Integrated Marketing Communications and the Changing Media Landscape

Read this chapter, which discusses the different methods of communication employed by businesses to reach their customers, the types of message strategies commonly used, and budgetary issues that companies must consider. Among this chapter's key takeaways, you will learn that as the media landscape changes, marketers may change the type of promotions they use to reach their target markets. With changing technology and social media, less money is being budgeted for traditional media like magazines, and more money is budgeted for "new media". Regardless of the type of media used, marketers use integrated marketing communications (IMC) to deliver one consistent message to buyers.

Integrated Marketing Communications and the Changing Media Landscape

Communication helps businesses grow and prosper, creates relationships, strengthens the effectiveness of organizations, and allows people to learn about one another. Technology such as the Internet, and mobile phones, and social media affects the way we communicate and is changing the media landscape and the type of messaging strategy organizations use.

Do you feel lost without your cell phone? Are you more likely to respond to text messages than phone calls? Do you use the print publications (magazines, newspapers, references) at the library or do you find all your references online? Do your grandparents prefer different methods of communication? Think about how you get information and then think about how organizations can communicate with you and other target markets about their products, services, or causes. As we find new sources of information, the media and message strategies used by businesses must also change. However, organizations still want consumers to get consistent messages regardless of how they receive the information.

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