Case Study: The Role of Work Teams' Empowerment in Crisis Management

Read this case study, which looked at the impact of work teams and utilizing their expertise as a form of empowerment in crisis management at the Jordanian Electricity Distribution Company. Consider the implications and recommendations listed and how they could be applied to other organizations and situations.


This study aimed to identify the impact of work teams' empowerment in crisis management in Jordanian Electricity Distribution Company where the population of the study is consisted of 142 workers distributed into 17 work teams. A questionnaire was developed to collect data. The important results concluded by this study could be summarized as follows:

  1. There is a statistically significant impact of the dimensions of work team's empowerment as a whole in crisis management.
  2. The perception of the respondents of the level of work team's empowerment was high.
  3. The perception of the respondents of the level of crisis management was high. In the light of the presented results, the study has recommended the followings: it is necessary to promote work teams through skill development and to improve employee morale through financial and non-financial incentives that are provided to the team not individually but as a whole.

Keywords: work teams', empowerment, crisis management


Business organizations live an eventful life full of surprises caused either by local factors and organizational factors, or by external factors whose effects extended to include other organizations and countries. If these events and surprises were ignored they would be turned into a real crisis threatening the continuation and the existence the administrative entity. In light of this, the importance of empowering work teams is demonstrated as managerial concepts to improve the ability of organizations to be compatible with the surrounding environment to ensure stability and growth thus achieving customer and community satisfaction where these organizations work, the matter that could be achieved through work teams to improve the effectiveness and productivity levels of the organizations using integrated skills and the commitment to achieve a unified goal consistent with the objectives of the organization and its strategy. It should be commented that the responsibility is collective and cannot be achieved except through the empowerment of those teams by workers' motivating processes to practice independent thinking and to recognize the importance of its roles and implications.

So this study was conducted to identify the impact of empowering teams in crisis management at the Jordanian Electricity Distribution Company.

The Problem of the Study

The problem of the study embodies in the following questions:

  1. What is the role of work teams in crisis management?
  2. What is the level of work teams' empowerment in Jordanian Electricity Distribution Company?
  3. What is the level of the perception of the individuals of the sample of the crisis management at Jordanian Electricity Distribution Company?

The Importance of the Study

The importance of the study emerged from the followings:
  1. The importance of this study emerged from the role of the human factor in achieving the objectives of various organizations
  2. This study focuses on Jordanian Electricity Distribution Company as it is one of the most vital corporation that help other sectors in sustain their operational processes
  3. This study focuses on organizational ability to face possible crises
  4. This study looks at teamwork as a modern management style, and organizations needs to implement this knowledge in all organizations in various sectors. This is important as teamwork is a new method that aims to achieve tasks effectively and efficiently.

The Objectives of the Study

The study seeks to achieve a number of objectives that could be formulated as follows:

  1. To analyze the role of work teams' empowerment in crisis management from the perspective of the respondents.
  2. To detect the level of the dimensions work teams' empowerment from the perspective of the respondents.
  3. To detect the level of crisis management from the perspective of the respondents.


The main hypothesis: There is a positive impact of the dimensions of work teams (influence, significance, autonomy, and impact) on crisis management.

The first sub-hypothesis: There is a positive impact of influence as first dimension of work teams on crisis management at Jordanian Electricity Distribution Company.

The second sub-hypothesis: There is a positive impact on significance as second dimension of work teams on crisis management at Jordanian Electricity Distribution Company.

The third sub-hypothesis: There is a positive impact of autonomy as a dimension of work teams on crisis management at Jordanian Electricity Distribution Company.

The fourth sub-hypothesis: There is a positive impact of impact as a fourth dimension of work teams on crisis management at Jordanian Electricity Distribution Company.

The Model of the Study

The Model of the Study

Procedural Definitions

Empowerment: is providing workers with power and knowledge and require materials to achieve the organization's goals.

Work teams: group of employees who possess integrated skills that enable them to work together.

Crisis management: an event or sudden situation that threatens the ability of workers or organizations to survive.

Influence: what the team work believes in that is influencing the organizational values and beliefs.

Significance: the realization of workers of the importance of their roles through harmony that happens between administrative organizations and workers' beliefs and values.

Autonomy: the confidence of the work team by giving them a chance and more space and freedom to act in practicing their business.

Impact: means that the work team feels the importance of the role they played by the Organization and its impact on policies and the decisions made.

Previous Studies

Study of (Alnwaigah, 2014) entitled "The Impact of Team work Empowerment in Achieving Organizational Excellence at Taif University: An applied Study". The study aimed to identify the level of work teams' empowerment at Taif University and its impact in achieving organizational excellence. One of the most important results which was found by this study is that there was a high level of work teams' empowerment and organizational excellence according respondents' estimation. The study also showed that there was a positive impact of work teams' empowerment in reinforcing organizational excellence dimensions. According to these results, the study introduced a number of recommendations which aimed to reinforce work teams' method and organizational excellence at the university.

Study of (Al-Saudi, 2013) entitled "The Role of Teamwork Empowerment in Enhancing their Performance in Jordanian Hospitals: A Case Study: Al Israa Hospital". The aim of this study was to investigate the role of teamwork empowerment in enhancing their performance in Jordanian hospitals. The results indicated that the level of teamwork empowerment in Al Israa Hospital was high. Furthermore, the level of teamwork performance in Al Israa Hospital was high. The results also maintained statistical significant effect regarding the teamwork empowerment (potency, autonomy, impact) on the teamwork performance in Al Israa Hospital. In the light of these findings, the study provided a set of recommendations of which the most important is the need to rely on the philosophy of teamwork in performing the all work in Jordanian hospitals.

Study of (Hempel, Zhang and Han, 2012) entitled "Team Empowerment and the Organizational Context: Decentralization and the Contrasting Effects of Formalization". The researchers aim to investigate what organizations do to influence empowerment. Using teams drawn from 94 Chinese high-technology companies, the researchers show that organizational decentralization enhances empowerment when decision making is delegated downward even when not directly delegated to teams. Prior research has presented both a positive and negative view of formalization, and this study found that the organizational level to which formalization is applied makes a difference. Formalization of organizational processes enhances team empowerment by reducing uncertainty within the firm, whereas formalization of jobs and roles moderates the effect of decentralization and reduces team empowerment by reducing teams' flexibility in taking advantage of decentralization. These results show the importance of organization structure as an antecedent of empowerment and highlight the contrasting effects of different types of formalization.

Study of (Alkshali and Al-Qutob, 2007) entitled "Effectiveness of Management Information Systems and Their Impact on Crisis Management: Field Study on Jordanian Industrial Companies". This study explored the extent of the MIS effectiveness in managing crises by Jordanian Industrial firms. The results showed that the various elements of MIS effectiveness, as a whole, had a significant impact on managers' capabilities of managing the crises they encountered. Also, the various MIS elements had different and varying impacts on managers' capabilities to manage each stage of crisis. The elements which had the greatest impact were: the usability, which had an impact on managing all stages of crisis except that of early warning signals detection stage.

Study of (Mostafa et al., 2004) entitled " Strategic preparation for crisis management in hospitals: empirical evidence from Egypt". This study aimed to identify the extent to which are the working managers in Egyptian Hospitals have the ability and ready to deal with the crises their hospitals are going through. The study indicated that there is a positive relationship between long term strategy and the readiness to face crises, also the study concluded that there is a negative correlation between organizational complexity and the perceived readiness level of crisis.

Study (Erekat, 2010) entitled "The role of empowerment in crisis management in business organizations". The study aimed to indicate the role of empowerment in the crises faced by organizations; it aimed also to demonstrate the difference between the organization that implements empowerment and the organization that does not believe in it in managing crises. The most important results of the study that when the organization empowers its employees through confidence, consultation, taking opinion, training, and the existence of a flexible organizational structure that allows the transfer and the delegation of authority and responsibility, the employee will be qualified to face crises in work.

Based on the above discussion, this study is unique as it is the first to be conducted in the Arab context and it aims to study the impact of the dimensions of teamwork empowerment on crisis management in a Jordan, specifically the Jordanian Electricity Distribution Company.

The Methodology of the Study

This study has adopted the descriptive method by referring to administrative literature also to the related previous studies and by using the analytical field research, the individuals of the population were exploratory scanned to answer the items of the questionnaire, henceforth the collected data were analyzed through performing the suitable statistical methods using SPSS.

The Population and the Sample of the Study

This study chooses the Jordanian Electricity Distribution Company in Al-Karak because it is one of the most receptive corporations in the Jordanian region, especially in the South. Furthermore, this company provides electricity to the major three companies in the Southern province in Jordan (i.e. Arab potash company, Rashadyeh cement company and Jordan Phosphate Mines Co). Finally, the selection of this company was because its major role in providing more than 350, 000 citizens working in diverse sectors in the region.

The population of the study is consisted of the worker in Jordanian Electricity Distribution Company-Karak. The total number of the work teams in Jordanian Electricity Distribution Company-Karak equals 17, the members of these teams ranged between (6-12) and the number of the individuals in these teams equals 142. All of these teams were selected and copies of the questionnaire were delivered to and restored from them.

Validity and Reliability of the Study

Validity: the questionnaire was presented to a group of arbitrators consisted of 10 professors of the academic staff. The questionnaire was modified according to their observations.

Table (1): Reliability: Cronbach's alpha for measuring internal consistency was used to investigate the answers of the respondents as shown in Table 1. The internal consistency coefficients of the dimensions of the study

Variable Dimension
Cronbach's Alph
Work teams' empowerment 0.84
Influence 0.82
Significance 0.80
Autonomy 0.81
Impact 0.83
Dependent variable Crisis management

Table 2. Arithmetic averages standard deviations of the level of work teams' empowerment and the level of respondents' perception of crisis management in Jordanian Electricity distribution company

Dimension Arithmetic average Standard deviation
Rank Level
3.80 0.687 4 High
Significance 3.82
0.602 3 High
Autonomy 3.89 0.620 2 High
Impact 3.90 0.432 1 High
Crisis management 3.85 0.434 - High

The results of table (2) indicates that the arithmetic averages and standard deviations were high as the dimension of impact has occupied the first rank with an arithmetic average of 3.90 followed by the dimension of autonomy with an arithmetic average of 3.89 then the dimension of significance with 3.82 arithmetic average finally the dimension of Influence came with an arithmetic average of 3.80 while the arithmetic average of crisis management was equal to 3.85.

Hypotheses Testing

The main hypothesis: There is a positive impact of the dimensions of work teams (influence, significance, autonomy, and impact) on crisis management.

In order to test the hypothesis multiple regression analysis was used as shown in table (3):

Table 3. The results of multiple regression analysis to test the impact of work teams' empowerment dimensions (influence, significance, autonomy, impact) in the management of crises in the Jordanian Electricity Distribution Company

coefficient R2
B Standrad error
Beta Calculated  T
Constant .390 .191 2.045 .043
Influence .203 .065 .236 3.143 .002
Significance 0.763 0.592 .201 .079 .212 2.525 .013
Autonomy .141 .065 .159 2.185 .031
Impact .284 .074
.307 3.856 .000

It is evident from the statistical results found in table (3) and by observing the values of t-test that the dimensions of work teams' empowerment (influence, significance, autonomy, impact) have an impact in Crisis management in the Jordanian Electricity Distribution Company as indicated by the Beta coefficients of these variables also the calculated values of t (2.045, 3.143, 2.525, 2.185, 3.856 respectively) which are statistically significant at ∝= 0.05 , the dimensions as a whole has interpreted about 59.2% of the total variance of the dependent variable crisis management in the Jordanian Electricity Distribution Company.

The first sub-hypothesis: There is a positive impact of influence as first dimension of work teams on crisis management at Jordanian Electricity Distribution Company.

In order to test the hypothesis simple regression analysis was used as shown in table (4):

Table 4. The results of multiple regression analysis to test the impact of influence as one of work teams' empowerment dimensions in the management of crises in the Jordanian Electricity Distribution Company

coefficient R2
B Standrad error
Beta Calculated  T
Constant .983 .209 4.710
Influence .617 .381 .531 .057 .617 9.278

It is evident from the statistical results found in table (4) and by observing the values of t-test that influence as one of work teams' empowerment dimensions has an impact in Crisis management in the Jordanian Electricity Distribution Company as indicated by the Beta coefficients of this variables also the calculated values of t (9.278) which is statistically significant at ∝= 0.05 , the dimension alone has interpreted about 38.1% of the total variance of the dependent variable crisis management in the Jordanian Electricity Distribution Company.

The second sub-hypothesis: There is a positive impact on significance as second dimension of work teams on crisis management at Jordanian Electricity Distribution Company.

In order to test the hypothesis simple regression analysis was used as shown in table (5):

Table 5. The results of multiple regression analysis to test the impact of significance as one of work teams' empowerment dimensions in the management of crises in the Jordanian Electricity Distribution Company

coefficient R2
B Standrad error
Beta Calculated  T
Constant .931 .194 4.791 .000
Significance .655 .429 .620 .060 .655 10.258 .000

It is evident from the statistical results found in table (5) and by observing the values of t-test that Significance as one of work teams' empowerment dimensions has an impact in Crisis management in the Jordanian Electricity Distribution Company as indicated by the Beta coefficients of this variables also the calculated values of t (10.258) which is statistically significant at ∝= 0.05 , the dimension alone has interpreted about 42.9% of the total variance of the dependent variable crisis management in the Jordanian Electricity Distribution Company.

The third sub-hypothesis: There is a positive impact of autonomy as a dimension of work teams on crisis management at Jordanian Electricity Distribution Company.

In order to test the hypothesis simple regression analysis was used as shown in table (6):

Table 6. The results of multiple regression analysis to test the impact of autonomy as one of work teams' empowerment dimensions in the management of crises in the Jordanian Electricity Distribution Company

coefficient R2
B Standrad error
Beta Calculated  T
Constant 1.456 .176 8.271 .000
Autonomy .577 .333 .512 .061 .577 8.366 .000

It is evident from the statistical results found in table (6) and by observing the values of t-test that Autonomy as one of work teams' empowerment dimensions has an impact in Crisis management in the Jordanian Electricity Distribution Company as indicated by the Beta coefficients of this variables also the calculated values of t (8.366) which is statistically significant at ∝= 0.05 , the dimension alone has interpreted about 33.3% of the total variance of the dependent variable crisis management in the Jordanian Electricity Distribution Company.

The fourth sub-hypothesis: There is a positive impact of impact as a fourth dimension of work teams on crisis management at Jordanian Electricity Distribution Company.

In order to test the hypothesis simple regression analysis was used as shown in table (7):

Table 7. The results of multiple regression analysis to test the impact of impact as one of work teams' empowerment dimensions in the management of crises in the Jordanian Electricity Distribution Company

coefficient R2
B Standrad error
Beta Calculated  T
Constant 1.356 .165 7.454 .000
Impact 6.77 .345 .520 .065 .570 7.335

It is evident from the statistical results found in table (6) and by observing the values of t-test that impact as one of work teams' empowerment dimensions has an impact in Crisis management in the Jordanian Electricity Distribution Company as indicated by the Beta coefficients of this variables also the calculated values of t (7.335) which is statistically significant at ∝= 0.05 , the dimension alone has interpreted about 0.345 of the total variance of the dependent variable crisis management in the Jordanian Electricity Distribution Company.


  1. The respondent's perception of the dimensions of work teams' empowerment was high where the dimension of impact occupied the first rank with an arithmetic average of 3.90 while the dimension of influence held the last rank with an arithmetic average of 3.80 which coincided with the study of (Alnwaigah, 2014).
  2. The level of respondents' perception of crisis management was high as the arithmetic average was equal to 3.85 which agreed with the study of (Alkshali and Al-Qutob, 2007).
  3. Work teams' empowerment (influence, significance, autonomy, impact) have a significant impact in Crisis management in the Jordanian Electricity Distribution Company as indicated by the Beta coefficients of these variables also the calculated values of t (2.045, 3.143, 2.525, 2.185, 3.856 respectively) which are statistically significant at ∝= 0.05 , the dimensions as a whole has interpreted about 59.2% of the total variance of the dependent variable crisis management in the Jordanian Electricity Distribution Company .
  4. Influence as the first dimension of teamwork empowerment has an impact in Crisis management in the Jordanian Electricity Distribution Company as indicated by the Beta coefficients of this variables also the calculated values of t (9.278) which is statistically significant at ∝= 0.05, the dimension alone has interpreted about 38.1% of the total variance of the dependent variable crisis management in the Jordanian Electricity Distribution Company which coincided with the study of (Alnwaigah, 2014) and the study of (Al-Saudi, 2013).
  5. Significance as one of work teams' empowerment dimensions has an impact in Crisis management in the Jordanian Electricity Distribution Company as indicated by the Beta coefficients of this variables also the calculated values of t (10.258) which is statistically significant at ∝= 0.05 , the dimension alone has interpreted about 42.9% of the total variance of the dependent variable crisis management in the Jordanian Electricity Distribution Company which consistent with the study of (Erekat, 2010).
  6. Autonomy as one of work teams' empowerment dimensions has an impact in Crisis management in the Jordanian Electricity Distribution Company as indicated by the Beta coefficients of this variables also the calculated values of t (8.366) which is statistically significant at ∝= 0.05 , the dimension alone has interpreted about 33.3% of the total variance of the dependent variable crisis management in the Jordanian Electricity Distribution Company which coincided with the study of (Al-Saudi, 2013).
  7. impact as one of work teams' empowerment dimensions has an impact in Crisis management in the Jordanian Electricity Distribution Company as indicated by the Beta coefficients of this variables also the calculated values of t (7.335) which is statistically significant at ∝= 0.05, the dimension alone has interpreted about 0.345 of the total variance of the dependent variable crisis management in the Jordanian Electricity Distribution Company which coincided with the study of (Alnwaigah, 2014) and the study of (Al-Saudi, 2013) and (Erekat, 2010).


Decision makers in the Jordanian Electricity Distribution Company need to understand the significant and positive role of team work empowerment on facing critical times in such industries. This is important due to the possible challenges that result from persistence changes in the region such as demographic changes, political issues, economical factors. Moreover, decision makers are required to develop and design innovative training programs that focus mainly on teamwork empowerment. Finally, also managers need to build and create working environment that empower employees to be creative and feel that they participate significantly in decision making process.


  1. Work to strengthen the knowledge of the workers about the importance of crisis management.
  2. Work to strengthen the organizational values of the work teams and to build harmony and cohesion among work International Business Research Vol. 9, No. 6; 2016 16 teams in the Jordanian Electricity Distribution Company.
  3. Work to strengthen the whole performance of the work teams through collective moral and material incentives.
  4. Build a guide in how to cope with crises through the construction of possible scenarios.
  5. Constantly work on the development of workers' skills in the Jordanian Electricity Distribution Company.

Source: Aymn Sulieman Zamel AL Qatawneh,
Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.

Last modified: Thursday, August 1, 2024, 10:49 AM