Topic | Name | Description |
Course Syllabus | Course Syllabus | |
1.1: Organizational Behavior | Organizational Behavior | Read this section for an overview of organizational behavior, defined as a systematic study of how individuals and groups act within the organizations where they work. As you read, think about how organizational behavior is related to organizational success. Also, look for the trends in organizational behavior (OB), since we will discuss these trends again in the course. |
Why, What, and How We Study Behavior in Organizations | While watching this video, think about the "what" and "why" of organizational behavior. What is OB? Why do we study OB? How can our knowledge of and implementation of OB concepts contribute to our organization's success? |
What is Organizational Behavior? | What is organizational behavior (OB), and why is it important? How has the discipline of organizational behavior evolved over the years? What can you expect to learn as a student of organizational behavior? Review this presentation for an overview of both the history and the trends of OB. |
1.2: Employee Mindset | Employee Engagement Mindset | Now that you have a good idea about "what" OB is, let's take a look at the "why". Why is OB important to an organization's success? What are some of the trends on OB? Take a few moments to watch this video, where you will learn about the importance of "highly engaged employees". Pay particular attention to the six drivers of high engagement. How can you become responsible for your engagement with your organization? |
2.1: Individuals | Understanding People at Work | We are now moving on to the topic of understanding people in the workplace. This article will introduce you to the differences you will see in the workplace and help you understand these differences better. You'll also read about the concept of perception, which we will cover more in-depth in the next unit. |
Individual Differences and Personality | This video lecture builds upon what you've read in the previous chapter. How do personalities develop, and how can you best understand and appreciate the diversity in the workplace? Learn how your organization can recognize and benefit from individual differences. |
Big Five Personality Test | Complete this OCEAN or Big 5 Personality Trait survey. Reflect on your categorical scores and see where your workplace strengths fall and how you can improve upon your weaknesses. |
2.2: Attitudes | Attitudes and Job Satisfaction | This video expands upon one of the topics we've just introduced – attitudes. As you watch this video, note how your attitude can influence your satisfaction on the job. As a manager and as an employee, how can you use this information in your workplace? |
Individual Attitudes and Behaviors | The chapter goes into greater detail on how attitudes affect work behaviors. As you read, focus on understanding cross-cultural differences in job attitudes and behaviors at work. |
Personality Types | Complete this Open Enneagram of Personality Scales Test. Reflect on your personality and see where your workplace strengths fall and how you can improve upon your weaknesses. |
Emotional Intelligence | Complete the module by reading the mateterials and pay close attention to the identifiers for a high EQ. Make a two columns labeled strengths and weaknesses and write down each character trait in the appropriate column. After reviewing your results, see where your workplace strengths fall and how you can improve upon your weaknesses. |
Power and Politics in the Organization | Watch this video to learn more about power and politics in the organization. We will be discussing these topics in much greater detail during Unit 4. |
Managing Stress and Emotions | Stress and emotions are two critical elements that influence a person's perception. As you read this chapter, also think about the role that emotions play in behavior. We will then introduce you to the concept of emotional intelligence. Pay particular attention to the concepts of self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management. How do these concepts relate to individual performance? The chapter concludes with a discussion on the role of national culture on stress. |
Emotion and Stress in Workplace | Review this presentation. As you read, think about your own experiences in dealing with emotion and burnout in the workplace. What role does emotion play in contemporary organizations? How has this changed over the past 100 years? What factors may have contributed to this? How do the physical and mental environments of workers affect them? |
2.3: Employee Job Performance | Cognitive and Process Theories | This video lecture will start you on the path to correlating the effects of motivation on performance. We are going to take a look at "how" workers are motivated. We will discuss two key theories. First, the lecturer will explain equity theory, which is your perception of being treated fairly compared to others in the workplace. Second, you will learn about expectancy theory, which examines your perception of achieving success in the workplace. As you watch and listen, consider a time when you may have been treated unfairly or differently than others. How did this make you feel? Were you more or less motivated to perform well? |
Understaning Employee Attendance | This article tells us that absence behavior is influenced by many factors related to the workplace and the employee. As you read this article, think about how motivation can impact an employee's work attendance. |
Employee Turnover | Think about your experiences in dealing with turnover in the workplace. What are the factors that lead to turnover? How might a manager minimize turnover in the workplace? As you review this presentation, note the steps you can take to address this concern in your work environment. |
2.4: Motivation | Theories of Motivation | This article will introduce you to the basic needs of employees in the workplace. As you read, concentrate on the role of motivation in determining employee performance. Think back to our discussion on equity theory. How are fairness perceptions determined, and what are the consequences of these perceptions? You will also read about motivational theories and how you can use these theories to improve motivation in your workplace. |
Career Motivational Anaylsis Quiz | Complete the test. Reflect on your motivational needs according to McClelland's Theory. |
Motivational Processes, Need Theories | Watch this video to learn more about needs theories and how understanding these theories can help you to improve motivation in your organization. Focus on some more popular theories, such as Maslow's Need Hierarchy and McClelland's Need Theory. How can you apply these theories to motivate your employees better? |
Designing a Motivating Work Environment | This chapter will expose you to the history of various job design approaches. As you read this chapter, consider how you may increase the motivating potential of a job. |
Applications in the Organization of Job Design | Watching this video will reinforce and clarify what you've just read about the various approaches to job design. What steps can you take to design a job that will produce high levels of motivation, performance, and job satisfaction? How can your approach to job design lower absenteeism and turnover? |
The Puzzle of Motivation | Watch this video. Reflect on your own intrinsic and extrinsic motivators and how you can help motivate others. |
3.1: Groups | Managing Groups and Teams | To have a team, you must have a clear and elevating goal that supersedes all individual goals. Usually, this goal does not change or get adjusted; instead, it guides all aspects of the team's performance. This does not mean there is no place for groups within a company; many groups exist to serve other needs within the organization. You might, for example, have a committee for enhancing diversity, or a group of executives that are searching for a new CEO. In both of these examples, there is a goal (to increase diversity or find a CEO), but the way this goal is attained can change throughout the process. Perhaps your group decided halfway through the process to only consider internal hires for a promotion instead of conducting an external search. |
Group Processes in the Organization | We continue with our study of groups by learning about types of groups, characteristics of groups, and cohesiveness of groups. Think about what makes a group? What type of interaction is required to make a group? What types of goals must be shared? How many members make up a group? What other factors must be present to make up a group? |
Social Norms in Groups | Whether you are working with a group or a team, there are several characteristics that successful groups and teams share, including proper group development, the establishment of guidelines and boundaries, leadership, and strong communication channels. In this unit, you will learn about these topics and more. Because so much of business success relies on teams and groups, learning how to properly manage them may be the most important takeaway from this course. |
Group Influence on Individuals | This video will conclude our series on group processes by discussing the group's influence over the individual's performance, behavior, and attitudes. Why and when do we yield to the group norms? What are the stages of group and team development, and how can we use what we learned about groups to create high-performing teams? |
Can Groups Be Creative? | Read this article, which discusses ways groups can work effectively as a team. Do you agree with the author? What are your thoughts? Are managers responsible for creating an environment where teams can thrive? |
Groups vs. Teams | This presentation provides a summary of the characteristics that differentiate a group from a team. Use this presentation to highlight the key points that we've discussed regarding groups and teams. |
Diversity in Teams | Watch this video. After you watch, reflect on your organization's diversity. |
3.2: Organizational Communication | Communication in the Organization | Communication is key to organizational effectiveness. Watch this video and take notes on the importance of the process of communication. What are the components of the process of communication? What are the key functions of communication? What are the primary types of communication? Think about how the process of communication impacts the performance of groups and teams. |
Communication | This chapter reading is a great resource to highlight and reinforce the concepts we learned in the previous video. The chapter begins with the Radio Shack case, which exemplifies the wrong way to communicate bad news. Consider the message, as well as the medium that you would choose in this situation. Also, take a look at the "communication freezers", words that essentially shut down effective communication within your workplace. Do you use these words? What might you say instead to create bridges instead of barriers? |
How to Train Employees to Have Difficult Conversations | Watch this video. After you watch, reflect on how your organization handles difficult situations. |
4.1: Leading People within Organizations | Leading People within Organizations | This unit will discuss how influence differs from manipulation and explain how individuals use influence within the workforce. This unit will conclude with a look at the politics within organizations and how ethics apply to power. As you are likely aware, there are too many examples in which power is used improperly in business. Responsible business schools today place extra emphasis upon ethics, especially when talking about subjects such as power. |
"Bad" Bosses | The "bad" boss is an enduring character we all know. Why do these characters exist? Watch this video about leadership - the ability of one person to influence others to help achieve group or organizational goals. What does organizational behavior tell us about leadership? What traits come to mind when we think about leaders? What leadership style works best in which situation? Ponder these questions as you watch and take notes. Also, pay attention to the summary of leadership theories. |
The Dynamics of Leadership | This video is a continuation of our discussion on leadership. We will learn more about leadership dynamics, particularly as we address the concepts of collaboration, competition, and change. |
How Great Leaders Inspire Action | Watch this video. After you watch, reflect on how you can inspire others. |
Command and Control Leadership vs. People-Centered Leadership | Read this article, which compares and contrasts two very distinct types of leadership: command-and-control and people-centered. Think about the leadership styles you've experienced in your organization. Which of the two styles is more common in your workplace? Can both styles be effective given the appropriate situation? |
4.2: Power Bases and Influence | Leadership and Power | This artilce examines the relationship between leadership and power. Although the article is written from a Judeo-Christian perspective, we can apply the concepts to many organizational situations. |
Power and Politics | Read this chapter, which discusses the meaning of power and authority and will inform you of the positive and negative factors related to power and influence. |
Sources of Power | This text will examine further the six sources of power available to organizational leaders and how leaders can employ these sources of power and influence in a meaningful and ethical way. |
4.3: Politics | Leveraging Power | This article discusses power in organizations. As you read, use the infographics to highlight key concepts. |
Implementation Mechanisms of Business Organizations | Read this article to learn more about the importance of ethics in business relationships. In today's business environment, individuals and organizations are judged by their behaviors. This is where reputations are made. |
Nonprofit Social Networking Benchmark Report | Read this blog post for examples of how organizations use social media to engage audiences and network internally and externally. |
Social Network Analysis | Read this presentation about social network analysis. As you read, note how important networks and interactions are to the work of an organization. |
5.1: Conflict | Conflict and Stress | The same ideas apply to negotiation, or conflict with an individual outside of the organization. The key to successful negotiation is preparation. Whereas conflict within a firm can be less formal, negotiations require much more due diligence. Whether it is a $10,000 contract or a $10 billion merger, the principles of negotiation remain the same. |
Conflict and Negotiations | This chapter provides an excellent introduction to conflict and negotiation. You will learn about the types, causes, and consequences of conflict, as well as how to manage conflict. The text then transitions to understanding and employing negotiation strategies within the organization. |
Types and Phases of Conflict in the Workplace | Review this presentation for a short discussion of several types of organizational conflict and some of the factors that influence conflict in the workplace. This presentation also defines and explains the types of conflict you may see in your workplace. |
Conflict Is Good | This article shows the relationship between task and relations-oriented leadership styles and conflict management styles. See which style is better suited to different types of conflict. Recall our study of groups and teams in the previous unit. Which work best within groups and teams? |
Intra-Group Conflict and Team Quality: The Moderating Role of Leadership Styles | Review this detailed article on conflict in organizations. Note the focus on causes of conflict between the individual and the organization. As you read, also think about the effects of conflict on the individual and the organization. Is conflict is always bad? What are some of the positive results of conflict? |
Conflicts in Organizations Good or Bad | How do you manage conflict? Do you aim to accommodate others' needs? Or do you put your own needs first? The key is to find a balance where both your needs and the needs of others are met. View this presentation on managing conflict for a quick introduction to various conflict management tendencies. |
5.2: Negotiations | Basics of Negotiations | View this presentation for an overview of negotiation. What are some common myths about negotiation? How can you better prepare for a negotiation? Finally, take note of the term acronym "BATNA" and the distinction between target points and reservations points in a negotiation. |
What are the Principles of Meditation? | Watch this short video to learn about the principles of mediation. How might mediation be used as a form of conflict resolution? |
Basic Mediation and Manager as Mediator | Now that we are aware of the principles of mediation, what applications do they have for the organization? Why is it beneficial for managers to resolve conflict, possibly with the use of mediation, as opposed to using arbitration? What traits and characteristics does a typical mediator possess? Do you share any of these traits? |
Ethics in Negotiations | Our final lesson on conflict and negotiation will address the role of ethical negotiations. Why would someone lie during a negotiation? What are the arguments for behaving ethically? |
Four Tips to Kickstart Honest Conversations at Work | Watch this video. After you watch, reflect on how you can kickstart honest conversations. |
6.1: Business Culture | The Influence of Corporate Culture on Employees | In cases like this one, the structure of a firm's management is just as important as its culture. Will the two banks continue to operate with a decentralized format, or will they have all of senior management in one location? What are the advantages and disadvantages of doing it one way or another? And of course, the most difficult aspect of managing change is implementing it in the first place. Humans are naturally resistant to change; making changes in an organization is no exception. |
Igniting Creativity to Transform Corporate Culture | Watch this video for some examples regarding the impact of corporate culture on managing organizations and innovation. Think about your capacity for creative thinking and how you can bring this skill to the workplace. |
Managing Demographic and Cultural Diversity | Read this chapter for an in-depth look at how to manage demographic and cultural diversity. First, we will consider what constitutes diversity, as well as the benefits of managing it. We will attempt to describe the challenges of managing a diverse workforce, including multicultural workforces and those organizations with diverse demographics. We will conclude with a discussion on diversity and ethics and how standards of ethics may vary depending on culture, age, gender, and other traits. While reading this chapter, think about what you bring to the workplace. What unique demographical or cultural attributes do you possess? How do these characteristics affect your values and management style? What steps can you take to understand, work with, and manage those with different characteristics than you? |
Organization Culture and Environment | Watch this video for an overview of three aspects of organizations that affect their functioning. Organizational culture is one of the three essential aspects, along with the environment and technology. |
Culture Diversity | Watch this video. After you watch, reflect on the diversity strategies of your organization and how your organization can become more diverse. |
6.2: Corporate Structure | Organizational Structure | This video discusses organizational structure. See if you can determine which design makes the most sense for the main functions of the organization. How and why does the organization divide its tasks? How does the organization coordinate activities among these tasks? As you watch, consider the concepts of division of labor, hierarchy of authority, span of control, line versus staff positions, and level of centralization. |
6.3: Changing the Organization | Organizational Change | Watch this video to determine why organizations change, what can be changed, how organizations change, and how difficult it is to implement change within an organization. You will examine some methods and skills needed for accomplishing change. Finally, you will learn why many people within organizations resist change and how you, as a manager, can utilize specific tactics to help overcome this common resistance. |
Strategies for Successful Organizational Change | Read this chapter to learn more about successful change implementation. As we learned earlier, resistance to change is widespread. Organizational change often is met with discomfort and concern. Think about what strategies you can use to enable change within an organizational culture while mitigating resistance. |
6.4: The Changing Landscape of Organizations | The Changing Landscape of Organizations | We will conclude our class with a final subunit on the changing landscape of organizations. We begin this subunit with a presentation about the latest trends in organizational behavior research. Earlier in the course, we touched upon several of the key research trends, including workplace bullying. This presentation also considers other current issues, such as generational differences, workplace incivility, and work-life balance. As you review this presentation, think about your generation and the traits that describe it. Do you share these traits? Have you experienced incivility or bullying in your workplace? If so, how did this experience affect your performance? Finally, what is the responsibility of the organization to foster work-life balance? How well is your organization doing in this regard? |
Understanding the Multiple Generations in the Workplace | The previous presentation introduced you to one emerging trend in OB research - generational differences in the workplace. Read this article to get a closer look at the challenges of understanding and managing the multiple generations in many organizations. As you read, compare the workplace characteristics of each generation. Look for overlap, as well as for differences. What kind of experiences have you had with various generations? As a manager, how can you better manage the vast age and generational differences within your workplace to meet organizational goals successfully? |
Generational Differences Grid | This chart provides a quick reference regarding the differences among the various generations in today's workforce. This is an excellent one-screen summary of what you've read in the previous article. Focus on the left-hand column for each factor that most people consider important in the workplace. Then, move across the grid to compare the different expectations and responses. |
Study Guide | BUS209 Study Guide | |
Course Feedback Survey | Course Feedback Survey |