Managing Demographic and Cultural Diversity

Read this chapter for an in-depth look at how to manage demographic and cultural diversity. First, we will consider what constitutes diversity, as well as the benefits of managing it. We will attempt to describe the challenges of managing a diverse workforce, including multicultural workforces and those organizations with diverse demographics. We will conclude with a discussion on diversity and ethics and how standards of ethics may vary depending on culture, age, gender, and other traits. While reading this chapter, think about what you bring to the workplace. What unique demographical or cultural attributes do you possess? How do these characteristics affect your values and management style? What steps can you take to understand, work with, and manage those with different characteristics than you?


In conclusion, in this chapter we reviewed the implications of demographic and cultural diversity for organizational behavior. Management of diversity effectively promises a number of benefits for companies and may be a competitive advantage. Yet, challenges such as natural human tendencies to associate with those similar to us and using stereotypes in decision making often act as barriers to achieving this goal. By creating a work environment where people of all origins and traits feel welcome, organizations will make it possible for all employees to feel engaged with their work and remain productive members of the organization.