More on K-means Clustering

You are now in a position to draw a direct line between the algorithm and its associated Python implementation. This particular example creates a training set using random data so that it becomes obvious how the algorithm works.

K-Means is an unsupervised method of clustering that groups data points into k clusters in which each observation belongs to the cluster with the nearest mean.

K-Means Clustering is an unsupervised learning algorithm.

Mathematical Model

The K-means algorithm clusters data by separating samples in k groups, minimizing a criterion known as the inertia or within-cluster variance sum-of-squares.

 \underset{S}{arg\,\,min}\sum_{i=1}^{k}\sum_{x\epsilon s_{i}} \left \| x-\mu _{i} \right \|^{2}


 S sets of observations

k number of sets of predictors

x observation data point

\mu _{i} mean of points in S _{i}

Model Training Process

Roughly, the model training process is as follows:

  1. Select initial cluster centroids.
  2. Assign data points to the nearest centroid as measured by Euclidean distance.
  3. Compute new cluster centroids.
  4. Repeat steps 2-3 as needed to achieve the best possible within-cluster variance.

Python Example

To download the code below, click here.

clusters data points and displays the results
for more information on the k-means algorithm, see:

# Import needed libraries.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plotlib
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
from sklearn.datasets import make_blobs

# Set number of samples and clusters.
number_of_samples = 2000
number_of_clusters = 5

# Set the random number state for cluster center initialization.
random_state = 150

# Set standard deviations for data points creation.
standard_deviation = [1.0, 2.5, 0.5]

# Create data points for clustering.
# For details on the make_blobs function, see:
X_varied, y_varied = make_blobs(n_samples=number_of_samples,

# Create clusters.
# For details on the KMeans function, see:
y_pred = KMeans(n_clusters=number_of_clusters,

# Plot the clustered data points.
plotlib.scatter(X_varied[:, 0], X_varied[:, 1], c=y_pred)
plotlib.title("Data in " + str(number_of_clusters) + " Clusters")

# Display the plot.

Results are below:


Source: Don Cowan,
Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.

Last modified: Tuesday, September 27, 2022, 6:41 PM