For magazine articles the note should only include the pages you are quoting / summarizing, but include the page range for the entire article in the bibliography. If the article has no page numbers, then you can include a locator, such as a paragraph number (with the abbreviation par.) or section heading, in the note.

1. Lisa M. Budreau, "The Politics of Remembrance: The Gold Star Mothers' Pilgrimage and America's Fading Memory of the Real War," Military History, April 3, 2008,

2. Budreau, "The Politics of Remembrance."

Budreau, Lisa M. "The Politics of Remembrance." Military History, April 3, 2008.

Article from a Database

Note: For journal articles the note should only include the pages you are quoting or summarizing, but include the page range for the entire article in the bibliography. End the citation with the article's DOI number or a persistent link (permalink) to the article.

1. Mike J. Crawford, et al., "Selecting Outcome Measures in Mental Health: The Views of Service Users," Journal of Mental Health 20, no. 4 (2011): 340, doi: 10.3109/09638237.2011.577114.

2. Crawford, "Selecting Outcome Measures," 343.

Crawford, Mike J., et al. "Selecting Outcome Measures in Mental Health: The Views of Service Users." Journal of Mental Health 20, no. 4 (2011): 336-346. doi: 10.3109/09638237.2011.577114.

Print Newspaper

Note: Newspaper articles, whether in print or online, do not receive page numbers; if available, use a section letter or number.

1. Jeff Mapes, "State's Ad Slogan Highlights Idealism," Oregonian, December 9, 2003, sec. TW.

2. Mapes, "State's Ad Slogan," sec. TW.

Mapes, Jeff. "State's Ad Slogan Highlights Idealism." Oregonian, December 9, 2003, sec. TW.

Unsigned Article

Note: For unsigned articles, in your bibliography, put the name of the paper first and then the headline.

1. "Media Flea Circus," Tattler, August 29, 2002, sec. A.

2. "Media Flea Circus," Tattler.

Tattler. "Media Flea Circus." August 29, 2002, sec. A.

Web Page

Note: Include the author if available, the title of the site, the sponsor, the publication date or date last modified, and the site's URL. Do not italicize the title of the website unless the site is an online book or periodical. If a website does not have a publication date or date last modified, then give the date you accessed it. For example: (accessed June 4, 2013).

1. "Air Pollutants," Environmental Protection Agency, last modified August 22, 2012,

2. Environmental Protection Agency, "Air Pollutants."

"Air Pollutants." Environmental Protection Agency. Last modified August 22, 2012.


1. Kristin Sauter, "Playwriting as Process" (PhD diss., University of Portland, 2005), 221, Proquest (AAT 6655426).

2. Sauter, "Playwriting as Process."

Sauter, Kristin. "Playwriting as Process." PhD diss., University of Portland, 2005. Proquest (AAT 6655426).

Book Review

1. Evan Thomas, "The Gray Man," review of Shadow Warrior, by Randall B. Woods, New York Times Book Review, May 3, 2013,

2. Thomas, "The Gray Man."

Thomas, Evan. "The Gray Man." Review of Shadow Warrior, by Randall B. Woods. New York Times Book Review, May 3, 2013.

Paper from a Meeting or Conference

1. Chris Semansky, "Contemporary Poetry as Postmodern Commodity" (paper presented at the Northeastern Modern Language Association, New Haven, CT, April 12-14, 1991).

2. Semansky, "Contemporary Poetry."

Semansky, Chris. "Contemporary Poetry as Postmodern Commodity." Paper presented at the Northeastern Modern Language Association, New Haven, CT, April 12-14, 1991.

Government Document

1. U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Nutritional Guidelines for Children in State Subsidized Daycare. (Washington, DC: GPO, 1978), 119.

2. U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Nutritional Guidelines, 125.

U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. Nutritional Guidelines for Children in State Subsidized Daycare. Washington, DC: GPO, 1978, 103-144.

Personal Communication

Note: Personal communications do not get a bibliographic entry.

1. Lyndsay Hogland, e-mail message to author, November 17, 2012.

2. Hogland, e-mail.

Published or Broadcast Interview

1. Will Ferrell, interview by David Letterman, The David Letterman Show, CBS, July 21, 2008.

2. Ferrell.

Ferrell, Will. Interview by David Letterman. The David Letterman Show. CBS, July 21, 2008.

Source: Excelsior College,
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Last modified: Friday, November 22, 2019, 12:16 PM