Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

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Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

Number of replies: 114

Consider these questions from a variety of angles. Then, share your thoughts on the discussion forum. Make sure to review and respond to other students' posts, as well.

  1. Is critical thinking important? Why or why not?
  2. How will the understanding and use of critical thinking benefit you in your life now and in the future?
  3. How do emotions affect one's ability to think critically?
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Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by Colte Rindlesbach -
1. It's crucial that we use critical thinking. Critical thinking is a skill/tool best used when communicating thoughts and feelings. it helps us provide thoughtful arguments on a given stance while also providing enough room for change in thought.
2. The benefits critical thinking will have in my life would be immeasurable. from quicker and more effective decision making to better conflict resolution I don't see where my life couldn't benefit.
3. a bit off topic but; I think that the process of critical thinking can help us process emotions better, being able to better question ourselves and why were feeling those emotions. If one is able to use critical thinking to process and break down emotions into "data points" on what changes are needed. I think emotional and critical thought are two sides of the same coin when it comes to effectively communicating. both are equally important, you will loose your audience and ability to adapt if its too critical but if you're too emotional your argument loses its foundation and becomes flimsy.
In reply to Colte Rindlesbach

Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by Olivia Cox -

I find your answer to the third question to be really insightful. I especially found the ideal of using critical thinking to break the emotion you are processing into “data points” to be the perfect wording to make that concept clear and also really stick in my mind. 

Overall I liked how your post answered the questions but also maintained the ideal of emotion and how heavily it influences critical thinking but emotion is also a key component in critical thinking in order for it to be truly effective. 

In reply to Olivia Cox

Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by Jayne Boehme -
I also really like the third answer. Talking about emotions as data points is a great way of making them less personal and more objective. I think that being reflective facilitates this more than anything else can.
In reply to Colte Rindlesbach

Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by Olivia Cox -

I find your answer to the third question to be really insightful. I especially found the ideal of using critical thinking to break the emotion you are processing into “data points” to be the perfect wording to make that concept clear and also really stick in my mind. 

Overall I liked how your post answered the questions but also maintained the ideal of emotion and how heavily it influences critical thinking but emotion is also a key component in critical thinking in order for it to be truly effective.

In reply to Colte Rindlesbach

Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by Ashley Steigerwaldt -

I enjoyed your point in section 3 and find it interesting to connect critical thinking and self-regulating emotions. Great job!

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Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by Cris Hass -
Is critical thinking important? Why or why not?
Critical thinking is very important because it allows you to solve problems when the answer isn’t clear.
How will the understanding and use of critical thinking benefit you in your life now and in the future?
Understanding and utilizing critical thinking skills can benefit my life and future because it can allow me to work through issues on my own, without relying on others.
How do emotions affect one's ability to think critically?
Emotions can drastically affect one’s ability to think critically because critical thinking requires you to think about thinking, and with emotions high it is difficult to focus on your thoughts.
In reply to Cris Hass

Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by Paul Vaifanua Jr. -
I completely agree with your response to the questions. Thanks for sharing.
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Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by Matt Pettus -
• Is critical thinking important? Why or why not?

Absolutely. I feel it would be impossible to get to the root cause of any issue w/o the ability to think critically.

2. How will the understanding and use of critical thinking benefit you in your life now and in the future?

Thinking critically will give me the ability to dig deeper and ask the right questions to uncover any pain points with my customers. Leading to more closed sales.

3. How do emotions affect one's ability to think critically?

When we're angry or sad, etc our thought tend to lead further in that direction. We may think or interpret thoughts in the manner of how we may be feeling which can create errors or fallacies in our ability to think critically. How can we be objective which is paramount to our critical thinking abilities, when in an emotional state?
In reply to Matt Pettus

Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking


I don’t agree fully with your first point because sometimes the root cause of problem don’t rely on thinking but established fact on which we have to believe rather than questioning or critically thinking about that.

In reply to MD FURKAN

Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by Celyne Kydd -
Your answer actually makes lots of sense
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Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by K Amanda -
1: Critical thinking is an essential tool. This is because it allows us to really comprehend what we are thinking and analyze information.
2: It will benefit by making me make better deicions in the future and to break things down from pros to cons.
3: Critically thinking can help up identify why we are feeling different emotions and the reasoning behind them.
In reply to K Amanda

Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by Daniel Sosa -

I agree with your assessments of critical thinking.

In reply to K Amanda

Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by Shaqoria Hay -
I so love your response it is an essential tool needed in our day to day. We do first have to comprehend and analyze what may be handed to us at that given moment. It does make you a better person because as I have now sat back it does allow me to make better decision at work and when I am just doing things in my daily life as well. I like how you answered the last question because critical thinking does allow to process and think about the emotions we may go through to determine the reasoning behind it.
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Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by Ashlee Trussell -
1. Is critical thinking important? Why or why not?

Critical thinking is essential and crucial in our lives. It helps us analyze information and facts objectively, evaluate different viewpoints, and make the best decisions. It enables us to think beyond the surface level and delve deeper into the issues at hand. Critical thinking allows us to question assumptions, biases, and opinions, and helps us arrive at logical conclusions. It is crucial in all aspects of life, whether it is personal, professional, or academic.

2. How will the understanding and use of critical thinking benefit you in your life now and in the future?

The use of critical thinking will benefit me in several ways, both in my present and future life. It will help me to understand different perspectives, make informed decisions, and solve complex problems. It will also enable me to analyze and evaluate information critically, which is essential in today's world where information is abundant. It will help me communicate effectively, think creatively, and work collaboratively with others. Moreover, it will help me to approach challenges with an open mind, curiosity, and confidence.

3. How do emotions affect one's ability to think critically?

Emotions can significantly affect one's ability to think critically. When we are emotional, we may become biased and make decisions based on our emotions rather than logic and reasoning. Emotions can cloud our judgment, and we may not be able to evaluate information objectively. For example, when we are angry, we may jump to conclusions or make irrational decisions. Similarly, when we are too happy or excited, we may overlook potential problems or risks. Therefore, it is essential to manage our emotions and maintain a balanced state of mind while thinking critically.
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Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by Olivia Cox -
Is critical thinking important? Why or why not?
1. Yes, critical thinking is important. Critical thinking is a fundamental skilled used in day to day life as well as professions. Many careers and jobs require critical thinking skills to execute the task or job. In daily life critical thinking is a foundational skill used for things ranging from communication, decision making, physical task and just basic survival needs. Without critical thinking one would not be able to develop thoughts, assess actions, logically analyze situations, and even learn.
How will the understanding and use of critical thinking benefit you in your life now and in the future?
2. Understanding the use and basics of critical thinking will help me further grow my knowledge and in turn grow my own critical thinking skills. By doing that and gaining insight on what critical thinking is and means, my own critical thinking skills develop and grow helping me become more successful in all the aspects that critical thinking plays a key role in my life as well as those around me.
How do emotions affect one's ability to think critically?
3. Emotions can cloud one’s ability to think critically. When emotions are involved they can lead to a lack of critical thinking and impaired critical thinking. Emotions can cloud judgement and without clear judgement critical thinking becomes difficult.
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Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by Ahmed Abdirahman Ahmed -
Yes, critical thinking is important because it allows us to effectively solve the problems we encounter in life. According to the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, critical thinking is widely recognized as an essential educational goal (Hitchcock, 2022, para. 1). It helps us approach situations with careful consideration, analyze information, and make informed decisions. By developing critical thinking skills, we become better equipped to navigate complex issues and find logical solutions.

In my personal experience, critical thinking has been beneficial in solving real-life problems. As a teacher, I encountered a situation where a student asked me a question for which I did not have sufficient information to provide an answer. Instead of dismissing the question, I decided to engage the class by asking if anyone knew the answer. One student responded, and I reinforced their contribution. This approach not only encouraged critical thinking in the student who answered but also fostered a collaborative and inclusive learning environment.

Emotions can have an impact on one's ability to think critically. It is important to recognize that emotions can influence our thoughts and reasoning processes. When we are emotionally invested in a particular viewpoint, it can be challenging to consider alternative perspectives objectively. Therefore, it is crucial to be aware of our emotions and strive for a balanced and open-minded approach when engaging in critical thinking.

Reference: Hitchcock, D. (2022). Critical thinking. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Retrieved from https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/critical-thinking/
In reply to Ahmed Abdirahman Ahmed

Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by John Heathcliff -
Hi Ahmed, I like how you related the value of critical thinking to your experience as a teacher in which you have to provide the student with a rationale and a basis for the knowledge you are sharing. I also liked how you emphasize how emotion can easily distort ones perception and reasoning.
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Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by Abdul Wahab -
1. Critical thinking uses a deductive argument to raise a conclusion. This kind of thinking does not use personal preferences. It takes input from the environment and concludes from the observation.
2. It makes the interaction with each other much easier. It helps to develop the world infrastructure that works as any other natural thing.
3. Emotions introduce personal biases in the argument to please oneself. However, nature's brutal truth is that it does not consider any personal emotions of a being in count.
In reply to Abdul Wahab

Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by Brianna Dandurand -
I disagree with your conclusion that critical thinking does not use personal preferences. Personal preference can be a key component to thinking critically. For example; You're generally anxious at parties, but you MUST attend a work party this evening. You know that you are typically triggered by ___, ____ & ____. Critical thinking about this situation would be asking questions like, "How can I ensure that I am comfortable when being met with a trigger?" "How am I going to feel when I am triggered?" "Who can I reach out to in that case?"
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Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by Brianna Dandurand -
1. Critical Thinking is crucial to multiple aspects of life. It is a key component of healthy communication. Without critical thinking, we are unable to see past the base words that someone has said to us. It helps us change our thought patterns, or defend a thought pattern that we believe is "true".
2. Understanding and using critical thinking can be a key factor between landing a job and not. It can play a crucial role in job performance. But more personally, it plays a key role in parenting. It gives me the thinking skills to be able to take a step back and assess the situation as a whole before reacting blindly.
3. Emotions without the ability to think critically are chaos. How would you be able decipher WHY you are feeling a certain way and HOW to fix/cope with that feeling?
In reply to Brianna Dandurand

Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by Alyssa Nelson -
Our thought patterns and emotions impact our choices, so using critical thinking to evaluate them is very important. I never thought about how critical thinking would be a good skill specifically for parenting.
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Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by Leslie Tapper -

1. Critical thinking is a master skill that forces us to exercise more awareness in our everyday decisions. This is important in improving not only our quality of life but also the relationships we have with other people.
2. Critical thinking will not only make me a better contributor to society but also a better person to others because it will force me to become more open-minded and make decisions that consider the well-being of others as well as decisions that are effective in my self-development journey.
3. Emotions can aid people in establishing emotional connections and dealing with other people due to them using empathy. However, emotions can make us more prone to making impulsive decisions, therefore, emotions are a balanced aspect of critical thinking that can influence the kind of frame of mind a person remains in. Which also impacts the quality of the decisions they make.

In reply to Leslie Tapper

Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by Alyssa Nelson -
I had trouble thinking of specific examples where emotions could benefit or harm critical thinking. I like your examples.
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Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by Catherine Quinn -
1. Critical thinking is extremely important, as it informs how we absorb and process the information around us. It plays a critical role in how we solve problems, make decisions, and interact with the world.
2. Understanding and using critical thinking can profoundly impact personal and professional growth. In daily life, it helps individuals navigate challenges, make sound decisions, and communicate effectively. In the workplace, critical thinking is highly valued by employers as it contributes to problem-solving, innovation, and adaptability.
3. Emotions can feel powerful and although they can provide valuable insights and motivation, they may also cloud judgment if not managed appropriately. Strong emotional reactions might lead to biased thinking, impulsive decisions, or the dismissal of opposing viewpoints. On the other hand, being aware of one's emotions and managing them effectively can enhance critical thinking by promoting a more objective and rational analysis of information.
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Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by Steven Zuniga-Smith -
Critical thinking is one of the most important skills a person can possess. It empowers us to navigate the complexities of the world, make informed decisions, solving problems effectively, and challenging misleading information.

In an the age of information critical thinking serves as a vital filter. It equips us to seek out fact from fiction, separate opinion from evidence, and resist manipulation. It allows us to engage in meaningful debates and to listen with open minds, and consider different perspectives

Critical thinking breeds intellectual curiosity, encouraging us to question assumptions, and explore alternative possibilities. It fuels innovation, and it brings different challenges from new angles. In a world that is constantly evolving, this ability to think critically is important for adapting to change, embracing new ideas, and contributing meaningfully to progress.

While some may argue that critical thinking can be disruptive it is because of this ability to challenge the status quo that drives that positive change. By questioning established norms and assumptions, critical thinkers become agents of transformation, pushing for improvements in all of society.

Critical thinking is a skill not only for navigating the complexities of our personal lives but also for fostering a more informed and engaged population.
In reply to Steven Zuniga-Smith

Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by Alyssa Nelson -
I agree, critical thinking is crucial with all the information we have thrown at us all the time. Perhaps the internet would be less contentious if more people knew how to think critically and actually applied it.
In reply to Steven Zuniga-Smith

Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by John Heathcliff -
Hi Steve, CT truly is an essential skill if you want to have a life worth living not only for yourself but also for your family, your community, your country, and the world. Challenging norms is important for progress and change; however, too often the fast pace of popular culture rewards those who simply challenge norms without providing any objective, verifiable facts, or rationale, and it undervalues sticking around to find out whether one's norm-challenging had any real merit or value. As a result, we get a lot of opinion and gut reactions that have no critical thinking even though they are repeated over and over again.
In reply to John Heathcliff

Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by Andrés Ramírez -
Yes, that's why it's really important to verify sources for yourself and check for other sources to see how the information is presented. From this, you can draw your own well-informed conclusions.
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Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by Alyssa Nelson -
1. Critical thinking is important because it can help you solve problems and determine the quality, relevence, and usefulness of information. Also, if you do not think critically, you're more likely to be influenced by those who appeal best to your emotions, who do not always have your best interests to heart. And even if they do have the best intentions, they could still be wrong.
2. There are so many situations where problem-solving is useful. Of course, it's a valued skill in the workplace. It's also useful when making art, such as figuring out the plot of a story. It's also a skill very closely tied with learning itself.
3. I think emotions can be helpful and harmful to critical thinking, depending on the circumstance. They can hold you back and propel you. It would be a bad idea to try to ignore them, say, in the name of rationality or productivity. We have emotions for a reason. They're not a nuisance to be rid of, they're a tool to help us.
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Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking


1. Critical thinking is something which is essential part of our learning process. Gaining a lot of knowledge without critically analysing, observing or thinking about that why and how it is violating the essence of the purpose of education.

2. Critical thinking as a habit will help me through out the life to take a right decisions on critical questions or situations of life.

3. Taking decisions by using critical thinking sometimes can be against your emotions but It is something which you have to do for taking right decisions.

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Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by Desiree Polo -
1. Is critical thinking important? Why or why not?

Justifications for:

Fighting prejudice and disinformation: In the digital era we live in, critical thinking gives us the tools we need to assess the reliability of information, examine it objectively, and stay away from manipulation and echo chambers.

Making well-informed decisions: Critical thinking enables us to examine our alternatives, consider possible outcomes, and make decisions that are well-informed, whether we are selecting a professional route, handling personal relationships, or casting a ballot in an election.

Solving problems: Overcoming complicated situations calls for creative problem-solving. Thinking critically enables us to find the sources of problems, take into account different viewpoints, and come up with original solutions.

Personal development: Critical thinking encourages intellectual curiosity, open-mindedness, and a readiness to learn and adapt by challenging presumptions and considering opposing views.

Reasons not to:

Time and effort: Applying critical thinking skills can take time and mental work, particularly when confronted with complicated problems or contradicting data.

Uncomfortable truths: It can be unsettling to challenge conventions or questioned beliefs, which can cause social conflict or cognitive dissonance.

Ambiguity and uncertainty: Not every issue has an obvious answer. It might be discouraging for some when critical thinking doesn't always yield conclusive solutions.

2. How will the understanding and use of critical thinking benefit you in your life now and in the future?

Right now:

Academic success: In a variety of subjects, the ability to analyze texts, assess evidence, and formulate persuasive arguments is essential.

Personal relationships: By allowing you to take into account other people's viewpoints, recognize possible problems, and effectively handle communication difficulties, critical thinking promotes good communication.

Conscience consumerism: Analyzing information and claims critically is necessary to make judgments about goods, services, and even news sources.

Career advancement: Employers are starting to place a higher priority on critical thinking. It gives you the ability to think creatively, adjust to change, and flourish in challenging situations.

Lifelong learning: In a world that is changing quickly, critical thinking abilities enable you to learn new things constantly, adapt, and remain relevant.

Active citizenship: Holding leaders responsible and participating in civic life with knowledge are fostered by critically examining social concerns.

3. How do emotions affect one's ability to think critically?

Negative emotions: Strong feelings such as fear, worry, or rage can impair judgment and cause erroneous interpretations as well as rash judgments.

Positive emotions: By encouraging more in-depth examination and careful evaluation of many viewpoints, curiosity, a feeling of justice, or empathy can inspire critical thinking.

Emotional intelligence: Being able to identify and control your emotions enables you to think more clearly and rationally, especially in highly charged circumstances.
In reply to Desiree Polo

Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by alexandria austin -
I think we both had the same opinion on this post- we both went through different stages of critical thinking and why It may be important in different aspects, you did a great job explaining different scenarios.

I really like how you went through the different emotions and intelligence for the impact on critical thinking on emotions. Great job!
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Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by Sandra LeFranc -
1. Without a doubt, critical thinking is crucial. It is the capacity to gather, assess, and synthesize data in order to create logical conclusions and make defensible choices. Critical thinking is a useful skill for navigating the complicated and information-rich world of today. It helps people spot biases, false information, and appeals to logic. Better decision-making, creativity, and problem-solving are all made possible by it. People who lack critical thinking are more prone to being duped, believing unsound arguments, and making bad decisions.
2. Gaining knowledge about and using critical thinking techniques has several advantages. These days, it aids people in identifying reliable information sources, distinguishing between facts and opinions, and making wise decisions in both personal and professional domains. It encourages flexibility, inventiveness, and fortitude in the face of difficulties. Critical thinking will become more and more important in the future as cultures change and technology develops. It gives people the tools they need to prosper in a variety of settings, make significant contributions to society, and adjust to the demands of a constantly changing world.
3. Critical thinking can be profoundly impacted by emotions. Strong feelings like fear, rage, or enthusiasm can cause prejudiced thinking and impair judgment. People who have strong emotional attachments to a certain course of action or point of view may ignore contradicting information or reject other viewpoints. Emotions can affect how things are perceived, interpreted, and decided upon, which may make it more difficult to use reason and reasoning. Emotional intelligence and self-awareness, on the other hand, can support people in efficiently managing their emotions, allowing them to participate in more unbiased and logical critical thought processes.
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Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by Jose Mendez -
Critical thinking is crucial for problem-solving, decision-making, effective communication, understanding perspectives, and continuous learning. It helps me navigate challenges, make informed decisions, communicate effectively, and grow personally. Emotions can impact critical thinking by introducing bias, impulsivity, influencing perception, and interfering with rational analysis. However, managing emotions alongside critical thinking skills is essential for making well-rounded, informed judgments and decisions.
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Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by Olha Semeniuk -
Critical thinking is indeed crucial for navigating the complexities of life. It enables individuals to analyze information, evaluate arguments, and make informed decisions. Without critical thinking, people may accept information uncritically, leading to misguided beliefs or actions.

In both personal and professional contexts, critical thinking is invaluable. It allows individuals to assess situations objectively, consider various perspectives, and arrive at well-reasoned conclusions. Whether it's making decisions about career paths, investments, or personal relationships, critical thinking helps individuals weigh options and anticipate potential outcomes.

Moreover, in an era inundated with information from various sources, the ability to think critically is essential for discerning fact from fiction. With critical thinking skills, individuals can spot logical fallacies, misinformation, and biases, empowering them to make informed choices and engage in constructive discourse.

However, emotions can significantly influence one's ability to think critically. Strong emotions, such as fear, anger, or excitement, can cloud judgment and lead to impulsive decision-making. Additionally, individuals may be prone to confirmation bias, seeking out information that aligns with their emotions or preconceived notions while disregarding contradictory evidence.

Nevertheless, emotions can also serve as valuable inputs in the critical thinking process. They can highlight underlying values, motivations, and concerns that warrant consideration. The key is to recognize and manage emotions effectively, allowing them to inform but not dictate the decision-making process.

In conclusion, critical thinking is undeniably important for navigating life's challenges and making informed decisions. It empowers individuals to analyze information, consider various perspectives, and arrive at well-reasoned conclusions. While emotions can influence critical thinking, awareness and effective management can mitigate their impact, leading to more rational and thoughtful decision-making.
In reply to Olha Semeniuk

Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by Osvaldo De Leon -
I agree with everything you just stated in your post. Unfortunately, as you put it, we live in an "era inundated with information from various sources, the ability to think critically is essential for discerning fact from fiction." My only question for us to maybe engage is, do you believe that with such an "inundated" variety of information, we can achieve the discernment of fact over fiction? We can, but we must educate ourselves to have a dialectical discussion over truth, even if this may or may not help our views. As you point out, part of the dialect is to achieve truth over emotion and fiction. I enjoyed reading your discussion, especially the mention of today's culture, which seems bombarded with misinformation due to a lack of critical thinking skills.
In reply to Olha Semeniuk

Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by Vinicius Amorim Vieira de Sa -
Hello Olha,

Your thoughts are very well put and I align with them. CT is really a crucial skill nowadays, through which we can differentiate mere opinions from facts.

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Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by Mark Mejico Mejico -
1. Is critical thinking important? Why or why not?

Yes, critical thinking is very crucial for cognitive processes wherein we interpret, evaluate and analyze information to influence decision-makings in life.

2. How will the understanding and use of critical thinking benefit you in your life now and in the future?

As a student, it will benefit me in my studies to further understand and analyze the complexity of topics and arrive in a right comprehension.
and personally, it would improve my self-reflection and give new insights in discovering myself more, and it will allow me to navigate and handle challenges and problems effectively.

3. How do emotions affect one's ability to think critically?

One of the factors of having an effective critical thinking is how we manage and process our emotions. Looking in the positive side, enhancing motivation and empathy helps us explore ideas and perspectives leading to a willingness in thinking critically, while the negative side such as bias, impaired judgment, or negative emotions may be a struggle in cognitive processing and critical thinking.
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Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by Beato Candundu -
1. Critical thinking is very important in my life. In every aspect of my life, I have applied critical thinking for me. I have relied upon it that in every step of my thinking process I have done it.
2. In my life, I have relied much on critical thinking that all my decisions are under the influence of critical thinking.
3. Emotions may affect my critical thinking process. It may limit my fairness in judgement making. In this, my limitations may overcloud the critical thinking.
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Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by Paul Vaifanua Jr. -
1. Critical thinking is imperative in even the most trivial matter. The reason being, is that the repercussions of an unsound decision can cause a negative chain reaction. Which can lead to a dichotomy of lesser than preferred options. If not taking ample time to evaluate the possibilities, we’re likely travel a road non-critical thinkers know too well.
2. After many years of poor decision making, critical thinking will help and better prepare me to avoid mistakes, make sound decisions, and permanently shape healthy perspectives necessary in any occasion.
3. i believe emotions are main drivers in many decisions. When we’re angry, compassionate, forgiving, etc. we overlook the detrimental effect of these choices. If we are impulsive in emotional decisions, we’re likely to suffer the consequence again if we aren’t careful. If we aren’t critical in our thinking, we’ll surely exhaust ourselves from the poor decisions we’ve made emotionally.
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Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by connie coker -
1.Is critical thinking important? Why or why not?
Critical thinking is very important, it allows us to interpret, evaluate, and resolve issues.
2.How will the understanding and use of critical thinking benefit you in your life now and in the future?
The understanding and use of critical thinking benefits me now (and my future life) by allowing to be able to break down situations and answer accordingly on my own.
3.How do emotions affect one's ability to think critically?
Emotions can affect one’s ability to think critically due to not thinking ‘clearly’. For example if someone is stressed and dwelling on a certain issue they’re not usually going to be worried about looking at the entire picture of an issue. Emotions can make it hard to fully come to a conclusion with logic and reasoning.
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Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by Seraphim Johnston -
1. Critical thinking enables us to think logically about problems we face in our everyday lives. We can use critical thinking to systematically break down problems, to see where the core issues lie; which in turn enables us to define the problem, gather information about the problem, then build the best solution for the problem. This systematic process will not be achieved on the first try, however, because it requires many cycles of creating and testing different tentative hypotheses based on the information gathered; and this cycle requires the skill of critical thinking, namely the ability to logically analyse propositions and arguments, in order to evaluate and determine the best hypothesis to use. Thus, critical thinking is vital if we want to effectively solve the problems we face in our lives.
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Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by Justice Webster -
Hello Everyone,
Critical thinking is very important, as I began to learn about it I realized quickly that this is something that should have been taught to students in high school. There are so many decisions to be made entering adulthood, and if critical thinking is taught early on, decisions would probably be a lot different then they actually were. Using critical thinking allows a person to see an issue and dissect it from the inside out, thinking about all the possibilities of the decision to be made. Emotions may affect one's ability to critically think, when a person involves their emotions, it is difficult to use critical thinking.
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Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by Osvaldo De Leon -
1. Critical thinking allows us to logically understand an idea or concept. It teaches us the importance of critically analyze something from a logical manner that helps us better think about an idea or concept. Critical thinking allows us communicate and share our ideas in a way that can help anyone, but obviously, the importance of clarity is the key to a critical thinker since others would have a better understanding of what a critical thinker is trying to write. Therefore, critical thinking is important to use in our daily lives as it helps us be open about different avenues of possibilities in a critical way.
2. Critical thinking will help me better understand a person's views and critically analyze mine. I've realized that critical thinking will help me write better and have my ideas flow better in a paper or whenever I speak to someone about a particular topic.
3. I think when emotions are involved in a "heated" debate, one loses sight of the original topic of discussion. I think one should avoid biases as much as possible and analyze things in an objective and critical manner to comprehend a complex issue. If one allows emotions to "govern" our views, then, are we truly critical? I will answer by saying: no.
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Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by Jayne Boehme -
1. Of course! It is the way in which we can get better at thinking and at being better overall human beings.
2. Critical thinking has benefitted me exceedingly much in my life up to this point. I can thank critical thinking for my education. It's because people were willing to think critically that we have advanced as far as we have as a civilization. Critical thinking will benefit me in my life as I continue to learn. It will help me be able to "share my ideas". It is important for so many careers. For me, it will be used as I study law. I liked this quote from the first article, "Being able to think well and solve problems systematically is an asset for any career."
3. Emotions can get in the way. Attitudes bullet point 4 "I do not like to be criticized." This bullet point stuck out the most to me because it is my weakest point. I am generally very open minded and curious, but sometimes when it "becomes" personal, watch out! I am trying to improve on this bad habit every day.
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Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by Crimzon Bruh -
1. Yes absolutely. Without it all our decisions would lack proper substance and sufficient justifications.
2. The ability to make rational decisions is always a plus
3. Biases can cause us to err when conducting analyses and coming to conclusions
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Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by Vishesh Uniyal -
1. Why is critical thinking important?

From my perspective, critical thinking is an important skill that people should have. There may be many reasons for this, some may include:

a) Reasonable conversations: If two or more people can think critically and converse with logic and reason mixed with their own thoughts, it can lead to a well informed community.

b) Less arguments: Arguments usually occur when two parties are not able to understand each other's views and deny each other's ideals. If they have critical thinking skills, they may be able to communicate better, leading to a healthier relationship between people with opposing views.

c) Better Community: A healthier environment between people and better understanding will lead in less prejudice for each other and not progress in aggression with time.

d) More Healthy Intimate Relationships: From what I've heard, many relationships end due to poor or lack of communication. If critical thinking makes communication better, it may lead to healthier relationships and in-turn better lifestyles, influencing the world as a whole.

2. How will the understanding of critical thinking benefit my life and in the future?

I don't intend to talk about my personal goals, all I can say is that I find critical thinking an essential skill for my own skill set.

3. How do emotions affect one's ability to think critically?

Emotions are a part of thinking critically, they help in the reasoning, and analysis of what is more important. I got this idea from the article I read about prefrontal lobotomy (the following is sourced from Britannica, The Editors of Encyclopaedia. "lobotomy". Encyclopedia Britannica, 25 Dec. 2023, https://www.britannica.com/science/lobotomy. Accessed 25 February 2024.)

'A large proportion of such lobotomized patients exhibited reduced tension or agitation, but many also showed other effects, such as apathy, passivity, lack of initiative, poor ability to concentrate, and a generally decreased depth and intensity of their emotional response to life.'

My point here is to convey that emotions help us make our decisions, like:
Is my work meeting is important or going to store to buy a marker?
Is watching a match more important or going to my best friend's birthday party?

Though these examples don't include critical thinking, they do indicate the importance of emotions during our decision-making process. Being overly-emotional or overly-rational can lead to poor decisions. So striving for a balance is the one of the most important part for our critical thinking skill.

Thank you for reading
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Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by Payce Petersen -
1. Yes, critical thinking is very important especially in today's society. Critical thinking is important tool for problem solving.
2. Critical thinking will help me in my life now and in the future by being able to conclude the root cause.
3. Emotions affect critical thinking because emotion drives a person's bias and mental blocks.
In reply to First post

Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by Kevin Hoyos -
The importance of critical thinking relies on its capacity to make individual inside a society more conscientious about their decisions.

Since critical thinking gives you a broader and more insightful perspective on any issue, it will benefit me because I will make better decisions and be more at peace after making them.

When we are influenced by emotion our cognitive process gets biased by the emotion in play. The emotion will give us a lens through which we will think about the world, making us less objective.
In reply to First post

Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by Arsalan Khan -

Critical thinking is important for every graduated or undergraduated students because thinking critically can solve many problem for them. And they will also be clear about what they say and think which is another benefit of critical thinking.

A person could have many benefits from mastering critical thinking. It can allow them to think about their action and mistakes which they will avoid later on.

There are many reason why emotions can affect one's ability to critical thinking. Some people do not like to think about thier mistakes. Another reason is that a person doesn't think critically thinking the other person will not understand them.

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Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by asifa shaikh -
Critical thinking is very important because it allows you to solve problems when the answer isn’t clear. 
How will the understanding and use of critical thinking benefit you in your life now and in the future?
Understanding and utilizing critical thinking skills can benefit my life and future because it can allow me to work through issues on my own, without relying on others.
How do emotions affect one's ability to think critically?
Emotions can drastically affect one’s ability to think critically because critical thinking requires you to think about thinking, and with emotions high it is difficult to focus on your thoughts

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Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by Erin Berger -
Critical thinking is massively important. It forces thinkers to shy away from surface learning, question not only others' sources, biases and personal agendas but think thinkers own sources, biases, personal agenda as well as their assumptions.

Critical thinking benefits us in the present and in the future because we're able to take the information, analyze it, learn from it and apply new processes and technology to optimize whatever it is we are exploring.

Emotions can be complex and cloud up your brain; critical thinking requires the ability to think clearly and rationally. If you can't think objectively, emotions will affect your ability to think critically.
In reply to First post

Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by Daniel Sosa -
  1. Critical thinking is important because it is not just essential for finding out the truth in situations, but it is also required in almost everything in everyday life. For example: When listening to a friend’s conversation about someone they criticize; most people, understandably, will blindly be on their friend’s side of the situation. However, critical thinking is important in this regard because you do not know the other person’s side of the story. You, yourself, might also be criticizing someone when you are not even in the situation. 

  2. The understanding and the use of critical thinking will greatly benefit my personal and professional life because it will be my purpose to always look for the truth. If I blindly believe what other people say, it might hurt me in the end. But if I strive for the truth, the likelyhood of my failure is less likely because the chances of me being blindsided by someone decreases.

  3. Emotional attachment to friends, like in the example I gave above, will create biases in the situation they share with you. Again, since they are your friends, the biases are understood and acknowledged; however, it is not your situation to begin with.

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Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by Corne Botha -
1. Why
What is the truth? Sources of information? Against which standard?
Why not
No need for CT in the past. Other things are more important. Too much thinking, no action.

2. Complex conflicting real life situations
Institutionalized culture of non-compliance
Personal journey with teenage sons

3. Emotions due to:
different standards, and values
Unable to accept my own biases, jump to conclusions
Investigator, Judge, Jury and Prosecutor when highlighting significant risks regarding non-compliance
Personal conflict as a result of business conflict
Strong emotions - red thinking.

Not all students responded to why not (important to consider alternatives)
Other comments/questions based on their responses:
1. Where does emotions emanate from?
2. Emotions - do you respond after thinking, or react immediately.
3. Can CT get to root cause of ALL problems?
4. Better decision making - or is it only 1 tool to assist in decision making?
5. CT required in ALL aspects of life, ALL decisions, avoid ALL mistakes?
6. Judgement after CT or before CT?
7. Enhance learning, communicate effectively, navigate complexities, logical solutions, question assumptions, not only knowledge gathering, fighting disinformation, not to ignore contradicting info, I don't like to be criticized and other biases, emotion as data points - agree
8. CT means you solve on your own, I'm not sure.
9. Solve all arguments? Verbal versus other arguments.
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Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by Imy Thwesakpakde -

1. Critical Thinking is an essential​ part of questioning and reasoning. I think CT is a very important thing in certain situations. It helps us to know whether our decisions had led us in the good or poor direction. It helps us learn to understand the main reason to a problems and find a way to a solution.

2. By understanding CT it can help you resolve problems ​at work or issues that need clarification. It also helps us become a person who have the ability to get through problems face​d with rational reasoning. 

3. Emotions that are overwhelming can affect your thoughts and make you look obviously irrational which can make it harder to find the right solution ​to problems. It also does make you lose your confidence and ruin your self -​esteem.

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Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by WLLM12 G -
1. Yes, critical thinking is important because it enables better decision-making, problem-solving, and fosters a deeper understanding of complex issues.
2. Critical thinking will help me make informed choices, approach challenges with a clear mindset, and adapt to evolving situations, both personally and professionally.
3. Emotions can impact critical thinking by influencing biases and decision-making. Managing emotions is crucial for maintaining objectivity and making rational judgments.
In reply to WLLM12 G

Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by Rehan Ullah -
Critical thinking is indeed crucial in various aspects of life. It refers to the ability to analyze, evaluate, and interpret information objectively and logically, rather than accepting it at face value. Here's why critical thinking is important:

1. **Problem-solving:** Critical thinking enables individuals to identify, assess, and solve problems effectively. By analyzing situations from different perspectives and considering various solutions, individuals can make informed decisions.

2. **Decision-making:** In today's complex world, decisions often have far-reaching consequences. Critical thinking helps individuals weigh the pros and cons of different options, leading to more informed and reasoned decision-making.

3. **Effective Communication:** Critical thinking involves evaluating arguments and evidence, which enhances one's ability to communicate ideas clearly and persuasively. It helps individuals express themselves coherently and defend their viewpoints with logical reasoning.

4. **Learning and Growth:** Critical thinking fosters a mindset of continuous learning and intellectual curiosity. It encourages individuals to seek out new information, challenge their assumptions, and revise their beliefs based on evidence and reasoning.

5. **Empowerment:** Critical thinking empowers individuals to question authority, challenge conventional wisdom, and advocate for change. It helps them navigate through misinformation, propaganda, and manipulation, enabling them to make independent and informed choices.

Understanding and using critical thinking can benefit individuals in both their personal and professional lives. In the present, it equips them with the skills needed to succeed in academic pursuits, navigate social interactions, and make sound decisions. In the future, critical thinking prepares individuals to adapt to new challenges, embrace innovation, and thrive in an ever-changing world.

Emotions can significantly influence one's ability to think critically. Strong emotions, such as fear, anger, or excitement, can cloud judgment and lead to impulsive decision-making. They may bias individuals towards certain beliefs or solutions, hindering their objectivity and rationality. Additionally, emotional reactions may distract individuals from carefully analyzing information and considering alternative perspectives.

However, emotions can also enhance critical thinking when managed effectively. Positive emotions, such as curiosity and empathy, can motivate individuals to seek out diverse viewpoints and engage in deeper reflection. By recognizing and regulating their emotions, individuals can maintain clarity of thought and make more reasoned judgments. Integrating emotional intelligence with critical thinking allows individuals to approach problems holistically, considering both cognitive and affective factors in decision-making.
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Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by Maylen Bellodo -
1.Critical thinking is important because it helps us make informed decisions, solve problems effectively and understand different perspectives. It also encourages self-reflection and adaptability, making it a vital skill in both personal and professional settings.
2. Understanding and using critical thinking will benefit me in such ways, first in problem solving, as a student we are engaging in different learnings, it involves a lot of problem solving in most of the courses I take. Critical thinking also help us in making decisions accordingly, and communicate effectively.
3. In my opinion emotions can both positively and negatively impact someone's critical thinking ability. Strong emotions can introduce bias, and impaired decision making. However, emotional intelligence and positive emotions can enhance critical thinking by promoting open-mindedness, motivation, and creativity. It is important to be aware of our emotions and management them effectively to maintain a balanced and rational approach to critical thinking.
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Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by Braden Earl -
Yes, critical thinking is an essential part of society. The more critical thinkers there are the better off society will be. When I use critical thinking I am able to further understand and take my own desire out of the decisions that I make. It will help me follow through on what really is important. When emotions are involved it is easy to make a rash decision, not giving one the ability to make the best decision.
In reply to Braden Earl

Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by Emma E Wellington -
Good evening!
Interesting post! I noticed you stated emotions lead to rash decision-making, but I wonder if you have thought about the ideas as cohesive? Without emotion, our decisions and opinions are no longer grounded in our beliefs or desires, and without critical thinking, our emotions can cause turbulence without reason or solution. Just a thought! :)
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Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by Kalyn Ealey -
1. Is critical thinking important? Why or why not?
Yes, Critical thinking is imperative to society because it is a skill/tool used to properly communicate and process information, thoughts, and feelings.
2. How will the understanding and use of critical thinking benefit you in your life now and in the future?
Critical thinking benefits me in my life because I'm able to think of my own solutions to my own problems, Better conflict resolution etc.
3. How do emotions affect one's ability to think critically?
Emotions effect critical thinking by swaying how you can feel in the moment if your angry or upset, If your happy you are more willing to do something that may or may not be appropriate for the situation. However, people also use critical thinking WHILE they are experiencing strong emotions, making their thoughts and opinions more fleshed out/having a deeper meaning and understanding to it.
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Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by Andrés Ramírez -
1. Critical Thinking is important because it enhances our way of thinking. It makes us more open-minded towards other points of view. It also helps us to discuss with courtesy and respect with others and lets us formulate discussions and conclusions in a formal way.

2. The use of critical thinking will benefit me because it will make me more open-minded and hyper-aware of my surroundings. In the future, it will help me make better decisions in a business environment.

3. Negative emotions affect one's ability to think critically. When you're angry or upset you may not be able to hear other peoples' point of view properly. The opposite happens with positive emotions. If you're feeling good about yourself and you have your emotions in order, you'll be more aware of your surroundings, will be able to discuss and exchange ideas with others and will be able infer conclusions in an appropriate manner.
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Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

Emotions can significantly impact one's ability to think critically. Here's how:

1. Bias: Emotions can lead to cognitive biases, such as confirmation bias or motivated reasoning, where individuals are more inclined to accept information that aligns with their emotional beliefs rather than objectively evaluating evidence.

2. Impaired judgment: Strong emotions, such as fear, anger, or excitement, can cloud judgment and hinder the ability to assess situations rationally, leading to impulsive or irrational decision-making.

3. Tunnel vision: Intense emotions can narrow focus,

Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by Emma E Wellington -
Good evening!
I really like that you mentioned confirmation bias. I think this is something we are seeing becoming more and more common. I mentioned in my post, and do believe, that critical thinking is imperative because of how much misinformation we have to sift through regularly. It is easy to find unreliable sources that can support claims, but to find the truth is a much more difficult adventure. The idea of confirmation bias allows us to be more mindful of searching for the objective truth, rather than our subjective one.
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Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by Emma E Wellington -
1. In order to best understand ourselves, our environment, and those around us, critical thinking is our greatest tool. Enabling ourselves to question and consider alternatives to different situations only allows us to see the world more diversely and interconnected.
2. Using critical thinking now is more important than ever. In the age of rapidly changing technology, we are inundated with information all the time. We have to be critical of the information we have available, and wonder the true message or intent behind it. It is unfortunately very easy to spread misinformation, and the best way to oppose it is to think critically.
3. Emotional thinking can both help and hinder critical thinking. In many ways, emotional thinking is thought to be the opposite of critical thinking; ideas of emotions running rampant and clouding judgement are common. In reality, they strengthen each other. Without emotional thinking, we wouldn't be able to follow our judgement and form strong opinions. As long as emotional control is practiced when thinking critically, the two ideas can be harmonious.
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Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by Ashley Steigerwaldt -

1. Critical thinking is essential because it allows individuals to analyze, evaluate, and interpret information effectively, leading to informed decision-making and problem-solving.

2. Utilizing and comprehending critical thinking improves decision-making skills, problem-solving abilities, and overall cognitive function, facilitating navigation through diverse life situations both presently and in the future.

3. Emotions have the potential to either bolster or impede critical thinking; while they offer valuable perspectives, they can also obscure judgment and result in biased reasoning if not properly controlled.

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Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by David Pascale -
1. Critical thinking is important for navigating the challenges of family, work, and life.
2. My goal is through improving my critical thinking skills I'll improve my work product and make better financial decisions.
3. My guess is that the ability to think critically declines when one is experiencing intense negative emotions such as anger, depression, and sadness.
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Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by Samuel Klco -
1. Today it is necessary to use critical thinking in every day life, to doubt all the information the world presents to us. So we can distinguish and recognize what information to use and not to use.
2. You will be able to systematically improve your life, solve problems and it can be anything from work to family life.
3. Depends on what emotions. But generally I think that strong emotions will sometimes substitute your thinking and therefore worsen the ability to think critically. But I think emotions can sometimes help you to think. For example when you are feeling good, motivated, energised you will think well.
In reply to Samuel Klco

Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by stacey kavanagh -
When I wrote my response, I didnt think about the positive ways emotions can help with your critical thinking. That was a great thought!
In reply to stacey kavanagh

Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by Jamie Rayot -
I would add that emotions could be helpful in adding a level of "passion" to your critical thinking. It could open up more opportunities for you to explore ideas and thoughts if you have a strong feeling about the subject at hand.
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Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by E T -
Critical thinking? what is this? I don't know what critical thinking is, but I am aware i am thinking. this is is what I am testing. if it is critical, i still yet to know.
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Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by stacey kavanagh -
1) I feel critical thinking is very important in all aspects of our lives. The use of critical thinking allows us to determine the best course of action, determine risk, have thorough discussions and even impacts who we vote for and why.
2) I feel the benefit of critical thinking will help me now as I return back to school to have the best understanding of concepts I will be learning, improve my comprehension of disciplines and be open to topics. In the future, it will encourage my ability to be an impactful contributor to my workplace and enhance my communication with loved ones and peers.
3) I believe emotions play a big part because your emotions are tied to specific thoughts and data, biases and become an obstacle for you to remain open to new thoughts, self reflective and prepared to truly be a critical thinker.
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Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

Critical thinking is important for the individual, enterprise, or society, to improve and increase its efficient functioning.

Understanding critical thinking will help when dealing with false information or arguments. We are entering the age of AI induced obfuscation. Critical thinking is, well, critical...

Emotionality reduces the ability to think critically. Emotions may provide the impetus for thinking critically - but dispassionate thought is probably the best approach.
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Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by Reece Krautkramer -
  1. Is critical thinking important? Why or why not?

Critical thinking is an essential aspect to understanding the complexities and perspectives of all of life's disciplines. One who can think critically is better equipped to handle tough issues and make challenging decisions due to their ability to deconstruct an issue, think of it rationally, in multiple fashions, and construct a well thought solution.

  1. How will the understanding and use of critical thinking benefit you in your life now and in the future?

Critical thinking will help me analyze information and issues with multiple lenses in order to formulate a well rounded opinion that can be defended with thought out reasoning. This will help me now and in my future in personal and career based relationships and issues.

  1. How do emotions affect one's ability to think critically?

Emotions can become a corruptor of critical thought, as one will become an extension of an idea or opinion rather than an objective observer who can adjust their opinion if further information comes to the forefront.

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Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by Ang Jes -

1. Critical thinking is extremely important and is a vital part of understanding and going through life. Not every answer in life is simple or given to you, so critical thinking helps close that gap and helps you fully comprehend why things are the way they are, provide a basis for a strong argument, and helps you to make fully though out decisions. 

2. Understanding the use of critical thinking will benefit anyone in their life now and even in the future. With the skills and thoroughness involved with critical thinking, it’s usage can help us make better and educated decisions. Specifically for me, it will help me figure out what decisions to make in my career path and with my finances. Critical thinking will also help with my future by me using the skills to determine the chances of certain possible future outcomes. 

3. Emotions affect one’s ability to think critically by altering their choices and decisions and losing clarity. Sometimes emotions like fear, jealousy, and love, can take over and guide a decision by adding a bias to the decision making. Critical thinking takes effort to try our best as humans to avoid making biased decisions. 

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Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by Sanika Bari -
I enjoyed your point in section 3 and find it interesting to connect critical thinking and self-regulating emotions. Great job!
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Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by ellen king-simonds -
1. In every area of life, yes. Critical thinking helps us puch ourselves to find the correct answer/decision and forces us to not jump to conclusions based on personal beliefs or emotions.
2. Using critical thinking in my life, will benefit me, my family and coworkers because it allows me to think things through clearly without bias or preconceived ideas
3. It is difficult to seperate emotions from critical thinking, however if we follow the steps to critical thinking, theres a clear path to remove emotions from the equation and think through clearly and make decisions based on facts rather than emotions
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Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by Yasir Mahmood -
1. Yes CT is very important to make decisions.
2. It always helps to understand pros and cons of any decisions.
Emotions greatly affect CT ability. It creates biasness.
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Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by Luis Vargas -
1. Yes, critical thinking is very important because it can make you see things in different perspectives.
2. The benefits of critical thinking is to be able to see things from the outside a little more and to be able to make better decisions and making better solutions.
3. To think emotionally at times one can be very impulsive. Thinking critically can help a person edit themselves better with the proper time needed to make sure that the solution you come to is the best very of the solution
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Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by Michael Starnes -
Critical thinking is very important. It's all about being able to analyze information, understand different perspectives, and make reasoned judgments. Critical thinking helps you tackle problems effectively by breaking them down, evaluating evidence, and coming up with logical solutions. Whether it's choosing a career path or making everyday choices, critical thinking helps you weigh options, consider consequences, and make informed decisions. It's not just about memorizing facts; critical thinking helps you understand concepts deeply, question assumptions, and engage with material more meaningfully. Being able to think critically means you can express yourself clearly, defend your ideas, and engage in constructive dialogue with others. In a world full of information and opinions, critical thinking empowers you to navigate complexities, spot biases, and form your own well-founded opinions. Understanding and using critical thinking can benefit you in life. It helps you become more independent, adaptable, and successful in whatever you pursue. Whether it's in your studies, your career, or your personal life, critical thinking gives you a competitive edge and helps you make better choices.

Emotions can definitely impact how we think critically. Sometimes, strong emotions like fear or anger can cloud our judgment and make it harder to think rationally. For example, if you're really upset about something, it might be tough to consider alternative viewpoints or weigh evidence objectively. Emotions can also be useful in critical thinking. They can provide motivation, spark creativity, and help us empathize with others' perspectives. It's all about finding a balance. Being aware of your emotions and how they're influencing your thinking is key to using critical thinking effectively. So, it's important to learn how to manage emotions and stay rational even when feelings are running high.
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Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by Brianna Amaral -
How do emotions affect one's ability to think critically? - Emotions are extremely powerful in both aspects as a hiderance and as a desire to learn more. The key is to balance between both.
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Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by Melissa Aves -
Critical thinking helps in making clear, decisions. It can enhance problem solving skills and creativity. Emotions can lead to poor decisions, consequences, and a rush to assumptions- a clear head unclouded by feelings is needed.
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Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by monica thompson -
1 - Especially in the age of deep fakes and rapid AI growth, critical thinking is absolutely necessary to keep hold of what truth is and maintain an unbiased opinion.
2 - Without viewing new from a critical eye, it would be difficult to impossible to get a clear view of what is happening in the world and what a person could do to affect change.
3 - Judging a source based on its emotional appeal leaves you vulnerable to misinformation and manipulation.
In reply to monica thompson

Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by Siddika Koly -
I agree with your answers l, specially the third one!
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Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by Aedan Masker -
1. Yes, critical thinking is important for many aspects of life. It allows for non-bias opinions to be made and for new ideas to develop
2. I think critical thinking is an important part of both my job and in general. Take for example any election, critical thinking allows me to check where information is coming from and make informed decisions on who to vote for based on that information. In my job it allows for more effective problem solving.
3. Emotions tend to bias us based on our past experiences and world view. If there is a topic that is close to you or that you already have emotions and preconceived notions about it is harder to take in new information and make a decision based on new evidence rather than your strong emotions
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Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by Steven Requena -
3. Emotions can impede the ability to think without judgement which ultimately can lead to not brainstorming effectively. Emotions can also persuade those in a group setting to feed off of your emotions which can hinder their critical thinking as well.
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Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

1. Making harsh decisions thats because its important to have critical thinking
2. To make unregrettable decision in life.
3. Making a decision affect ones ability depends on the results.
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Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by Siddika Koly -
1. Critical thinking is an important tool for learning effectively and creating new knowledge eventually. It is an essential skill and one that advanced human existence. Critical thinking helps understand the world better as it involves looking at it from different perspective, analyzing and reasoning for advancing with the knowledge gained from the perspective gained.

2. I often rely on my gut feelings for decision making which only hurts me in the long run. As a law student it's a must know skill and this skill will make help me understand myself as well as my profession.

3. Emotions pollute reasoning. It crates a blockage between logical conclusion and the facts presented. It presents biased perspective and drives the decision away from the logical paths.
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Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by Carlo Lionetti -
1. Critical Thinking is a fundamental practice for the growth and development of psychological and behavioral human processes. Critical Thinking creates the better mental structures to intake, process, deliver and retain information, along with the an increased awareness of the self as present and sentient beings.
2. As a Critical Thinking Instructor, I use it on a daily basis to constantly learn personalized approaches to my students' learning, listening and engaging processes.
3. Emotions overload can hinder ones' abilities to think critically and have impulses take control of the decision-making mechanisms. Does this mean that Critical Thinking is an "emotionless" and "cold" mental process? No, I strongly disagree with such depiction of CT. As part of the outcome of our synapsis, emotions need to happen naturally within ourselves and the Critical Thinking will help us in the reaction time, by channelling them towards a more efficient outcome.
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Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by Tadesse Gebrekidan -
1 it is important it helps us to analyze , assess , improve information idea etc

2 to organize ideas and things carefully .
3 emotion naturally have the ability every one to think critically
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Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by Nicholas Greene -
1) Critical thinking is important when the topic is important. Choosing between mac & cheese or mashed potatoes probably isn't life changing, and critical thinking isn't necessary. But on ethical matters, issues with large consequences, or many stakeholders, critical thinking becomes relevant, even necessary.

2) One way critical thinking benefits me is through problem-solving. It provides a framework for analyzing and providing creative solutions to daunting problems. In managing personal debt, for example, critical thinking allows me to coldly consider an otherwise emotionally charged issue.

3) When we are angry, we don't think critically nor carefully consider alternatives. Worse yet, we can get stuck stewing in our anger. A second opinion, especially from someone trustworthy can bring us down and help us see the situation more completely.
In reply to Nicholas Greene

Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by Shaqoria Hay -
I have to say with the comparison that you provided about mac & cheese or mash potatoes those are not major critical think decision, but it still cause individual to make a decision. Now when we are entering the cooperate world we do have to use critical thinking and logical thinking because it is very much needed when trying to provide the most accurate resolution. I know in my day to day job I face being the problem solver to every call. Even though most clients are calling in with emotion I have to think critical and get the job done or follow the process that will get the job done.
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Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by Valentin Ionescu -
1. It is an essential quality in both personal and professional life. First of all, it makes it easier to convey one's own ideas and understand the ideas of others, making communication much more beneficial and productive.

2. I will use critical thinking more by listening and learning from others' perspectives.

3. Being aware of our emotional existence helps us understand that sometimes our thinking is infused with personal biases and emotional states of the moment.
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Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by Asko Liimatainen -
1. Critical thinking is important because it helps us understand things in a more diverse way and question assumptions. It helps us make better decisions based on facts and not prejudices.

2. Understanding critical thinking helps us critically evaluate information sources and identify misleading claims. It also helps to communicate things more clearly and to justify our views better. These skills are useful both in studies and in working life.

3. Emotions can affect critical thinking because they lead to biases. It is important for us to recognize our own feelings and try to evaluate things as objectively as possible based on the facts. Critical thinking often requires putting emotions aside for a while.
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Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by Ryan Theobald -
1) Critical thinking can arguably be one of the most significant topics of education. In order to critically think about something, you must progress higher in the pyramid of Bloom’s Taxonomy. This deeper understanding and ability to dissect a thought, process, idea, system etc. will result in greater productivity and a more educated populace.
2) As stated in response one, critical thinking enables you to pull apart aspects of your life and guide your decisions to achieve goals or end states that you create for yourself. Simon Sinek discusses understating the “why” behind what we are doing and the ability to critically think, bring that into hyper-focus.
3) Emotions inherently cause bias opinions and are rooted in culture and upbringing. Our surroundings shape who we are, how we think, and ultimately how we view the world.
In reply to Ryan Theobald

Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by Shaqoria Hay -
I truly like the way you put this in plain text. Critical thinking is so important and yes one must understand to be able to process why we must think critical. During this discussion I was able to logical think and use my critical skill and apply it to my job and its duties. I have always been a person that has always asked "why" and I guess at time I not only challenging the other individual but my own critical thinking. I do feel that your upbringing does cause you to go off of emotion based on what you may see or what is instilled during childhood.
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Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by Oliver Fleming -


Critical thinking is crucial as it forms the basis for informed discussion. The methods and criteria outlined in CT provide a universal set of standards to hold an argument to, ensuring that a conclusion is only reached after sufficient scrutiny.


As it is applied internally, CT’s effects can be felt in every situation, not being limited by context or relevance. It will help me not only in a professional sense, but in the most fundamental aspects of my personal life; moulding opinions, engaging in meaningful discussion and being able to more effectively comprehend and break down complex problems.


Emotions inherently tie personal biases to the process of reasoning. This leads to a limited perspective, which greatly increases the chance of falling into logical fallacies when confronted with information that contradicts one’s viewpoint.

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Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by Vinicius Amorim Vieira de Sa -
Critical thinking is especially important nowadays, as we are constantly flooded with a tsunami of information. It's fundamental to practice critical thinking to avoid misinformation and to develop the capacity to communicate our ideas effectively.

The benefits of critical thinking are extensive. By systematically improving our reasoning, we can evaluate how we arrive at certain conclusions. This helps us avoid biases and question dogmas. Ultimately, society as a whole benefits from critical thinking because it leads to better consensus and reduces prejudice.

It's common to think that critical thinking is only achieved through strictly logical reasoning. However, this is not entirely true. We can also use our emotions to reflect on what triggers certain thoughts or conclusions. From there, we can reevaluate our ideas using critical thinking. By understanding the emotional triggers behind our beliefs, we can challenge and correct our biases and prejudices through critical thinking.
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Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by alexandria austin -
Is critical thinking important? Why or why not?
Critical thinking is important to make informed decisions. It is important with life altering decisions- where to send your child to school, to buy a house or rent one, where you want to go to college, which career field you may go into. These decisions could have long term effects on the outcome on several different people besides yourself. Critical thinking is not so important on smaller impulse type decisions such as which restaurant to eat at, which ice cream flavor to get, what to have for dinner.

How will the understanding and use of critical thinking benefit you in your life now and in the future?
The benefits for critical thinking could benefit in the future by understanding the cause and effect of decisions. Being able to look at the long term outcomes, cause and effect, and understanding the outcomes of any decision made. Right now I can look at the instant gratification of going out to eat- but understand that I have children that want to play sports, or bills coming up due and may not have the funds to pay for them if I overspend.

How do emotions affect one's ability to think critically?
Emotions play a huge part in critical thinking, they can cause someone to act out impulsively- they either react based on emotions, or are able to step back and go into their natural responses based on the trauma in their lives. For example- someone who is facing conflict at work may decide to just quit- versus working through the problem.
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Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by Lindsay C -
Critical thinking is absolutely crucial, as it empowers individuals to analyze, evaluate, and interpret information effectively, leading to informed decision-making and problem-solving. It is of utmost importance, as it enables individuals to weigh different perspectives and evidence before making decisions, thereby making them more informed and confident in their choices. Critical thinking encourages a systematic approach to problem-solving, allowing individuals to identify and address issues efficiently and effectively. Furthermore, it fosters clear and concise communication, as individuals are able to organize their thoughts coherently, support arguments with evidence, and anticipate counterarguments. It also promotes a curious and open-minded attitude towards learning, which is essential for lifelong learning and personal growth. By using critical thinking, individuals can enhance their career prospects, improve interpersonal relationships, and make informed choices that promote their well-being. Therefore, it is imperative that individuals recognize and manage their emotions effectively to maintain rational thinking and decision-making processes.
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Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by Jenna Reca -
Critical thinking is important because it teaches us to think outside the box and see things we might miss otherwise. The understanding and use of critical thinking will help benefit me in the present by helping me shape my decisions by breaking down a situation and looking at it from all angles. The decisions I make now will shape my future so they will affect my future as well. Emotions are subjective so they can become skewed and dispose us to thinking only inside of ourselves and not seeing the whole picture as it truly is.
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Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by Imad Eddine MARRAKCHI M'RIBHA -
1. I think it's one of the most important things a human being should have because it helps them reflect on themselves and improve their selfawarenes, also prevent them from being a victim of propagandas and the lies especially in our situation where social media has taken over and became the number one source of information thus making our sources less acceptable

2. Earlier in my life it helped me get rid of all the myths that's been taught to me throughout my childhood and to differentiate the facts from opinions or the non-facts in general. And moving forward it would help me build my thoughts more clearly and learn more about myself.

3. I think it makes him more biased in his way of thinking and stops him from expanding his point of view, also may help him think more clearly because when you feel strong about somthing you automatically start to think about arguments supporting your feelings and we can't be sure if it's a good or a bad thing.
In reply to Imad Eddine MARRAKCHI M'RIBHA

Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by Elizabeth Channell -
I like that you talked about childhood. It is interesting how we learn or hear things that we think are good or right at an early age only to come to a different conclusion as an adult. and I agree it is a really important thing as humans we have to live with our decisions so the better thinkers we are the better off we are in all aspects.
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Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by Shaqoria Hay -
1. Is critical thinking important? Why or why not?
Critical thinking is important and is used daily to help us make decisions as we may do things daily. When we are using critical thinking, we are allowing ourselves to make logical decisions not based off what we think or of what another individual may believe. Critical thinking is need on the daily to provide resolution for different situation or even when just having a conversation with someone about a particular topic. Critical thinking allows us to assess information and provide logical conclusion.
2. How will the understanding and use of critical thinking benefit you in your life now and in the future?
I honestly think that in my current job position as a tech using critical thinking will allow me to make more logical decisions. This will allow me to assess certain steps and be able to help resolve different problems that will provide resolution. I think now that I fully understand what it is to use critical thinking it will allow me to be a better individual and understand certain decision I may make in my future as far as communicating, and being able to fully help my team members when they are needing assistant with clients who are having issue and have experienced repeated issues.
3. How do emotions affect one's ability to think critically?
As humans we often allow our emotions to make the decision for us. When you use critical thinking, it allows you to make logical decision not based on what we think, and we believe. Thinking off emotions can cause us to make rational thoughts. Often time thinking with our emotions cause us to place ourselves in not so good situation and have a bad effect because we decided to think with emotion. Using your emotions basically stops you from being able to use your critical thinking at times. I see this daily working my job how emotion effect decision to allow critical thinking to get a resolution.
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Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by Cara Duncan -
Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking
Tuesday, January 16, 2024, 2:47 PM
Number of replies: 103
Consider these questions from a variety of angles. Then, share your thoughts on the discussion forum. Make sure to review and respond to other students' posts, as well.

Is critical thinking important? Why or why not?
How will the understanding and use of critical thinking benefit you in your life now and in the future?
How do emotions affect one's ability to think critically?
*My answers*
I absolutely think critical thinking is important, it helps in decision making and arriving at better choices.
It helps you gather knowledge, and quickly process and analyze information.
When we approach issues in a positive way, we are more open minded and think more critically for potential solutions.
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Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by Danny Medoff -
Good morning and thank you for the opportunity to both share and read what everyone else has shared. Thank you all for being you.

1. Yes and No. Yes if you want to be more independent while also accepting that you can ask for help and that you are part of a bigger world. No if you are okay with trying to do everything by yourself or relying on constant help from not you.

2. Understanding and using the skill of critical thinking benefits me right now and in the future by helping me stay present, calm, focused, compassionate, and ready to take action in a constantly changing world.

3. Emotions can affect one's ability to think critically both beneficially and detrimentally. If you can accept that emotions are always a part of us and practice emotional intelligence, then emotions can help you immensely. If you don't want to accept your emotions and what they're trying to tell you, then emotions can hinder you.
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Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by liel Mashiach -
Critical thinking is essential because it helps make informed decisions, solve problems effectively, and understand complex issues.

Understanding and using critical thinking can benefit you by enhancing your decision-making skills, improving problem-solving abilities, and promoting rational and logical thinking, which are valuable in various aspects of life, such as work, relationships, and personal development.

Emotions can both aid and hinder critical thinking. Positive emotions can enhance creativity and open-mindedness, while negative emotions can cloud judgment and bias decision-making. Managing emotions effectively is crucial for maintaining clear and rational thinking.
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Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by Ryan Pimentel -

1.)Yes critical thinking is important. In our day to day life we often encounter a problems, arguments, decisions making, that needs the ability to critically think to come up with a better solution.

2.) As of now, understanding the use of critical thinking well help me to evaluate may decisions, become open minded and it well also help to think outside the box. It well also contribute to my professional development especially that many Employer prepare to hire those candidates who has a skills in critical thinking. And in the near future as I continue to developed this skill, it well be a big asset to come up a better solution when arguments arise.

3.) Emotions are sometimes a hindrance to think critically,  but yes Emotions are very important because it tells what's inside in our hearts. But we should have to be very careful to handle our emotions especially when we are arguing with someone else. 

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Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by Bridgett Pittman -
Is critical thinking important?
Yes, critical thinking helps you think outside of the first instinctive reaction to find the logical solution/response.
How will the understanding and use of critical thinking benefit you in your life now and in the future?
Critical thinking will help me see different perspectives that I initially wouldn't have realized from the first thought. Honestly it a key point in developing connections with others in areas inside and outside of your personal life.
How do emotions affect one's ability to think critically?
Using critical thinking as a tool will help you fully understand a concept or situation without taking it out of context. We often overreact to things out of emotion instead of asking more questions and thinking outside of the initial thought. Critical thinking is a vital tool in society.
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Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by Tiffany Jones -
Absolutely, critical thinking is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, it enables individuals to analyze information effectively, discerning between fact and opinion, identifying biases, and evaluating the credibility of sources. In an era inundated with information from various sources, being able to sift through this data critically is essential for making informed decisions. Moreover, critical thinking fosters creativity and innovation. By questioning assumptions and exploring alternative perspectives, individuals can generate new ideas and solutions to complex problems. This skill is invaluable in both personal and professional settings, where adaptability and innovation are highly prized. Additionally, critical thinking promotes intellectual autonomy and independence. Rather than accepting information passively, critical thinkers engage actively with ideas, challenging them and refining their own understanding in the process. This ability to think for oneself is empowering and contributes to lifelong learning and personal growth. Ultimately, managing emotions effectively is essential for fostering optimal critical thinking skills. This might involve techniques such as mindfulness, emotional regulation strategies, or simply taking a step back to reflect before making decisions. By acknowledging and understanding the role of emotions in the thinking process, individuals can cultivate a more balanced and effective approach to critical thinking.
In reply to Tiffany Jones

Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by Zion Kelly -
Your response to the first question was insightful and well thought out. I completely agree with the point of using critical thinking skills to sift out the incorrect or false spread of information in today's society. With the advancement of social media and widespread information, I can be easy to be led astray if the majority of the information spread is incorrect, especially in a society where it is believed that the "majority rules."
In reply to Tiffany Jones

Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by Elizabeth Channell -
Totally agree with you. Do you think that social media influences people in there decision making process? I have a teenage daughter and it worries me that she may be influenced by others when making decisions for herself.
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Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by Zion Kelly -
1. Is critical thinking important? Why or why not?
- Critical thinking is vital in all aspects of life. In order to progress, adapt, understand, and comprehend, you must use critical thinking to gain insight on solutions to issues.

2. How will the understanding and use of critical thinking benefit you in your life now and in the future?
- The understanding and use of critical thinking will benefit me now and in the future by helping me look for solutions in situations where they are not readily available. There will be times when understanding a concept or idea will be difficult, however, I will be able to get the results I want by using critical thinking skills.

3. How do emotions affect one's ability to think critically?
- Emotions can either benefit or harm one's ability to think critically. Emotions can help push someone into thinking critically to understand something or be a boost in determination/ morale. On the other hand, emotions can also lead someone blindly or cause them to think within the box rather than outside the box.
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Re: Discussion: The Importance of Critical Thinking

by Elizabeth Channell -
1. Is critical thinking important? Why or why not?
-Yes, Critical thinking is an important part of people's everyday life. Applying critical thinking helps you make decisions that need a lot of consideration. Life-changing decisions, like marriage or starting a family, are assisted by critical thinking, which helps you to research and use logic over emotional responses. I feel that critical thinkers can see tasks from several different perspectives. By deflecting the reaction to defend their personal beliefs, critical thinkers can be more likely to change their minds and opinions when considering new information.

2. How will the understanding and use of critical thinking benefit you in your life now and in the future?
-With critical thinking, I can challenge difficulties with confidence and communicate my thoughts and ideas more clearly. Critical thinking will help in all my current and future college classes as well as my current job. It can help with health issues, financial decisions as well as future career endeavors. I hope to use it as a tool to stop and think a little more about tougher decisions instead of just reacting to my initial thoughts. Jumping the gun can sometimes get me into trouble or require me to backpedal and retract previous decisions.

3. How do emotions affect one's ability to think critically?
-Emotions can play a big role in one's ability to think critically. Anger and frustration can negatively impact a decision that if once cooled off may have a significant impact. Joyful and “rose-colored glasses” made decisions could cloud your judgment on say a relationship. think that any major decisions should be thought about at a later time when one is in an extreme emotional state.