Discussion: Creative Thinking

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Discussion: Creative Thinking

Number of replies: 10

Consider your experiences with thinking creatively. In particular, using a personal experience as an example, discuss whether and to what extent one of the strategies in this section for thinking creatively has been or would have been helpful. 

Share your thoughts on the discussion forum. Make sure to review and respond to other students' posts, as well.

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Re: Discussion: Creative Thinking

by Desiree Polo -
One strategy I can analyze is reframing, which involves looking at a problem or situation from a different perspective. Imagine you're writing a story but struggling to create a compelling conflict. Reframing could involve:

Shifting the protagonist's goal: Instead of striving for success, they might now seek redemption.
Changing the antagonist's motivation: What if their actions stem from fear instead of malice?
Altering the setting: Move the story from a bustling city to a secluded island, changing the dynamic.
While I can't claim personal experience, studies suggest reframing can boost creativity. Here's how it might play out in your writing:

Identify the "stuck" point: Is it a predictable plot, unrelatable characters, or lack of tension?
Choose a reframing method: Pick one of the above or invent your own!

Apply the new perspective: See how it impacts your story elements and overall vision.
Evaluate and iterate: Does it spark new ideas? Refine further based on your assessment.
Remember, reframing isn't about finding the "right" answer. It's about exploring multiple viewpoints to unlock unforeseen possibilities. So, experiment, have fun, and see where your story takes you!
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Re: Discussion: Creative Thinking

by Olha Semeniuk -
One strategy for thinking creatively that I've found particularly helpful in my own experiences is the concept of reframing problems or situations. Essentially, reframing involves looking at a problem or situation from different perspectives or angles to uncover new insights or solutions.

In a personal experience, I once faced a challenging project at work that seemed overwhelming due to its complexity and tight deadline. Initially, I approached the project with a sense of anxiety and frustration, focusing on all the obstacles and potential pitfalls. However, I realized that my negative mindset was hindering my ability to come up with innovative solutions.

Applying the strategy of reframing, I consciously shifted my perspective by asking myself questions like: "What opportunities does this project present?" "How can I leverage my resources and strengths to overcome obstacles?" "What would a successful outcome look like, and how can I work backwards from there?"

By reframing the problem in this way, I was able to see it as a chance to showcase my skills and creativity rather than as an insurmountable challenge. I started brainstorming unconventional approaches and collaborating with colleagues to generate fresh ideas. This shift in mindset not only helped me come up with viable solutions but also boosted my confidence and motivation.

In hindsight, I believe that embracing the strategy of reframing was instrumental in navigating that difficult project successfully. It allowed me to break free from limited thinking patterns and tap into my creative potential to find innovative solutions. Moreover, I've since made a habit of applying reframing techniques to various aspects of my life, from personal challenges to professional endeavors, and have consistently found it to be a valuable tool for fostering creativity and problem-solving.
In reply to Olha Semeniuk

Re: Discussion: Creative Thinking

by Shaqoria Hay -
Your post got my attention because this is something that I also use daily reframing issues and also providing accurate resolution to my customer is something that I am driven to do. Often times i find my self maybe speaking in terms customer may not understand which cause me to reword of rephrase what I am saying. In the work as some one who works with technology daily I have had to make it a habit of making sure customer is understand what needs to be done to be able to successful get eh customer back up and working or to lead them in the correct direct.
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Re: Discussion: Creative Thinking

by Catherine Quinn -
In my experience, one strategy that has consistently proven to be helpful for fostering creativity is group collaboration. I firmly believe in the adage that "two minds are better than one," and I have found it immensely beneficial to engage in brainstorming sessions and idea exchanges with my peers. Collaborative teamwork has consistently yielded the most innovative and successful outcomes for me, particularly when individuals with diverse skill sets and areas of expertise come together with a shared goal.

One specific example of the effectiveness of group creativity in my personal experience is in the realm of creative projects, particularly short film production. While one person may initially conceive the concept and draft the screenplay, the collaborative process involves multiple iterations and extensive peer review. Each member of the team contributes their unique perspectives and insights, leading to the refinement and enhancement of the original idea. By creating a judgment-free and open environment, where constructive criticism is encouraged and valued, we are able to leverage the collective creativity of the group to achieve the best possible outcome.

Through this collaborative approach, I have witnessed firsthand how the synergy of multiple minds working together can lead to greater creativity and innovation. By harnessing the collective intelligence and creativity of the group, we are able to explore a broader range of ideas, overcome creative blocks, and ultimately produce work of higher quality. This collaborative process not only fosters creativity but also promotes mutual learning and growth, as individuals contribute their unique perspectives and learn from one another's experiences. Overall, group creativity has been instrumental in enhancing the quality and creativity of my work and has become an integral part of my creative process.
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Re: Discussion: Creative Thinking

by asifa shaikh -
In my experience, one strategy that has consistently proven to be helpful for fostering creativity is group collaboration. I firmly believe in the adage that "two minds are better than one," and I have found it immensely beneficial to engage in brainstorming sessions and idea exchanges with my peers. Collaborative teamwork has consistently yielded the most innovative and successful outcomes for me, particularly when individuals with diverse skill sets and areas of expertise come together with a shared goal.

One specific example of the effectiveness of group creativity in my personal experience is in the realm of creative projects, particularly short film production. While one person may initially conceive the concept and draft the screenplay, the collaborative process involves multiple iterations and extensive peer review. Each member of the team contributes their unique perspectives and insights, leading to the refinement and enhancement of the original idea. By creating a judgment-free and open environment, where constructive criticism is encouraged and valued, we are able to leverage the collective creativity of the group to achieve the best possible outcome.

Through this collaborative approach, I have witnessed firsthand how the synergy of multiple minds working together can lead to greater creativity and innovation. By harnessing the collective intelligence and creativity of the group, we are able to explore a broader range of ideas, overcome creative blocks, and ultimately produce work of higher quality. This collaborative process not only fosters creativity but also promotes mutual learning and growth, as individuals contribute their unique perspectives and learn from one another's experiences. Overall, group creativity has been instrumental in enhancing the quality and creativity of my work and has become an integral part of my creative process.

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Re: Discussion: Creative Thinking

by Rehan Ullah -
One strategy for thinking creatively is to practice reframing problems or situations. By looking at challenges from different perspectives or reframing them in a new context, we can often uncover innovative solutions or approaches.

A personal experience where this strategy was helpful occurred when I was working on a project that required finding a solution to reduce production costs while maintaining quality standards. Initially, I approached the problem by focusing solely on cutting expenses in the manufacturing process. However, after discussing the issue with colleagues and mentors, I realized that I was framing the problem too narrowly.

Using the strategy of reframing, I shifted my perspective to consider alternative approaches. Instead of solely focusing on cost-cutting measures within production, I began to explore other areas of the business where improvements could be made to reduce overall expenses. This led me to reconsider aspects such as supply chain management, inventory control, and product design.

By reframing the problem in this broader context, I was able to identify several creative solutions that had not been considered previously. For example, implementing just-in-time inventory management, renegotiating supplier contracts, and redesigning certain product components to reduce materials and labor costs.

In hindsight, this experience highlighted the importance of stepping back from the initial problem framing and exploring different perspectives. Had I not employed the strategy of reframing, I may have overlooked valuable opportunities for cost savings and innovation.

In the discussion forum, I would share this personal experience and encourage classmates to reflect on their own experiences with reframing problems creatively. I would invite them to discuss how this strategy has been helpful in their own endeavors and to share any insights or tips they have for applying it effectively. Engaging in such discussions allows us to learn from each other's experiences and enhance our ability to think creatively in various contexts.
In reply to Rehan Ullah

Re: Discussion: Creative Thinking

by Shaqoria Hay -
Oh this seems like a big take, but I am sure you did amazing. Trying to find effective ways can always have it ups and down. Trust me know because working in the tech world people think technology never fails. Sometime we do have to work in group setting to be able to re-ask ourselves question to gain a better understanding to see if the question we may be bring forward is actually what we need to focus on. I know I am a overthinking and a perfectionist which does not mix well so I often have many of drafts when I am working with customer because I like to stay a step ahead and be able to being different option so that way the customer knows hey if this doesn't work we can try this.
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Re: Discussion: Creative Thinking

by Sanika Bari -
ne strategy for thinking creatively that I've found particularly helpful in my own experiences is the concept of reframing problems or situations. Essentially, reframing involves looking at a problem or situation from different perspectives or angles to uncover new insights or solutions.

In a personal experience, I once faced a challenging project at work that seemed overwhelming due to its complexity and tight deadline. Initially, I approached the project with a sense of anxiety and frustration, focusing on all the obstacles and potential pitfalls. However, I realized that my negative mindset was hindering my ability to come up with innovative solutions.

Applying the strategy of reframing, I consciously shifted my perspective by asking myself questions like: "What opportunities does this project present?" "How can I leverage my resources and strengths to overcome obstacles?" "What would a successful outcome look like, and how can I work backwards from there?"

By reframing the problem in this way, I was able to see it as a chance to showcase my skills and creativity rather than as an insurmountable challenge. I started brainstorming unconventional approaches and collaborating with colleagues to generate fresh ideas. This shift in mindset not only helped me come up with viable solutions but also boosted my confidence and motivation.

In hindsight, I believe that embracing the strategy of reframing was instrumental in navigating that difficult project successfully. It allowed me to break free from limited thinking patterns and tap into my creative potential to find innovative solutions. Moreover, I've since made a habit of applying reframing techniques to various aspects of my life, from personal challenges to professional endeavors, and have consistently found it to be a valuable tool for fostering creativity and problem-so
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Re: Discussion: Creative Thinking

by Michael Starnes -
One strategy for thinking creatively that I've found helpful in various situations is brainstorming. Recently, I was working on a project where I needed to come up with innovative marketing ideas for a new product launch. At first, I found myself struggling to generate fresh and original concepts that would truly capture the target audience's attention.

Reflecting on my experiences with brainstorming, I decided to gather a diverse group of colleagues from different departments to participate in a brainstorming session. We set aside dedicated time, created a relaxed and open atmosphere, and encouraged everyone to contribute ideas without judgment.

During the brainstorming session, I noticed that the strategy of "thinking outside the box" was particularly effective. Instead of sticking to conventional marketing approaches, we challenged ourselves to explore unconventional and unexpected ideas. For example, one team member suggested creating a viral social media campaign using user-generated content, while another proposed hosting immersive experiential events to showcase the product's unique features.

In hindsight, I believe that the strategy of "thinking outside the box" played a crucial role in stimulating creativity and generating innovative marketing ideas. By encouraging unconventional thinking and embracing diverse perspectives, we were able to break free from traditional constraints and explore new avenues for promoting the product.

Looking back, I realize that employing this strategy more deliberately from the outset would have been even more beneficial. By proactively encouraging creative thinking and providing a structured framework for brainstorming, we could have unlocked even greater potential and generated even more groundbreaking ideas.

Overall, my personal experience highlights the value of thinking creatively and employing strategies like brainstorming to overcome challenges and drive innovation. By embracing unconventional thinking and fostering a collaborative environment, we can tap into our collective creativity to achieve truly remarkable outcomes.
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Re: Discussion: Creative Thinking

by Shaqoria Hay -
As a tech I am often placed in situation were creatively thinking is used. I was working with a client who was having issue with a device not activating on their account.
During these calls I am always thinking how can I resolve the issue on the call? Is this an issue on my companies end? How long has this line been on the account? Is the software and firmware up to date? Is this device and approve BYOD(Bring your own device)? Which is me using the defining strategy so that was I can resolve the issue.
Also speaking in term that the customer can understand to be able to provide we with the answers I am needing. It allows me to be able to also locate in my resources if I am unsure about the issue at hand. It also allows me to be able to provide a quick response. When I have came up with the answer and I know what the issue is it make me feel confident that I was able to confirm with my tools that the issue is not on my companies that customer actually has a device they is not on our approved list cause this line number is working but device is not connection to the network due to device not being approved.
When working in the tech world I have learned you have to be quick, confident and very honest so that way you can gain the trust of the individual that you may be working with so that way they can be able to get their issue resolved within whatever deadline they have to meet.