Unit 1 Discussion

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Unit 1 Discussion

Number of replies: 34

After reviewing the unit materials, post and explore the discussion forum. Feel free to start your own post and respond to other students' posts as well.

Think of a company or social campaign that has caught your attention and assess it by using the 4 Ps of marketing (product, place, price, and promotion). Pick a product, service, or issue for which you might develop a marketing campaign. What are the first issues you need to address according to the fundamental rules of marketing? Beyond the topics covered in this unit, what would you suggest are other issues marketers should keep in mind in the twenty-first century marketplace as they launch a campaign?

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Re: Unit 1 Discussion

by John Thiongo -

Maziwa Fresh Milk Firm is an ordinary firm that has caught my interest, and I will utilize it as a case to assess and clarify the utilization of the four Ps of promoting (item, put, estimating, and advancement).

Maziwa Fresh Milk Company produces day-to-day things like fresh milk, cheese, and yogurt, which are healthy and great for our bodies.

They disperse their items to grocery stores, shops and stores, shopping centers, supermarkets and online platforms such as Jumia Kenya, from where clients may buy their items across the nation.

Their items are advertised in numerous amounts, such as little, medium, and expansive, giving a cheap and affordable cost for everybody, which is extraordinary compared to their competitors, and they persistently report benefits.

They center on sound and characteristic supplements that are essential and great for everyone's wellbeing, and they utilize both conventional and modern, advanced innovations in their generation process. 

They taught their customers around the significance of health and organic supplements and products, which has made a difference and helped them construct a great reputation and brand trust.

By adjusting to wellbeing patterns and utilizing both conventional and advanced innovation to make strides in their quality, they have made them overwhelm the showcase for a long time. They also grasp maintainability hones, documentation, preparing staff, teaching them, keeping them up-to-date with law controls and legitimate audits, and, in conclusion, observing their obligations. They are too adaptable sufficient to embrace modern changes, which have a really huge effect on their day-to-day well-being.   
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Re: Unit 1 Discussion

by Noemi Sanchez-Jauregui -
One company that caught my attention recently is "Dove’s Real Beauty" a campaign launched by Unilever aiming to build self confidence in women and young children. Improving women's self-esteem by promoting women's real beauty and not the distorted reality created by the media. The 4 Ps of marketing that I would assess for this campaign are:

Product: Dove's product includes soaps, lotions, and deodorants but the real campaign sells ideas " a new definition of beauty that is diverse and inclusive" and enhancing natural beauty rather than masking imperfections.

Place: They disperse their items to in various retail outlets, supermarkets, and online stores across the nation.

Price: Dove offers high quality products at affordable prices, making them accessible across the nation.

Promotion/advertisement: The campaign uses unconventional promotional strategies, featuring real women of different ages, sizes, and ethnicities instead of professional models. Using TV commercials, print ads, billboards, and digital platforms, to promote its powerful message.

Issues: The campaign has faced criticism and controversy. For example Its parent company Unilever is know for promoting skin-lightening products and perpetuating colorism. This has led some critics to accuse Unilever of hypocrisy.

Dove's Real Beauty campaign has had a huge impact, inspiring other brands across industries to adopt a more inclusive and authentic approach in their marketing strategies.
In reply to Noemi Sanchez-Jauregui

Re: Unit 1 Discussion

by Octavia Vaughn -
Hi Noemi!

Such a great choice. I really love dove's campaigns and beauty marketing strategies. Very realistic and relatable.
In reply to Octavia Vaughn

Re: Unit 1 Discussion

by Ashley Clark -
I agree, this is a great point. I like the way you put this.
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Re: Unit 1 Discussion

by Katrina R -
Borden Dairy is an ordinary firm in the USA and Puerto Rico that has caught my interest, and it will be utilized as a case to assess and clarify the utilization of the four Ps of promoting (item, put, estimating, and advancement).

Borden Dairy produces day-to-day things like fresh milk, cheese, canned dairy products etc that be used in a variety of dishes and are affordable.

They disperse their items to grocery stores, shops and stores, shopping centers, supermarkets and online platforms such as Amazon, from where clients may buy their items across the nation.

Their items are advertised in numerous amounts, such as little, medium, and expansive, giving a cheap and affordable cost for everybody, which is extraordinary compared to their competitors, and they persistently report benefits.

They center on sound and characteristic supplements that are essential and great for everyone's recipes, no matter the culture, and they utilize both conventional and modern, advanced innovations in their generation process.

They taught their customers around the significance of an affordable, well made, versatile product. The consistency of their products and quality has provided consumers with trust and the company with a reputable brand name.

By adjusting their production, quality, and products to meet the demands and interests of consumers with price and variety Borden has created a reputable, and trustworthy name for themselves.
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Re: Unit 1 Discussion

by Maliaka Adnan -
The social campaign that has caught my attention is Brighton paint in Pakistan that was the first multinational and the best paint company in Pakistan (Lahore)

Finding the right pant and make your house beautiful is a big task Brighton paint campaign about to provide clients the best quality

Talking about it 4 ps
First one is product

Brighton paint sells paint all over Pakistan it not only offers paint but also surface cotting and powder coatings

These are synthesized in paints Industry and then it sells to store shopping malls
Houses and different living areas to make it attractive

There items are displays as various amounts depending upon colour and shades The shades that caught more attention such as aesthetic one has higher price as compared to other. But a normal citizen that are having not much wage also buy this.

They promote by providing guarantee and other selling aspects to make it value more adorable and advanced and have some sale every year to increase its versatility and advancement
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Re: Unit 1 Discussion

by Sinais Viana -
AC Successor of José Puig & Cía. is a company established since 1911 in Caracas, Venezuela; It is culturally recognized in the country for its famous cookies. Evaluating the 4Ps of marketing

PUIG has a wide variety of cookies, both sweet (chocolate, lemon, sprinkles, strawberry, vanilla), salty, soda and whole wheat, favorites of all those who have grown up delighting in their flavors.

This wide range of cookies can be easily found in any supermarket, trade and food stores.

Being a national and well-known product, its prices are affordable for any consumer.

Since it is an old company, its advertising is based around the emotional since generation after generation has grown up eating these products.

In my personal opinion, I think they did a very good job positioning the brand in the market since when thinking about a soda cookie or a Maria cookie, the consumer automatically thinks of the PUIG brand.
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Re: Unit 1 Discussion

by Phuong Tran Mai Linh -
McDonald's, a global fast-food giant, has consistently delivered impactful marketing campaigns. Let's evaluate its approach using the 4 Ps of marketing:

Product: McDonald's offers a diverse menu of fast-food items, including burgers, fries, chicken sandwiches, and salads. Their products cater to a wide range of tastes and preferences, ensuring broad appeal among consumers.

Place: McDonald's strategically locates its restaurants in high-traffic areas such as urban centers, shopping malls, and highways. This ensures convenient accessibility and visibility, maximizing foot traffic and sales potential.

**Price**: McDonald's adopts a value pricing strategy, offering affordable menu options that appeal to budget-conscious consumers. Their value meals and dollar menu items provide excellent value for money, driving customer loyalty and repeat visits.

Promotion: McDonald's employs a multi-channel promotional approach, leveraging TV commercials, social media, sponsorships, and promotional offers to engage with consumers. Their campaigns often focus on family-friendly themes, nostalgia, and seasonal promotions to create emotional connections with customers.

First Issues to Address: When developing a marketing campaign for McDonald's, the first issues to address include:

1. Menu Innovation: Identifying opportunities for menu innovation and adapting to changing consumer preferences, such as healthier options, plant-based alternatives, or regional variations.

2. Customer Experience: Ensuring a seamless and positive customer experience across all touchpoints, including in-store service, mobile ordering, drive-thru efficiency, and delivery services.

3. Brand Consistency: Maintaining brand consistency and integrity across diverse markets while also tailoring marketing messages to local cultural nuances and preferences.

4. Competitive Analysis: Continuously monitoring the competitive landscape and staying ahead of industry trends to differentiate McDonald's offerings and maintain market leadership.

Other Issues for Marketers in the 21st Century:

1. Digital Transformation: Embracing digital technologies and data-driven insights to enhance customer engagement, personalization, and convenience through mobile apps, loyalty programs, and online ordering.

2. Sustainability Initiatives: Addressing growing consumer concerns about sustainability and environmental responsibility by implementing eco-friendly practices, sourcing ethically, and reducing packaging waste.

3. Health and Wellness Trends: Responding to the rising demand for healthier menu options, transparency in ingredient sourcing, and nutritional information to cater to health-conscious consumers.

4. Crisis Management and Reputation: Proactively managing crises and safeguarding the brand's reputation in an era of heightened scrutiny and social media influence.

In summary, McDonald's successful marketing campaigns are underpinned by a strategic focus on the 4 Ps of marketing. However, in the contemporary marketplace, marketers must also navigate evolving consumer preferences, technological advancements, and societal trends to ensure continued relevance and success.
In reply to Phuong Tran Mai Linh

Re: Unit 1 Discussion

by Diane Cardinosa -
One company that has caught my attention is Tesla Inc. I will assess it using the 4 Ps of marketing.

Product: Tesla's product is electric vehicles (EVs) and sustainable energy solutions. Their vehicles are known for their advanced technology, high performance, and environmental friendliness. Tesla's product differentiation lies in its innovative features such as autonomous driving capabilities, long-range battery life, and sleek designs.
 Place: Tesla strategically places its stores and service centers in high-traffic areas and major cities worldwide.
Price: Tesla's pricing strategy has focused on premium pricing, positioning their vehicles as high-end luxury cars. However, they have also introduced more affordable models like the Model 3 to target a broader market segment. Tesla's pricing reflects the value of their advanced technology, sustainability, and the overall ownership experience.
Promotion: Tesla relies heavily on digital marketing and word-of-mouth to promote its products. They utilize social media platforms, online advertising, and content marketing to create brand awareness and engage with their target audience.
Other issues that marketers should keep in mind in the twenty-first century marketplace when launching a campaign include:

 Sustainability With increasing environmental concerns and consumer demand for sustainable products, incorporating sustainability into marketing campaigns can be a key differentiator. Highlighting eco-friendly features, carbon footprint reduction, and ethical practices can resonate with environmentally conscious consumers.
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Re: Unit 1 Discussion

by Khai W -
Assessment of Bonia Using the 4 Ps of Marketing:

Bonia offers luxury fashion items like leather goods, footwear, accessories, and apparel known for quality and elegant design.
- Strengths: Quality craftsmanship, stylish designs.
- Weaknesses: Higher prices, limited product range.

Bonia is well-established in Asia with physical stores and an online presence.
- Strengths: Presence in key markets, accessible online store.
- Weaknesses: Limited international presence, room for expansion.

Positioned as a luxury brand with higher prices targeting quality-conscious consumers.
- Strengths: Perceived value, competitive pricing in luxury segment.
- Weaknesses: Excludes price-sensitive consumers, affordability in some markets.

Bonia promotes through social media, influencer partnerships, and fashion events.
- Strengths: Strong social media presence, influencer collaborations.
- Weaknesses: Potential need for diverse marketing channels, broader audience reach.

Developing a Marketing Campaign for Bonia:
1. First Issues to Address:
- Define target audience demographics and psychographics.
- Clarify Bonia's unique value proposition and competitive position.
- Analyze competitors' strategies and market presence.
- Determine effective online and offline channels for reaching the target audience.

2. Additional 21st Century Marketing Issues:
- Embrace e-commerce, mobile marketing, and personalized experiences.
- Address sustainability, ethical sourcing, and corporate responsibility.
- Navigate influencer marketing, authenticity, and micro-influencers.
- Integrate seamless omni-channel experiences across stores and online.
- Ensure data privacy compliance and build consumer trust.
- Tailor marketing messages to diverse global markets.
- Stay agile to respond to market changes and emerging trends.

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Re: Unit 1 Discussion

by Luke Alexander -

EcoGlow's solar-powered lanterns are designed to provide sustainable lighting solutions for outdoor activities such as camping, hiking, and backyard gatherings.
Key features include durability, waterproofing, adjustable brightness settings, and portability.
The product's design emphasizes eco-friendliness, reliability, and convenience.

EcoGlow's products are available both online through their website and through select retail partners specializing in outdoor equipment.
The company also engages in partnerships with environmentally conscious organizations and participates in eco-friendly events to reach target customers.

EcoGlow positions its products as premium offerings in the solar lighting market due to their high-quality materials, durability, and eco-friendly features.
Pricing strategies may include offering different tiers of products with varying features to cater to different customer segments.
The pricing should reflect the value proposition of sustainability and reliability that EcoGlow offers.

EcoGlow utilizes a mix of digital marketing channels such as social media advertising, influencer partnerships, and content marketing to raise awareness and drive sales.
The company also invests in eco-friendly events and sponsorships to connect with environmentally conscious consumers.
Promotional efforts highlight the product's benefits, including energy efficiency, durability, and its contribution to reducing environmental impact.
Now, moving beyond the fundamental 4 Ps of marketing, here are some additional considerations for marketers launching a campaign in the twenty-first-century marketplace:

Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): Consumers today are increasingly concerned about the environmental and social impact of the products they purchase. Marketers should highlight a company's commitment to sustainability and CSR initiatives to resonate with these values-driven consumers.

Digital Transformation: The rise of digital technology has transformed consumer behavior and the way businesses operate. Marketers need to embrace digital channels, analytics, and automation to effectively target and engage with modern consumers.

Personalization and Customer Experience: With the abundance of data available, marketers can personalize their campaigns to target specific demographics, preferences, and behaviors. Providing a seamless and personalized customer experience across all touchpoints is crucial for building brand loyalty and driving conversions.

Ethical Marketing Practices: In an era of heightened awareness around privacy and data protection, marketers must adhere to ethical marketing practices. Transparency, honesty, and respect for consumer privacy are essential for building trust and credibility with audiences.

Innovation and Adaptability: The pace of change in the marketplace is faster than ever before. Marketers need to continuously innovate and adapt their strategies to stay ahead of the competition and meet evolving consumer needs and preferences.

Globalization and Cultural Sensitivity: In a globalized marketplace, marketers must be sensitive to cultural differences and nuances when expanding into new markets. Localization of marketing campaigns and messages is crucial for resonating with diverse audiences worldwide.

By addressing these additional issues alongside the traditional 4 Ps of marketing, marketers can develop more comprehensive and effective campaigns suited to the demands of the twenty-first-century marketplace.
In reply to Luke Alexander

Re: Unit 1 Discussion

by Jamie Lindsay -
Great points made. I agree cultural sensitivity is a crucial point to consider in marketing especially now.
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Re: Unit 1 Discussion

by Cory Goodrich -
Perdomo Cigars strategically utilizes the 4 Ps of marketing: Product quality, Place accessibility through authorized retailers and online platforms, Price positioning in the premium segment, and Promotion strategies emphasizing heritage and craftsmanship. However, in today's marketplace, marketers must also consider factors like digital marketing, consumer experience, sustainability, ethics, and data analytics for a comprehensive campaign.
In reply to Cory Goodrich

Re: Unit 1 Discussion

by Soukaina Farhoun -
Absolutely, Perdomo Cigars' adherence to the traditional 4 Ps of marketing—focusing on high-quality products, ensuring accessibility via authorized retailers and online platforms, premium pricing, and promoting their rich heritage and craftsmanship—is commendable. However, you're right that modern marketing strategies require a broader scope. Incorporating digital marketing, enhancing consumer experiences, committing to sustainability and ethical practices, and leveraging data analytics are crucial for a holistic and effective marketing campaign in the contemporary landscape.
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Re: Unit 1 Discussion

by Ching-Han Hsu -
Marketing Campaign Analysis and Brainstorming
Product/Service Analysis:
Let us dissect a recent marketing campaign that resonated with me: Patagonia's "Don't Buy This Jacket" campaign. This campaign focused on raising awareness about environmental issues related to excessive consumption, even their products.
Product: High-quality, durable outdoor apparel.
Distribution: Patagonia products are sold through stores, select retailers and websites.
Accessibility: While their products are generally high-quality, they can be expensive, limiting accessibility.
Premium Pricing: Patagonia positions itself as a premium brand, reflecting the quality and durability of its products.
Unique Message: The campaign challenged consumerism through a creative and unexpected message, generating significant social media buzz.
Marketing in the 21st Century
Now, let us brainstorm a potential marketing campaign of our own.
Product/Service Idea: Imagine a language learning app designed specifically for refugees.
Fundamental Marketing Issues:
Target Audience: Clearly define refugees' specific needs and challenges in the target regions.
Value Proposition: Highlight the app's benefits beyond just language learning, such as job training resources or cultural integration assistance.
Accessibility: Ensure the app is free or affordable, and consider offering offline functionality for areas with limited internet access.
Additional Considerations for the 21st Century:
Data Privacy: Transparency about data collection and usage is crucial, especially for a vulnerable population like refugees.
Cultural Sensitivity: The app's interface and content should be culturally sensitive and avoid biases.
Measurable Impact: Define clear metrics to track the app's success in improving refugees' lives.
By considering these additional factors alongside the traditional marketing mix, we can develop effective but also responsible and impactful campaigns.
Discussion Forum Exploration
I would love to hear what other companies or campaigns have interested you! Let us share our thoughts and dissect them using the 4 Ps framework. Additionally, I am curious to hear other ideas for marketing products or services that address social issues.
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Re: Unit 1 Discussion

Product: The Ordinary's Skincare Line
- The Ordinary offers a range of affordable, science-backed skincare products formulated with high-quality active ingredients.
- Products target specific skin concerns, such as acne, aging, and hydration, catering to diverse consumer needs and preferences.

Place: Distribution Channels and Accessibility
- The Ordinary strategically distributes its products through online platforms, including its website and e-commerce retailers like Sephora and Ulta Beauty.
- Accessibility is ensured through a user-friendly online shopping experience, worldwide shipping, and partnerships with brick-and-mortar retailers.

Price: Value-driven Pricing Strategy
- The Ordinary adopts a value-driven pricing strategy, offering high-quality skincare solutions at competitive prices.
- By eliminating extravagant packaging and marketing costs, the brand delivers affordable products without compromising quality, appealing to cost-conscious consumers.

Promotion: Educational Marketing Approach
- The Ordinary's promotion focuses on educating consumers about skincare ingredients, formulations, and routines through informative content, social media engagement, and influencer collaborations.
- The emphasis on transparency, simplicity, and science-based skincare resonates with consumers seeking effective yet straightforward skincare solutions.

First Issues to Address:
1. Market Segmentation: Identify target demographics, skincare concerns, and purchasing behaviors to tailor marketing strategies effectively.
2. Brand Positioning: Establish a clear brand identity and messaging that highlights The Ordinary's commitment to simplicity, transparency, and efficacy in skincare.
3. Competitive Analysis: Assess competitors' product offerings, pricing strategies, and marketing tactics to identify opportunities for differentiation and market advantage.

Additional Considerations in the 21st-century Marketplace:
1. Digital Engagement: Leverage social media platforms, user-generated content, and online communities to foster brand loyalty and engagement.
2. Sustainability Practices: Incorporate eco-friendly packaging, ingredient sourcing, and sustainability initiatives to align with consumers' growing environmental concerns.
3. Personalization: Utilize data-driven insights to offer personalized product recommendations, skincare regimens, and customer experiences, enhancing customer satisfaction and retention.
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Re: Unit 1 Discussion

by Jamie Lindsay -
Evaluating Nestlé Jamaica limited.

Nestlé Jamaica limited is a company that has been around for over 80 years with commitment to nourishing and improving the lives of its consumers through nutrition, health and wellness.

It provides a wide range of products such as: Baby foods, bottled water, cereals, chocolate and confectionery, coffee, culinary and cooking, chilled and frozen food, dairy, drinks, professional food service, health care nutrition, ice cream, and petcare.

Nestlé products are all over the world, in supermarkets, grocery shops, in smaller local stores and online. 

The prices of the items varies depending on the product however they are generally affordable.

The issue with Nestlé is that it promotes health and wellness but at that same time sell products like ice- cream and water-based soft beverages with added sugar to its customers. The target audience would need to be clearly defined as well as the demography to which these products are geared towards.

In the 21st century we are heavily influenced and dependent on technology and social media, which can easily make or break a company. One must keep in mind cultural sensitivity and inclusiveness are very important in developingor deliveringa product. Marketers should also keep in mind that data privacy is crucial to generate trust and value.
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Re: Unit 1 Discussion

by Marvin Antoni -
I thought using Beyond Meat's who caught my attention,

Product: Beyond Meat makes plant-based meat alternatives like burgers and sausages.
Place: You can find Beyond Meat products in grocery stores, restaurants, and fast-food chains all over.
Price: They cost a bit more than regular meat because they're healthier and better for the environment.
Promotion: Beyond Meat advertises online, partners with chefs and celebs, and goes to food events to tell people about their tasty and eco-friendly products.
For the first issues:

Who Buys It?: They need to know who their customers are, like people who want healthier or more eco-friendly food.
What Makes It Special?: They have to show why their plant-based meat is better than regular meat, like being healthier and greener.
Where Can You Get It?: Beyond Meat needs to make sure their products are easy to find in stores and restaurants.
For other things to consider:

Be Honest: They should always tell the truth about what's in their products and how they make them to build trust with customers.
Use Social Media: Beyond Meat can connect with people on social media to talk about their products and listen to what customers want.
Keep It Healthy: Because more people care about being healthy, they should keep talking about how their products are good for you.
Help the Planet: Showing how their products help the environment can convince more people to buy them.

By thinking about these things along with the 4 Ps, Beyond Meat can make sure their marketing works well and keeps customers happy.
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Re: Unit 1 Discussion

by Clint Riley -
One campaign that I remember well was the rental car company, Avis', "We're number two. We try harder." Essentially, the owned the fact that they were only the second-biggest car rental company, and that meant that would work harder than the biggest one in order to overtake them. The 4 Ps of marketing that I would assess for this campaign:

Product: Avis' product was car rental service.

Place: They have rental facilities across the nation, often in and near airports, metropolitan districts, and destination hotspots.

Price: They marketed discount pricing compared to competitors - but their real focus was on their service in relation to the price.

Promotion: The campaign used an unconventional strategy to not only standout, but also to appeal to the notion that "growing to number one requires harder work than maintaining number one".

Issues: The campaign, to some, could come across as gimmicky. Additionally, it could actually backfire with some people - as there are large segments of the market who choose the largest and "best" simply because they are the largest and best. Embracing that you are not the largest and best, but "want to be" may appeal to some... could detract others.
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Re: Unit 1 Discussion

by Lorraine Reyes -
Product: The iPhone offers sleek design, innovative features, and a user-friendly interface. It's always pushing boundaries with new technology.

Place: Apple strategically places its products in their own stores, online, and through authorized retailers worldwide, ensuring accessibility to customers globally.

Price: Apple positions the iPhone as a premium product, pricing it higher than many competitors, but justifying it through quality, features, and brand reputation.

Promotion: Apple uses a mix of advertising, social media, and events to create hype around new iPhone releases, emphasizing its unique features and benefits.

Now, if I were to develop a marketing campaign for a new product, I'd first need to address the target audience, market research to understand their needs and preferences, and develop a unique selling proposition that sets our product apart.

In the twenty-first century marketplace, marketers should also consider the impact of digital marketing, sustainability, social responsibility, and the rise of influencer marketing. These factors can significantly influence consumer behavior and brand perception.
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Re: Unit 1 Discussion

by Marvin Antoni -
I've been captivated by Nike's sustainability campaign, which aims to reduce its environmental footprint while continuing to deliver high-quality products to consumers. Let's assess this campaign through the lens of the 4 Ps of marketing: product, place, price, and promotion.

Nike's product range includes athletic footwear, apparel, equipment, and accessories. With its sustainability campaign, Nike has introduced eco-friendly materials and production methods into its product line. This includes using recycled polyester, organic cotton, and innovative manufacturing techniques to minimize waste and energy consumption.

Nike's products are available globally, both online and through various retail channels. The company has strategically positioned its stores in key urban centers, as well as leveraging e-commerce platforms to reach a wider audience. Additionally, Nike has partnered with select retailers to showcase its sustainable products in-store, emphasizing accessibility and convenience for consumers.

Nike's pricing strategy balances affordability with perceived value. While sustainable products often come with higher production costs, Nike has managed to maintain competitive prices to appeal to a broader demographic. By highlighting the durability and environmental benefits of its sustainable products, Nike justifies its pricing and reinforces its commitment to sustainability.

Nike's sustainability campaign is heavily promoted through various marketing channels, including social media, advertising campaigns, and corporate communications. The company collaborates with influential athletes and celebrities to endorse its sustainable initiatives, leveraging their platforms to reach millions of followers. Moreover, Nike actively engages with consumers through educational content and interactive experiences, fostering a sense of community and advocacy for sustainable practices.
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Re: Unit 1 Discussion

by Edward Ramos -
Apple Inc is a company that has revolutionized the technological landscape within the last decade. I will be utilizing the 4'Ps of marketing to explain how this corporation is fulfilling innovative means in the global marketplace.

Products: Apple Inc has come out with a wide variety of tech such as : iPhone, Mac desktop interfaces and to include the most recent Apple Vision pro products.

Place: Given that the Apple Inc is headquartered in the United States gives it a wide range of abilities for global out reach. The products are sold not only domestically but within other countries to fit the different demographics within the world.
Price: The cost within the Apple ecosystem is relatively fair and balanced per the quality and innovation that goes into the Apple products.

Promotion: Their marketing is amongst one of the best and most grossing within the tech industry above this Apple does a great job on inclusivity that makes the interface one of the most compatible compared to their competition.

Issues: The issues that surround Apple Inc in the recent years are their use of innovative products that have been used in a immoral way when it comes to obtaining and mimicking these innovations within their own products. Ridicules into their privacy standards has been an issue in the recent years as well when implementing updates and permissions to their IOS interface.

Apple Inc does a lot of amazing in critically important things in order to maintain a relevance and maintain trust within its users.
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Re: Unit 1 Discussion

by Dominic Mancia -
Beyond Two Rings in La Habra, CA

Beyond Two Rings sells fine bridal jewelry to couples and fashion jewelry to individuals.

Located in La Habra, they're conisdered a local business, however they've recently expanded their reach nationally by incorporating a website.

Fine jewelry is a luxury good and gold is very expensive. There are dem-fine options for more cost-conscious shoppers, but generally fine jewelry tends to still be expensive

Will be targeting couples, or single individuals that are more likely to have spare income to spend on luxury goods. Includes individuals from about 24-40ish.

Social media marketing is one of the most interesting new elements of marketing because of the ability to attain virality overnight with the right video, but you have to be able to capitalize that and continue putting out creative content for it to work.
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Re: Unit 1 Discussion

by assefa tilahun -

Hello Everyone,  

I'd like to begin by sharing an assessment of a marketing campaign that has recently caught my attention - Nike's "Just Do It" campaign. Nike is a prominent example of a company that has effectively utilized the 4 Ps of marketing - product, place, price, and promotion - to create a successful and impactful campaign.

Product: Nike's product, athletic footwear and apparel, is known for its high quality, performance, and innovative designs. The company has consistently focused on creating products that resonate with athletes and fitness enthusiasts, aligning with their "Just Do It" message.

Place: Nike's strategic placement of its products in retail stores, online platforms, and through partnerships with sports teams and athletes has contributed to its widespread availability and accessibility to consumers worldwide.

Price: Nike has managed to position its products at a premium price point, reflecting the quality and value it offers. The brand's perceived value has allowed it to maintain premium pricing, contributing to its strong brand image.

Promotion: Through powerful advertising campaigns, sponsorships, and endorsements by high-profile athletes, Nike has effectively promoted its products and brand message. The "Just Do It" campaign, in particular, has been impactful in inspiring and motivating consumers.

If I were to develop a marketing campaign, I would prioritize addressing the fundamental rules of marketing, such as identifying the target audience, understanding their needs and preferences, and crafting a compelling value proposition that sets the product or service apart from competitors. Additionally, conducting thorough market research to assess the competitive landscape, consumer behavior, and market trends would be crucial in shaping the campaign strategy.

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Re: Unit 1 Discussion

by Mosaratullah Sediqi -
Finding the right pant and make your house beautiful is a big task Brighton paint campaign about to provide clients the best quality

Talking about it 4 ps
First one is product

Brighton paint sells paint all over Pakistan it not only offers paint but also surface cotting and powder coatings

These are synthesized in paints Industry and then it sells to store shopping malls
Houses and different living areas to make it attractive

There items are displays as various amounts depending upon colour and shades The shades that caught more attention such as aesthetic one has higher price as compared to other. But a normal citizen that are having not much wage also buy this.

They promote by providing guarantee and other selling aspects to make it value more adorable and advanced and have some sale every year to increase its versatility and advancement
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Re: Unit 1 Discussion

by Hayley Fisher -
Products: Coca-Cola Spiced, a new Coca-Cola flavor that consists of raspberry and spiced flavors.

Place: Grocery stores, possibly restaurants and markets

Price: The price varies depending on the size of the product. A 20 fl bottle is $2.39. A 12 pack of cans is $7.99 at Target and Walmart.

Promotion/advertisement: The commercial was televised and also seen on YouTube. The commercial was visually pleasing and kept the viewers interested. The production for the commercial had a big budget because there was a lot of actors, props, and effects.

Issues: People posted reviews online saying that they did not like the taste and complained about the amount of sugar.
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Re: Unit 1 Discussion

by Zooalnoon Ammar Ahmed -
IntroductionOne company campaign that has recently caught my attention is Nike's "Move to Zero," which is their journey towards zero carbon and zero waste to help protect the future of sport. This campaign serves as an excellent example to explore the 4 Ps of marketing: Product, Place, Price, and Promotion.1. ProductNike's "Move to Zero" includes a range of sustainable products made from recycled materials. These products maintain the high performance and quality standards associated with Nike while emphasizing environmental responsibility. Key aspects to address:Product Quality: Ensuring the sustainable products meet the same quality standards as non-sustainable ones.Innovation: Continuously improving and innovating materials to increase sustainability.2. PlaceNike distributes its products through a variety of channels:Retail Stores: Both Nike-owned and third-party retailers globally.Online Platform: Nike's own e-commerce site and other online retailers.Geographical Reach: Ensuring availability in key markets and expanding into emerging markets.3. PricePricing strategies for the "Move to Zero" line need to balance sustainability with affordability:Premium Pricing: Some sustainable products may be priced higher due to the cost of eco-friendly materials and processes.Cost Management: Finding ways to reduce costs without compromising on sustainability to make products accessible to a wider audience.4. PromotionPromotion is crucial for raising awareness and driving adoption of sustainable products:Advertising: Using various media platforms to highlight the benefits and features of sustainable products.Public Relations: Engaging with media and influencers to spread the message of sustainability.Social Media Campaigns: Leveraging social media to connect with a younger, eco-conscious audience.Key Issues in Marketing Campaign DevelopmentWhen developing a marketing campaign, some fundamental issues to address include:Target Audience: Identifying and understanding the needs and preferences of the target market.Market Research: Conducting thorough research to inform product development and marketing strategies.Brand Positioning: Ensuring the campaign aligns with the brand's overall positioning and values.Additional Considerations for Modern MarketersBeyond the fundamental rules of marketing, modern marketers should consider:Digital Transformation: Embracing digital tools and platforms to enhance marketing efforts.Consumer Privacy: Respecting consumer privacy and adhering to data protection regulations.Ethical Marketing: Ensuring all marketing practices are ethical and socially responsible.Sustainability: Incorporating sustainability not just in products, but throughout the entire supply chain and marketing practices.Personalization: Utilizing data and analytics to create personalized marketing experiences.ConclusionNike's "Move to Zero" campaign is a great example of how the 4 Ps of marketing can be applied to create a successful and impactful campaign. By addressing fundamental marketing issues and considering modern challenges, marketers can develop campaigns that resonate with today's consumers and contribute to a sustainable future.
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Re: Unit 1 Discussion

by Ashley Clark -
Nike's "Just Do It" campaign has always been a standout in the world of marketing, consistently capturing the attention of consumers worldwide. To analyze this campaign effectively, let's break it down using the 4 Ps of marketing: product, place, price, and promotion.

Nike's primary product is athletic footwear, but the "Just Do It" campaign encompasses a broad range of their offerings, including apparel, equipment, and accessories. The campaign doesn't just sell products; it sells a lifestyle and an attitude. The focus is on high-quality, performance-oriented items that appeal to both professional athletes and everyday fitness enthusiasts.

Nike products are available worldwide, both in physical retail stores and online. Their strategic placement in high-traffic areas such as malls, sports complexes, and online marketplaces like Amazon ensures maximum visibility. The company's own website and app also play a crucial role in direct sales and customer engagement.

Nike positions itself as a premium brand. The pricing strategy reflects the high quality and innovation associated with its products. While prices are on the higher end, the perceived value justifies the cost for many consumers. Nike also uses a tiered pricing approach, offering a range of products from high-end to more affordable options, ensuring accessibility without diluting the brand's premium image.

The "Just Do It" campaign is a masterclass in promotion. It leverages various channels, including TV commercials, social media, sponsorships, and influencer partnerships. The messaging is consistent and powerful, focusing on motivation, perseverance, and the empowerment of athletes at all levels. Celebrity endorsements from top athletes like Michael Jordan, Serena Williams, and LeBron James amplify the campaign's reach and impact.

Developing a Marketing Campaign: Solar Energy Solutions
For a marketing campaign promoting solar energy solutions, the initial issues to address according to the fundamental rules of marketing would be:

Identifying the Target Market: Determine who would benefit most from solar energy solutions—homeowners, businesses, or both.
Market Research: Understand the current demand for solar energy, the competitive landscape, and potential barriers to adoption.
Value Proposition: Clearly articulate the benefits of solar energy, such as cost savings, environmental impact, and energy independence.
Additional Considerations for Twenty-First Century Marketing
Beyond the topics covered in this unit, marketers in the twenty-first century should also consider the following:

Digital Presence: Ensure a strong online presence through a user-friendly website, active social media engagement, and SEO strategies.
Sustainability: Highlight the sustainability and environmental benefits of the product or service, as consumers are increasingly eco-conscious.
Data Privacy: Be transparent about data collection and usage, ensuring compliance with privacy laws and building consumer trust.
Customer Experience: Focus on providing an exceptional customer experience, from initial contact through post-purchase support.
Technological Advancements: Leverage the latest technology, such as AI and machine learning, to personalize marketing efforts and improve efficiency.
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Re: Unit 1 Discussion

by Jardel Manejo José Chicanga -
Coca-Cola company is has caught my attention and I will assess it by using the four P's of Marketing:

Product: Coca-Cola offers a variety of products, from traditional sodas to options with less sugar and diet versions. They have also expanded their line with energy drinks and flavored waters.

Place (Distribution): Coca-Cola has a wide and efficient distribution, being available in practically everywhere, from supermarkets to small convenience stores.

Price: Coca-Cola products have competitive prices, with pricing strategies that vary according to the market and the specific product.

Promotion: Coca-Cola is known for its creative and impactful marketing campaigns, including TV commercials, social media actions, and partnerships with events and celebrities.

If I were to develop a marketing campaign, the first issues I would address would be:

1. Clearly define the target audience and their consumption habits.
2. Establish clear objectives for the campaign.
3. Create a unique and relevant message that stands out in the market.

In addition, in the 21st century, marketers should be attentive to issues such as sustainability, corporate social responsibility, customer experience personalization, and the growing importance of digital marketing and social media.