Buffer Capacity

Read this article. The researchers studied buffer capacity and the effects of holding on to extra buffer inventory. Do you agree or disagree with the concluding analysis and why?

Methodology and design of simulation experiments

Due to their large state spaces, exact solutions of merging line systems can only be obtained by analysing the underlying Markov chain using numerical methods, which are not computationally feasible for lines longer than three stations and for non-exponential distributions. To address these constraints, computer simulation is applied in many cases to study such systems. Discrete-event simulation was deemed the most appropriate tool for this study because of the severe limitations of mathematical approaches in dealing with more realistic and complex merging lines. The Simio 10.165 simulation software was used to study the behavior of the unreliable, unbalanced merging lines at the heart of this paper.

Model description

Unpaced, unreliable merging systems with two parallel lines are studied in this paper. The two parallel lines (A and B) have N number of stations and converge into a Final Assembly station, which needs one component from each parallel line to start the final operation. Upstream stations (S_{iA}, S_{iB}) feed downstream stations (S_{(i+1)A}, S_{(i+1)B}) through a buffer (B_{iA}, B_{iB}) with capacity BC_{iA} (BC_{iB}). The Final Assembly station is fed by buffers F_1 and F_2, which are fed, respectively, by stations S_{NA} and S_{NB}.

If B_{i A} is full and preceding station S_{i A} has completed a task, then S_{i A} will be blocked until B_{i A} has space. If S_{(i+1) A} has completed a task but preceding buffer B_{i A} is empty, then S_{(i+1) A} will be starved. The first station of a parallel line \left(S_{1 A}\right. and \left.S_{1 B}\right) is never starved and the Final Assembly station is never blocked. Both parallel lines A and B have identical behaviour.

In addition, all stations have the same unreliability profile, depending on the experimental setting. MTTFs are modelled based on machine operation time, as opposed to production running time.

An example of two merging lines with N=5 and B C=2 is shown in Fig. 1, where the Final Assembly station is starved (in grey) because it has not received a component part from parallel line \mathrm{B} ( \mathrm{F}_{2} is empty). S_{3 B} (shown in red) has failed and is being repaired, causing S_{4 B} and S_{5 B} to be starved and S_{1 B} and S_{2 B} (shown in yellow) to be blocked, as \mathrm{B}_{1 \mathrm{~B}} and \mathrm{B}_{2 \mathrm{~B}} are full.

Fig. 1 Screenshot of a Simio model for two merging lines with N = 5 and BC = 2

For each station, the mean processing time (MT) was set at 10 time units, while the coefficient of variation (CV) was fixed at 0.274, in line with Slack's contention that a CV of 0.274 represents the average value found in real manual unpaced production lines. The processing times of all stations follow a Weibull probability distribution with a location parameter of 5.78 and a shape parameter equal to 4.702. Moreover, just one product type is made, no defective items are produced, there are no changeovers/setups and the time to move work units in/out of the buffers is zero.

The above assumptions are in agreement with those stated in previous simulation studies as well as empirical findings.

Research design

This investigation utilises a full factorial experimental design, which permits the consideration of all desired levels of a given factor, together with all levels of every other factor, to measure the impact of independent variables on dependent variables.

Experimental factors

In this paper, the independent variables (factors) studied are:

  • Number of stations (line length), N.

  • Mean capacity of each buffer, BC, or equivalently, total buffer capacity of the line divided by the number of buffers.

  • Buffer allocation patterns, P_A and P_B, for parallel lines A and B, respectively.

  • Degree of machine unreliability, which is made up of two components:

    • Machine efficiency or (un)reliability

      \varepsilon = \frac{MTTF}{MTTF + MTTR}

    • Duration of MTTF and MTTR (alpha)

The use of fixed patterns of uneven mean buffer size allocation is a well-established method of investigation in previous literature to evaluate their effect on production line behaviour. Furthermore, all independent variables were chosen because of their demonstrated influence on TR and ABL.

Three N levels were selected (5, 8 and 11) to account for odd and even numbers and for longer lines (N > 9), as it has been shown that different patterns can behave differently for longer lines. Two BC levels were considered (2 and 6). These values were selected such that BC ≠ 0, while taking into account that, over a certain level of buffer space, the law of diminishing returns sets in, leading to negligible improvement in TR as buffer size increases. Note also that, in order to ensure comparability, the patterns for BC = 6 are equivalent to those for BC = 2.

Five different uneven buffer capacity allocation policies for lines A and B were considered: balanced, ascending, descending, bowl and inverted bowl. The patterns used in this study correspond to those used in some previous publications. The experimental values used in the simulation analysis can be found in the "Appendix" (Table 3).

MTTF and MTTR were modelled with an exponential distribution, based on the empirical results of Inman. Also based on Inman, a minimum realistic \varepsilon of 70 \% was selected, while 90.9 \% was regarded as a typical value for \varepsilon, i.e. [MTTF] 1000/([MTTF] 1000 + [MTTR] 100)], in accordance with previous work.

Three levels of \alpha (1,2 and 3) were estimated for MTTF and MTTR. MTTF_{\alpha \varepsilon} and MTTR_{\alpha \varepsilon} model the MTTF and MTTR values used for experiments with machine efficiency \varepsilon and degree (length) of duration \alpha. An MTTF = 1000 and MTTR = 100 were considered as a medium level \alpha(\alpha=2) for \varepsilon=90.9 \%. Short MTTFs for a specific value of \varepsilon\left(\mathrm{MTTF}_{1 \varepsilon}\right) were then calculated as \mathrm{MTTF}_{1 \varepsilon}=1 / 2 \mathrm{MTTF}_{2 \varepsilon}, while longer MTTFs were calculated as \mathrm{MTTF}_{3 \varepsilon}=2 \mathrm{MTTF}_{2 \varepsilon}. For example, \mathrm{MTTF}_{1,90.9 \%}=500 and \mathrm{MTTF}_{3,90.9 \%}=2000. The calculations were equivalent for \operatorname{MTTR}_{1 \varepsilon} and \operatorname{MTTR}_{3 \varepsilon}.

Finally, based on the value of MTTF_{2,90.9 \%}, \mathrm{MTTF}_{2,70 \%} was calculated by assuming that a lower efficiency will be the result of a proportionally shorter mean time to failure, whereas a higher efficiency will be the result of a proportionally higher mean time to failure. For instance,

M T P F_{2,70 \backslash \%}=\frac{0.7}{0.909} M T P F_{2,90.9 \backslash \%}=770

For parallel lines A and B, the levels (experimental values) are summarised in Table 1 below.

Table 1 Experimental factors and their levels

Factor Levels (experimental values)
Number of stations per parallel line (N) 5, 8 and 11
Mean buffer capacity (BC) 2 and 6
Buffer allocation patterns (BP: PA and PB) Balanced (–), ascending (/), descending (\), bowl (V) and inverted bowl (Λ)
Machine unreliability (ε) MTTFαε, MTTRαε (minutes) 70% 90.9% 100%
Degree of duration of MTTF and MTTR (α) Zero (0) NA NA 0
Short (1) 385, 165 500, 50 NA
Medium (2) 770, 330 1000, 100 NA
Long (3) 1540, 660 2000, 200 NA

Thus, taking into account all levels for the 6 factors (considering P_{A} and P_{B} as two different factors), a total of 3^{*} 2^{*} 5^{*} 5^{*} 3^{*} 2+3^{*} 2^{*} 5^{*} 5=1050\left(\mathrm{~N}^{*} \mathrm{BC}^{*} \mathrm{PA}^{*} \mathrm{~PB}^{*}(\varepsilon < 1)^{*} \alpha\right. [for unreliable lines]+\mathrm{N}^{*} \mathrm{BC}^{*} \mathrm{PA}^{*} \mathrm{~PB} [for reliable lines]) experimental points were studied.

Performance measures
Two main performance measures were considered in this study: throughput rate (TR) and average buffer level per station (ABL). TR is the most commonly studied performance measure due to its importance for high-volume industries, whereas ABL is essentially a cost-related measure that is more relevant for industries with a focus on keeping stocks at low levels. TR represents the number of finished goods exiting the Final Assembly station, while ABL measures the average amount of inventory at any given time in all the buffers of the line.

Similar to Hillier's approach, a profit function (Z) was used to evaluate the performance in terms of both TR and ABL, whereby a unit produced by the system generates revenue (r), while an inventory unit stored in a period of time incurs a holding cost (c_1). Since additional expenses are often incurred to maintain certain levels of buffer capacity, investment and/or maintenance costs per average unit of buffer capacity per time unit (c_2) were also considered.

However, to simplify the analysis, both c_{1} and c_{2} were considered as relative values of r, leading to simplified versions of holding \left(h=c_{1} / r\right) and investment/maintenance \left(i=c_{2} / r\right) costs, resulting in the following profit function:

Z=T R-h A B L-i B C

Dunnett's t test and Tukey's HSD test were carried out to statistically assess the differences among the experimental results. ANOVA tests were carried out to determine the statistical significance of each factor for the resulting TR and ABL. The 'R' package (The R Foundation 2016) agricolae was utilised to statistically analyse TR and ABL data.

Simulation run parameters

To generate representative simulation data, a suitable warm-up/transient period is needed to ensure that observations are very close to normal operating conditions. Law suggested running a preliminary system simulation, selecting one output variable for observation. A trial procedure for this system found that after an initial simulation run of 20,000 min, acceptable steady-state behaviour for TR was established. In this regard, all data gathered during the first 20,000 min were discarded, and 300 independent runs of 120,000 min each were carried out, excluding the first 20,000 min of non-steady state data. Thus, TR and ABL estimations presented in this paper are in fact the average values of TR and ABL over the 300 replications.

Moreover, to reduce experimental variance, specific random number streams were assigned to each random variable (factor) at each station, i.e. processing times, time-to-failure and time-to-repair probability distributions; and common random numbers were used for each stream throughout the 300 replications.